Pakistan Institute of Development Economics



Factor Inputs Use and Farm Productivity on Different Farm Categories in the Punjab

Author: Abdul Salam

The question of relative farm efficiency, reflected by various productivity indices, under different farming situations and arrangements such as farm size and tenure, has been the focus of attention of development economists for a long time. It is also a matter of considerable interest and concern for the politicians and policy makers, especially, in developing countries striving to increase their farm production. Empirical studies under traditional agricultural conditions [4, pp.815-34] indicated higher output per acre obtaining on small farms as compared to large farms because of intensive cultivation practised on the small farms. With the introduction of “Green Revolution” technology the debate about the distribution of gains of new technology and its impact under different farming situations has assumed special significance. Under increasing population pressure, deteriorating land man ratio in most of the developing countries and rapidly changing agricultural environments, it is important to know how different farm categories compare with each other in terms of their factor inputs use and farm productivity in order to chart out a course of action for increasing farm output. This paper using micro level farm data compares the use of various factor inputs and farm productivity prevailing on different farm categories. These data relate to 1972-1973 cropping year and were collected through a field survey in which 192 farmers operating farm area of upto 50 acres and located in 16 villages of Gujranwala and Sahiwal districts of the Punjab were interviewed.* It is hoped that the analysis attempted here will be of some help in providing guidelines for agricultural development in the province.

Abdul Salam

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