Noriyuki Takayama (ed). Pensions in Asia: Incentives, Compliance and Their Role in Retirement. Tokyo: Maruzen Co. Ltd. 2005. 256 Pages. Hardbound. Price not given.
In view of the rapid ageing of population in many Asian countries due to a longer life expectancy and a fast decline in fertility, the concerns about the sustainability of public pensions and social security systems have gained increased relevance both at policy and planning levels. Countries that have already experienced demographic transition and indicate rising trends in old-age dependency rates are facing a challenging situation not only to improve their pension systems but also to comply with the financing of retirement and old-age benefit schemes. The effects of an ageing population in these countries are becoming apparent in terms of increasing costs of the health-care system, social security schemes, and changing social attitudes towards older people that demand an assessment of the support base to meet their socio-economic needs.