Textile design refers to the “fibres, yarns and fabric constructions and finishes. Textiles are one of the biggest industries and the single largest export earning sector of Pakistan. Pakistan is the 8th largest export of textile products in Asia, 4th largest producer and 3rd largest cotton consumer. Textile total share in Pakistan’s GDP is 8.5 percent, it comprises 46 percent of the total manufacturing sector and employs 40 percent of the total labour force. 5 percent of the total textile companies are listed on the stock exchange. Four hundred twenty-three textile industries are working in Pakistan and have a supply base for almost all man-made and natural yarns and fabrics, including cotton, rayon and others. This abundance of raw material is a significant advantage for Pakistan due to its beneficial impact on cost and operational lead time.
Textile Value Chain (TVC) - 01
Date : July 20, 2020 at 03:00 PM
Moderator: Dr. Nadeem ul Haq (Vice Chancellor PIDE)
Panelists : Mr. Wajid Rana (Program Leader, IFRPI), Mian Mehmood Ahmed (Ex-Chairman PCGA), Mr. Sheikh Moazzam Ahmed (CEO, SANIFA Agri Services Limited), Mr. Bashir Ali Mohamed (Industrialist)
Speaker : Mr. Shahid Sattar (Executive Director, APTMA), Dr. Khalid Abdullah (Cotton Commissioner), Mr. Anees Khawaja (Industrialist)
Discussant : Dr Amanullah Kassim Macheriya (Director Kassim Textile)