The Norman Ernest Borlaug contribution to the South Asian Agricultural system of Pakistan
P & R Vol.2 Issue 10
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The Norman Ernest Borlaug contribution to the South Asian Agricultural system of Pakistan

Publication Year : 2021

A Noble laureate “Norman Ernest Borlaug” is known for laying the foundation of technological advancements in the agriculture and also known as the Pioneer of Green Revolution, his manifesto was to reduce the hunger with science. He helped in alleviating the food hunger & poverty in developing economies across the globe like assisting in the agricultural program for Mexico, reducing poverty & hunger in Africa through green revolution, executing the policies for an adequate supply of grain in China. Due to his noteworthy accomplishments in green revolution and contributions in enhanced agricultural productivity in Mexico, Borlaug was further approached by the South Asian countries mainly: India & Pakistan in late1960s through the support of the Rockefeller foundation & UN food & Agricultural Organization. Several unfortunate events like, starvation, shortage of food due to severe outcomes of the World War II and sudden surge in the population growth rate grave repercussion in the Indian subcontinent along with the other parts of the world.