Pakistan Institute of Development Economics



Desire for No More Children and Contraceptive Use in Pakistan

Author: Abdul Hakim

Pakistan has been experiencing rapid population growth since the second half of this century. The growth rate accelerated after the 1950s as a result of the decline in mortality coupled with sustained high fertility. The area constituting Pakistan had a population of 16.6 million in 1901, 33.7 million in 1951, and 126 million in 1994 [Hakim (1994), p. 2]. Recognising the problem of rapid population growth, Pakistan has been trying to control it through different family planning strategies and approaches since the 1960s. However, various surveys indicate that the rate of success in family planning has not been encouraging. So far, the population welfare programme has achieved a sizeable recognition of the need for family planning but the actual use of family planning methods remains limited. The use of family planning methods in Pakistan is determined by various. factors and may vary between different segments of the population according to various socio-economic, cultural, and economic factors. It is also possible that a woman does not want more children but cannot use family planning methods because of seclusion or her subordinate position in the family [Hakim (1992)]. However, the desire for children is one of the main reasons considered in this connection.

Abdul Hakim