
Restaurant Industry of Pakistan: Opportunities and Market Dynamics

Restaurant Industry of Pakistan: Opportunities and Market Dynamics

Thursday, 23rd December – 2 PM

The restaurant industry is a key market within the larger tourism and hospitality landscape, and also more generally – influencing economic growth via job creation and service delivery. What is the state of Pakistan’s restaurant industry, in terms of its affordability, market dynamics, and governance mechanisms? How affordable is it and what facilities are on offer for consumers? How much attention is paid to environmental considerations – what is the state of corporate social responsibility? What are the parallel industries that function in tandem with the hotel industry, serving supply side and demand side requirements? What are recent innovations in the area? And how can the restaurant industry be facilitated from a policy perspective?


  • Competitive dynamics: market share concentration, barriers to entry, cost control, economies of scale, etc.
  • Employment figures and organizational structures
  • Demand patterns, impact of COVID-19, political dynamics
  • Governing bodies: entities taking on coordination/integration of businesses in the industry
  • Supply chain: key buying and selling industries (parallel markets)
  • Capacity building: trainings and human resource development
    • Facilities on offer
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: standard operating procedures and level of investments in CSR
  • Affordability: variety of restaurants on offer and the extent to which they cater to a broad customer base
  • Event planning and management: frequency, thematic areas, nature of guests, catering/entertainment
  • Government regulations: what is the legal framework around which the restaurant industry functions?
  • Salient pitfalls: what are the obstacles?
  • Technology and digitalization: to what extent are they incorporated in the process?
  • Consumer perspective: habits, consumption patterns, preferences, demand, demographics?
Webinar Brief :
Date : Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 02:00 PM PST
Moderator: Dr. Nadeem Ul Haque, Vice Chancellor, PIDE
Speaker :

Raza Khan, VC, All Pakistan Restaurant Association.
Shakir Sharif, Manager Admin, Savour Foods, Pakistan.
Muhammad Liaquat Ali, Senior Manager Finance, Blue Lagoon, Rawalpindi.