1. All manuscripts submitted for publication should be in English. All submissions, or queries, should be sent by email to: [email protected]. A submission implies that the research work has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and is approved by all authors. The journal also has the policy to verify the originality of the submissions through originality detection service.
2. Each request for a book review in the journal must be accompanied by one copy of the relevant book, which should be submitted to: The Editor, The Pakistan Development Review, Post Box 1091, Islamabad-44000, Pakistan.
3. Manuscripts will be accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are original contributions to knowledge in social science fields.
4. All articles should be organised into the following sections: (i) Abstract of 150 words highlighting major contribution and summary of findings followed by JEL classification and at least six Keywords, (ii) Introduction covering the hypotheses, objectives of the work, adequate background and literature review highlighting the key gaps in the literature and how the research fills those gaps, (iii) Data and Methodology, (iv) Results and Discussion, and (v) Conclusions and Policy Implications. Sub-sections should carry clear and distinct sub-headings.
5. Each manuscript should be typed single-spaced in times new roman font size 12 (MS WORD) on one side of quarto sheets and should carry a margin of an inch and a half on the left-hand side of the typed page and of at least an inch on each of the remaining three sides. The total word count of the manuscript should be between 6000-8000 words.
6. The first page of the manuscript should contain: the self-explanatory title of the paper, the name(s) of author(s), and a footnote giving the current affiliation of the author(s), funding agency (if any) and any acknowledgements.
7. As a courtesy to referees, detailed derivations of the main mathematical results reported in the text should be submitted separately along with the articles.
8. Tables for the main text and each of its appendices should be numbered serially and separately. The title of each table as well as the captions of its columns and rows should be clearly expressive of the contents. The source of the table should be given in a footnote immediately below the line at the bottom of the table; but, unlike other footnotes, which must be numbered consecutively, it should not be numbered.
9. Graphs should be sent in editable form and not as pictures. They should be presented in a way that is best suited for black and white printing.
10. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. Each appendix and each table should have a separate set of footnotes.
11. All references should be arranged on APA style which should be organised through electronic referencing management softwares such as Mendeley and EndNote.
12. The author(s) of each article will receive complimentary copies of The Pakistan Development Review in which the relevant contribution appears.
13. Any change in the names of the author(s) after the initial submission is not allowed. Author(s) should make sure to list the names of all contributors, their order and corresponding author before submission.
14. The Journal strictly follows all ethical considerations. At the time of submission, the author(s) are required to disclose potential “conflict of interests” that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work.
15. The journal has no processing/publication fee.
Nadeem ul Haque
University of Chicago, USA
Associate Editors
Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
Omer Siddique
Associate Editors
The New School University, USA
Mian Imran Ul Haq
Literary Editor