Second and Third Release from the Second Population Census of Pakistan, 1961
This brief review of the second1 and third2 census bulletins from the 1961 census of Pakistan is second in a series3 of review articles by the Demographic Section of the Institute of Development Economics on the census publications. This review is really a supplement to the first in so far as the second and third bulletins are, by and large, final confirmations of the first bulletin, though the third bulletin also provides a long series of detailed figures for small areas. The second census bulletin gives the final results of some of the information collected during the 1961 census, the provisional summaries of which were published in the first bulletin. It, however, does not reproduce the literacy, houses and household data and some of the urban information from the first bulletin. Instead, it provides some additional information on population by rural-urban and religious classifications. Besides, the second release contains statistical notes on (a) growth of population, (b) rural and urban growth of population, and (c) religion. These differences between the two successive census bulletins are important and the additional information returned will form the subject matter of discussion in this article.