About The Library
Library Service requires that it provide services that are professionally operated and that it facilitate the promotion of intellectual/talent development, the stimulation of thought, and the educational and recreational needs of the mind as well as the informational requirements of the community. The Library Services will be a central facilitator for educational, recreational and information needs of the whole community. The Library of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) is basically a specialized departmental library cum information center. The PIDE Library was set up in 1957, to provide lending and reference services to the PIDE researchers and the students.
The Library has also been designated as the Depository Library for the Asian Development Bank (ADB); International Development Research Center (IDRC); International Labor Office (ILO) and the World Bank.

Muzzammil Ahmad
Phone: 051-9248062
Fax: 051-9248065
EMail: [email protected]
Circulation Desk: 051-9248041
- To provide reading and research materials basically to the researchers and the students of the PIDE.
- To provide reference and reading facilities to the other researchers and policy makers like Planning Commission, students and teachers of the Quaid-i-Azam University and other institutions of learning and research within the PIDE premises
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM