
The Post Pandemic World—A Political Economy Perspective

The COVID-19 is changing the world, especially, the status of global geo-political and power dynamics. While discussing the impact of uncertainty in future, most of the people argued that global order or disorder is very dependent on the fear of climate that pandemic has procreated. This webinar was organised to analyse and give remarks on the potential threats and opportunities at the global level and especially in perspective of Pakistan’s economy.

Date : July 05, 2020 at 18:30 - 20:30 hrs
Moderator: Dr. Nadeem ul Haq (Vice Chancellor PIDE)
Panelists : Anatol Lieven British Author, Policy Analyst and Professor at Georgetown University, Maleeha Lodhi Diplomat, Writer and Political Scientist and Former Ambassador to the UN,US and UK, Haroon Sharif Former Pakistan's Minister of State and Chairman Board of Investment