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The study clearly supports the argument that if parents areprovided better facilities for education and health, they wouldcertainly prefer to utilise these for MeR! leading to better chances ofchild survival. Educated mothers particularly have shown that given theresources at their control, their preference is certainly for betterhealth care. This suggests that mothers when able to make independentdecisions do emphasise child health care. The majority of the ruralpopUlation which is nearly 70 percent of the total popUlation have thehighest child mortality. This may not only reflect maldistribution oftrained manpower and other facilities, but may also be due to low levelsof literacy, poor sanitation, low incomes and lack of access of relevanthealth facilities. The factors such as, post delivery maternal -care,prenatal care, postnatal care were also analysed and showed that childrisks were substantially less particularly for urban educated mothers.Thus, the differential, in the urban vs rural health care can be reducedfurther by improving overall living conditions rather than furtheradvances in medical care [Rohde (1983)]. The mortality transition thatthe developed countries experienced in the past was characterised bysocio-economic progress [Palloni (1981)].

Khaleda Manzoor

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