Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


Electric Pricing and Regulations

Date : September 05, 2020 at 03:00 PM
Moderator: Dr. Nadeem ul Haq (Vice Chancellor PIDE)
Speaker : Salman Rehman Deputy Director, Tariff, NEPRA, Ameena Sohail Energy Sector Lawyer, Managing Partner at Precision Advocates & Consultant, Tahir Basharat Cheema Former MD, PEPCO
Discussant : Waqas Bin Najib, Member Energy, Planning Commission, Ermeena Malik, Renewable Energy Consultant, World Bank, Shahid Sattar, Executive Director APTMA and Former Member Energy, Planning Commission, Rashid Aziz, Senior Energy Specialist (Recd), World Bank, Syed Akhtar Ali, Former Member Energy, Planr'qg Commission, Manzar Naeem Qureshi, Power Sector Management Expert.

We need clarity on how the energy sector is being regulated and whether we have state of the art pricing and planning frameworks. NEPRA is the regulator of the sector and presumably of the pricing. Yet the ministries like to have the last say. We will examine the following: What are the principles of regulation that are used by NEPRA, • Is NEPRA playing its role effectively in maximising • Are all units audited by NEPRA? Why losses to IPPs? • the welfare of people and in improving the efficiency of the powwer sector? • Why do line losses not decline as planned? • Have any regulatory audits happened? What do they say? • Should we have this tariff system with 3 groups and several slabs? Or should it be like elsewhere • Is energy sector reform the responsibility of NEPRA? If not who?