PIDE-PRIME Tax Reforms Commission: Revenue With Growth
Publication Year : 2024
Author: PIDE Tax Commission
Objectives & Parameters of a new tax policy
- A citizen friendly, transparent, stable and predictable tax regime to stimulate growth and investment
- Simplification & harmonization to facilitate taxpayers and ease of paying taxes
- Automation & digitization to eliminate direct interface between the taxpayer and the tax authority
Summary & Key Points
- Uniformity of tax regime on all sources of personal and non-corporate incomes
- Corporate tax rate to be decreased to 25%
- Withdrawal of deemed rental income tax, CVT, super tax, turnover tax, presumptive/final tax
- Restoration of investment credits for plant and machinery
- Zero-rated import of Plant and Machinery, industrial raw materials and intermediate goods
- Withdrawal of regulatory and additional custom duties and withholding of income tax on imports
- Harmonisation of GST/VAT
- Gradual reduction of VAT to 10%
- No new exemptions on GST except in areas such as education and health
- Reduction in the number of Withholding Taxes and complete roll-back of WHT regime except, in the long-run, on pay-roll, interest, dividends and payments to non-residents
- Mandatory registration in GST starting in the first phase with commercial importers, wholesalers and tier-1 retailers
- Automation and Digitization to reduce interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities
- Abolishment of non-filer category
- Enhancement in capacity of PRAL
- Formation of a Pakistan Fiscal Policy Institute/Budget Office for Parliamentarians