Single National Curriculum A Step Towards Better Education
P & R Vol.2 Issue 11
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Single National Curriculum A Step Towards Better Education

Publication Year : 2021
Author: Hania Afzal

The single national curriculum is being considered a criterion for creating the equality between all individuals of society in Pakistan. It aims at providing an equal opportunity and fair chance for providing the children with the necessary education. The ultimate objective of national cohesion and integration will only be achieved through this.  The people critiquing it openly haven’t gone through the outline and structure of various courses that have been designed critically by taking on board the relevant stakeholders & panellists from all federating units, public sector, private sector, Federal Government Educational Institutions (FGEIs) Cantts & Garrisons, Deeni Madaris (Madrassahs), Cambridge University UK for English, Maths and Science, LUMS and AKU-IED.

People are talking about the right time for implementation of this program, but our right time was decades ago or “NOW” is the right time. Its never too late for a good change and transformation in every field comes through various challenges and criticism. It is the need of time that authorities should invest in teachers training and tools that will provide a direction to the private schools and educational institutions for smooth adoption of this SNC. We need to make this process easy, smooth, and accessible for every student and teacher engaged in this learning process.

In Pakistan, the major problem that we face is about the three different education systems in which the knowledge is being disseminated: public schools, private schools, and Madrassahs. There is a huge gap between them in terms of content and SNC will help in closing that gap by bringing equality across country. The global agenda regarding universal education learning and future is not based upon the ideology of a particular government as being thought in case of Pakistan.

“One system of Education for all, in terms of curriculum, medium of instruction and a common platform of assessment so that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to receive high quality education. Single National Curriculum is a step in that direction”

Global Strategists and policymakers are looking forward to work on making unified framework on impartial education. The world Economic forum Davos 2021 discussed in detail about education particularly focusing more on strengthening of foundational skills, maths, critical thinking, and occupational skills along with digital education for all. Why can’t as a nation we accept it and help our children get used to it and our government to implement it successfully. We are still indulged in debates on petty issues of Language in which lecture is delivered and individual content. Instead of debating on such mentioned things, the focus of our debate should be on delivering the relevant education through upgraded technological tools.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives apart from the health situation, most important of them is education as schools and colleges got closed. One thing that most nations especially the developing countries realised the need of the Global Curriculum that helps in creating interconnected solutions. In this era of digitalization, it has become the need that every person may be provided with better ICT Facilities at their homes for prosperity. Globally all the countries are making efforts to focus on technology led uniform educational programs that will address the challenges faced by individuals by facilitating the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If Pakistan wants to excel and be part of this global development, then it needs to take this SNC as a priority and we as a responsible citizens and nation must encourage governments perspective on SNC irrespective of our political preferences.