H. S. R. Kao, D. Sinha, N. Sek-Hong (eds). Effective Organisations and Social Values. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994. 352 pages. Hardbound: Indian Rs 325.00.
Author: Zafar Mahmood.
This book contains interesting studies on an important topic, i.e., effective management, which is a prerequisite to increase the productivity of enterprises. It is divided into three parts: ‘Chinese Culture and Chinese Management’, ‘Work Values and Work Organisations’, and ‘Leadership, Management Style, and Organisational Change’. All essays, except three, have been selected from the ‘International Symposium on Social Values and Effective Organisations’, held at the National University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, on November 26–30, 1988. The book examines the impact of cultural and social values on organisational structure and work habits.
Zafar Mahmood.