

Enhancing Vocational Training for Economic Growth in Pakistan

Training in general and skills development in particular, not only play a vital role in individual, organisational and overall national economic growth but are integral part of Human Resource Development (HRD). Skill development may be defined as a process to acquiring and sharpening capabilities to perform various functions associated with their present and future roles [Tripathi (2003)]. Moreover, literature suggests that human capabilities can be improved through better education and training [Haq (2002)]. Enhanced skills enable individuals to be more productive and spawn more money. It not only raises the rate of return on investment and increases employability but also ensures the implementation of various development projects in the time [Booth and Snower (1996) and O’Conner and Lunati (1999)]. To summarise, vocational education and training are indispensable instruments for improving labour mobility, adaptability and productivity, thus contributing to enhancing firms’ competitiveness and redressing labour market imbalances [Cailods (1994)].

Amara Saeed, Kalbe Abbas, Usman Mustafa