

Economic Structure of Pakistan.—By Khawaja Amjad Saeed. Accountancy and Taxation Service Institute, Lahore, 1977. pp. 396.

A number of books on Pakistan’s economy have recently been published, but most of them do hot provide the latest statistical data or keep pace with events and development during the 1970’s. The book under review, however, has admirably fulfilled the requirements. It covers a vast range of subjects concerning economic development in the country during the recent past The book is divided into nine parts and covers such diverse areas as development, industry, the price situation and the impact of inflation, Pakistan’s planning and development effort, trade priorities and balance of payments situation, .taxation* foreign aid, and socio-economic reforms. The analysis is general, broadbased, and historical in perspective and a large amount of data have been put together. To bring out a clearer picture international comparisons are made whereever possible, especially in the last part of the book where the author reiterates on the need for a “New World Economic Order”.

Moin-ud-din Moin-ud-din

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