Energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan
P & R Vol.2 Issue 5
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Energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan

Publication Year : 2021

Energy efficiency and conservation have not remained popular in our energy strategies. There is a lack of awareness of its overall benefits. PIDE arranged the webinar in collaboration with the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NECCA) to highlight the significance of energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan for sustainable and secure energy supplies for the future. NECCA has the mandate to initiate, catalyse and coordinate in all energy conservation activities in the economy. The authority primarily focuses on the inefficient use of energy in the industry, agriculture, transport, energy and buildings, which is putting huge pressure on the overall country’s resources. NECCA is interlinking research and development and climate change obligations with energy efficiency and conservation strategy. Pakistan has the potential to save up to 10 to 12 million TOE of primary energy supplies. The authority is targeting to achieve 3 million TOE of energy saving by 2025 through various interventions in all the sectors. Besides, improvement in energy productivity can contribute up to 5% of GDP in the next five to seven years.