Pakistan Institute of Development Economics



John Cody, Helen Hughes and David Wall (eds.). Policies for Industrial Progressin Developing Countries – A Study jointly Sponsored by UNIDO and the World Bank. New York: Oxford University Press (for the World Bank). 1980. Paper Back Edition. ix + 316 pp.

The book under review is a compendium of acticles by eminent economists including W. M. Corden, Amartya Sen, Ronald McKinnon, Deepak Lal and others. These economists who have had much experience with policy-making in developing countries evaluate the different policies undertaken by governments to facilitate industrial progress in the less developed countries. Of particular importance among these policies are those that deal with the balance of payments, exchange control, licensing, tariffs, quotas, etc. As noted by the editors the manufacturing sector has been largely responsible for industrial development; as such the subject matter of all the articles is related to this sector only.

Mir Annice Mahmood

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