

An Energy Input-Output Table of Pakistan for 1979-80 and Some Applications

In order to enhance the indigenous supply of energy, Pakistan has launched various investment programmes as a consequence of which 28 percent and 43.2 per• cent of total public investment has been invested in the energy sector, respectively, in the Fifth and the Sixth Five Year Plans. However, despite the sharp increase in investment for indigenous exploration and production, the domestic supply of energy has registered an insignificant increase. Despite substantial increases in energy prices, the growth of the commercial primary energy consumption has increased from 6.8 percent per annum in 1973•74 1979•80 to 7.8 percent per annum in 1979•80 – 1984-85. In fact, Pakistan’s energy policies have not succeeded in delinking the growth rate of GPP from primary energy consumption, which has partly been achieved in industrialized countries and in many developing countries. For the period of 1973•74 to 1979•80, the primary energy/ GDP elasticity was 1.20, whereas, it has increased to 1.24 for 1979•80 to 1984-85.

Peter Pintz, Ivo C. Havinga

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