National Roads Requirements
Although significant advances have been made in the theory and practice of appraisal of roads projects, little is known about the determination of the overall requirements of roads for a country as a whole. Planners are often on the look out of a criteria for the same. The development plans of Pakistan and India, particularly the Nagpur and Bombay road plans of the latter, [Ministry of Shipping and Transport (1984)] are an indication of the same. Comparisons of road length per unit of area or population are commonly made between regions, countries, etc. to highlight the availability or deficiency of roads. Rarely mention is made of location and geographical factors and resource constraints which are more relevant for the purpose. This paper intends to identify factors affecting requirements of roads in a country and to determine the form and strength of relationships of those variables to overall requirements of roads, with a view to assist the authorities in the formulation of policy for the development of roads in the country.