

The External Relations of Less Developed Countries: A Manual of Economic Policies by Hans Bachman. Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1968.

There is no dearth of writings on international economic policies as even the limited bibliography appended to this volume will suggest. One is, there¬fore, justified in being somewhat fastidious in appraising yet another entry in this already crowded field. The book attempts to cover the entire domain of commercial policies. This makes the treatment of most of the topics, of necessity, cursory and elementary, since summarizing or synthesizing all the writings in such a broad field is impossible without running into encyclopaedic proportions. Let us, therefore, look at the work from the point of view of those for whom this is primarily meant. In the words of the author, “the manual, in the first place, is destined for ministries of economics, trade and finance in less-developed countries and for the training of all those who will eventually assume responsibilities in the field of commercial policy at all levels in the government, in semi-official and private business organizations, and even in private enterprises engaged in foreign

A. H. M. Nuruddin Chowdhury

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