

Rashid Amjad. Private Industrial Investment in Pakistan 1960- 70, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. Price: S 25.00. 257 pp. Illustrations; appendices; bibliography; index.

The role of industrialization in economic development can hardly be overemphasized. The process of industrialization takes place through capital formation, and it is important that the factors which determine the rate of capital formation be identified and properly analysed. This book gives an in-depth analysis of private industrial investment in Pakistan during the Sixties, which increased sharply during the Second Plan period but declined during the Third Plan period. It examines the influence of foreign. resources inflow as well as of other factors on private industrial investment during the Sixties. It contains an enlightening discussion about the concentration of industrial power in a few hands, their control over financial institutions, and their role in the industrial growth of Pakistan.

Aftab Ahmad Cheema

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