PIDE-PRIME Tax Reforms Commission: Revenue With Growth Featured Image
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PIDE-PRIME Tax Reforms Commission: Revenue With Growth

Publication Year : 2024

Objectives & Parameters of a new tax policy

  1. A citizen friendly, transparent, stable and predictable tax regime to stimulate growth and investment
  2. Simplification & harmonization to facilitate taxpayers and ease of  paying taxes
  3. Automation & digitization to eliminate direct interface between the taxpayer and the tax authority

Summary & Key Points


  1. Uniformity of tax regime on all sources of personal and non-corporate incomes
  2. Corporate tax rate to be decreased to 25%
  3. Withdrawal of deemed rental income tax, CVT, super tax, turnover tax, presumptive/final tax
  4. Restoration of investment credits for plant and machinery


  1. Zero-rated import of Plant and Machinery, industrial raw materials and intermediate goods
  2. Withdrawal of regulatory and additional custom duties and withholding of income tax on imports


  1. Harmonisation of GST/VAT
  2. Gradual reduction of VAT to 10%
  3. No new exemptions on GST except in areas such as education and health


  1. Reduction in the number of Withholding Taxes and complete roll-back of WHT regime except, in the long-run, on pay-roll, interest, dividends and payments to non-residents


  1. Mandatory registration in GST starting in the first phase with commercial importers, wholesalers and tier-1 retailers
  2. Automation and Digitization to reduce interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities
  3. Abolishment of non-filer category
  4. Enhancement in capacity of PRAL
  5. Formation of a Pakistan Fiscal Policy Institute/Budget Office for Parliamentarians

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