

Immunisation and Infant Mortality in Pakistan

Author: Zubeda Khan

Our children are our future and if we want them to grow up healthy and strong, we have to protect them from the six dreadful diseases through immunisation which attack them in early childhood. This can be achieved by giving the children one dose of BCG vaccine against tuberculosis and zero dose of Polio at birth [Government of Pakistan (1989»), three doses of DPT vaccine for prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Three doses of polio vaccine and one dose of measles vaccine should be given before their first birthday. Since the mother is the agent through which a child can receive the vaccinations, it is important that mothers are made aware of the different kinds of immunisation for the children and the times in the child’s age at which it should be given. This can only be done successfully, if the ministry of health launches a fullscale publicity programme. For this purpose, the services of local influential persons, for example the Imams of mosques and school teachers should be sought. Social workers and volunteers should also be included in the publicity programme. An extensive advertising campaign through display of posters about the six preventable diseases shown at all prominent public places, at the hospitals and the health centres should be done. Pamphlets should be handed out in the public, and even supplied on every door step. Public awareness can be increased through radio and television.

Zubeda Khan

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