PIDE Newsletter 05
· Prime Minister Boris Johnson placed Britain under a nationwide lockdown, drastically restricting movement in a bid to curb the coronavirus. · Senate Democrats have again blocked action on a $1.8 trillion economic stabilization package as talks continue with the Trump administration. · Stocks on Wall Street dropped again as Washington remained deadlocked over a stimulus package to shore up the economy. · Coronavirus cases in the US surge past 35,200, records 471 deaths from coronavirus as infections exceed 336,000 globally. · How far will Europe go? Central bankers and EU leaders push for ‘corona bonds’. · Investor David Tepper says the US needs to do ‘whatever it takes’ to mass produce ventilators now. · Stocks have ‘at least 10% to 15%’ further to fall: Scaramucci. · South Korea reports lowest number of new cases in four weeks. · East Africa faces dual shock from coronavirus and locust swarms.