Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

Pakistan Input-Output Table 2010-11
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Pakistan Input-Output Table 2010-11

Publication Year : 2019
Explore More : Working Paper
JEL Classification : C67, D57, E01, L16, R15

This paper develops Pakistan’s first Input-Output table (IOT) that follows the 2008 System of National Accounts. An IOT examines the structural changes in an economy. The present paper provides Pakistan’s IOT 2010-11 in an industry-by-industry format (42*42). The analysis of backward and forward linkages reveals that manufacturing of food products, beverages, textiles, electricity, gas, steam, air-conditioning and accommodation sectors have strong backward linkages while mining and quarrying, wood products, chemicals and chemical products, electricity, gas, steam, air-conditioning, warehousing and support activities for transportation sectors have strong forward linkages. For national economic growth to be sustainable, the government should facilitate economic activities in these sectors.