

Solving Organisational Problems with Intranet Technology

Information serves as an essential intermediate input in decision-making for any business process. It is an essential requirement not only for effective and efficient management but also for medium and long term planning. In this era of technological advancement the rapid growth of information flow has contributed significantly in the expansion of business, commercial, industrial, financial, educational and research organisations. Electronic communication provides the ability to overcome many organisational problems. In recent years, an easy and inexpensive access to information through the Internet and e-mail has created an atmosphere of strong competition among organisations. In this competitive environment, the organisations need an efficient, productive and competent internal set-up based on a well-informed workforce. In the absence of effective co-ordination, the expansion of an organisation may result in inter-group conflicts, unhealthy bureaucratic activities, and various complexities in decision-making [Telleen (1996)]. This applies even more to organisations in developing countries such as Pakistan that are in need of efficient ways to improve governance and enhance institutional reforms.

Hina Nazli, Sohail Jehangir Malik, Kashif Abrar