

Malcolm Harper. Public Services through Private Enterprise: Micro- Privatisation for Improved Delivery. (Shorter Notices-2000-1)

Malcolm Harper. Public Services through Private Enterprise: Micro- Privatisation for Improved Delivery. New Delhi: Vistaar Publications, 2000. 371 pages. Hardbound.

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ed.). Asian Economic Crisis, Consequences and Policy Lessons. New York: United Nations. 1999. 186 pages. Paperback.

WHO Export Committee on Malaria. Report of a WHO Study Group. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 2000. 100 pages. Paperback. SFr.15.00. Technical Report Series No. 892.

World Health Organisation. Reduction of Maternal Mortality. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1999. 40 pages. Paperback. Price in developing countries: SFr 9.80.

Ruth Alsop, Elton Gilbert, John Farrington, and Rajiv Khandelwal. Coalitions of Interest: Partnership for Processes of Agriculture Change. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 306 pages. Hardbound.

Marina R. Pinto. Metropolitan City Governance in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 238 pages. Hardbound.

B. K. Sinha and Pushpendra. Land Reforms in India: An Unfinished Agenda. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 243 pages. Hardbound.


Rashida Haq, Attiya Y. Javed, Zafar Mueen Nasir