The Cultural Conception and Structural Perpetuation of FemaleSubordination: An Examination of Gender Relations among the Populationsof the Chalt-Chaprote Community in the Nager Valley of NorthernPakistan
This paper examines the subordination of women by men amongthe populations of the Northern Areas of Pakistan. The examination isundertaken with reference to the Chalt-Chaprote community in the NagarValley, where fieldwork was conducted in 1989-90. Hence, we: (a) Analysethe manner in which the subordination of women is manifested, andreinforced during different socioeconomic activities; and (b) Determinethe effects, or lack of effect, on the status and role of women, ofchanging conditions (as a consequence of increased incorporation of theregion in which the community is located, within the politicaleconomy).
Anjum Fatima, Soofia Mumfaz