Expansion and Evaluation of Social Sciences Disciplines in the Public Sector Universities of Pakistan from 1947 to 2013
New tools and technologies have changed the existing social order of society and due to this new social order a new knowledge about society is emerged what is known as “Social Sciences”. During the 19th century social sciences were disciplined and institutionalised in the form of established departments in the Western universities. In Pakistan, universities doing research and teaching in the various fields of social sciences since the independence and the development started particularly from 1960. The evaluation of social sciences is the part of academic activity in developed countries but in Pakistan, the evaluation of academic disciplines remained underdeveloped. The purpose of this research study was to examine the expansion and to evaluate the social sciences in Pakistan. The sample consisted of 60 departments of social sciences from five disciplines (Economics, History, Political Science, Journalism and Sociology) taken from 17 public sector universities of Pakistan. The expansion of social sciences was looked in terms of university, department and faculty strength, while the evaluation of these academic disciplines were measured by the qualification profile of teachers teaching postgraduate classes in public sector universities of Pakistan. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are applied in this research. For the theoretical grounds dependency theory is applied and discussed the intellectual dependency of underdeveloped states on developed states. In Pakistan the extension and expansion of higher education is without any proper planning and policy and due to that reason social sciences disciplines were facing different challenges of specialised faculty, research methodologies and relevant research. In Pakistan, as an indicator higher education was very low comparatively to other countries.