Jane Smith. Empowering People. New Delhi: Kogan Page India (Pvt.) Limited. 2002. 119 pages. Indian Rs 140.00.
Managing organisations and managing people in our ever-changing and complex environment is a tough task, which requires integration on the part of the management and the workforce. Empowerment is a buzzword these days, and almost all organisations are focusing on using empowerment as a means of adapting to an environment of fast-changing business world. Empowerment does not only benefit the organisation but also the individuals involved. In the process, both those who are empowering and the ones who are being empowered share decision-making. Thus, empowerment is a mutual process, which is vital to the success of the organisation and all those linked to the organisation directly and indirectly. It is surely one of the most common business trends, and certainly an issue which all good managers should be aware of.