

The ‘Green Revolution’ and Labour Absorption in BangladeshAgriculture: The Relevance of the East Asian Experience

The bulk of analytic/empiricalliterature following the ‘GreenRevolution’ contends that agricultural labour absorption in most, if notall, contemporary Asian countries is likely to follow the historicalpattern of East Asia, especially Taiwan and Japan. This paper examinesthe relevance of East Asian experience for increased labour intensity inagriculture in Bangladesh in the post-‘Green Revolution’ period. Usinglabour coefficient data for a wide range of crops, the analysis iscarried out on an annual basis as well as for crop seasons. Observedpauerns are analysed and likely determinants are identified. Thefindings of the paper indicate limited relevance of the East Asianexperience to Bangladesh, and highlight for South Asia the importance ofexamining seasonal differences in labour absorption.

Mohammad Alauddin, Clem Tisdell

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