How Railways are being Financed in the 21st Century: Webinar Series on Pakistan Railways (5/8)
Martha Lawrence: Leader of the Railways Community of Practice at the World Bank
George Kaulbeck: Global Director and Partner Transport at CPCS - Solutions for Growing Economies, Consultancy
Johan Bouwer: Chief Operating Officer at MavLOG
Mr. Mazhar Shah: AGM Traffic, Pakistan Railways
Mr. Farooq Hyder Shaikh: Advisor/Executive Director Business Planning, Pakistan Railways
The first two webinars of the PIDE-RE webinar series on Pakistan Railways (PR) have historically reviewed PR from pre partition times till now. The third webinar discussed the current and international practices in Track Access Regime and fourth webinar discussed on China’s railway sector in comparison with other large countries’ railway sector: similarities and differences. The details of the fifth webinar are as follows.
Interest in railway investment is resurging worldwide as countries try to green their transport systems, ease urban congestion, and improve safety and efficiency of passenger mobility and freight logistic. The global infrastructure funding gap is today widely acknowledged: more than $50 trillion must be invested in infrastructure to maintain economic growth through 2030, according to McKinsey Global Institute and the World Bank estimate. Indeed, infrastructure assets, and especially railway infrastructure, require great capital, have long-life spans, and need complex operations. However, today, public agencies are typically operating under constrained budgets and facing increasing pressures to allocate the necessary resources to cope with the growing demand for sustainable mobility.
This webinar intends to discuss how railways are being financed during 21st Century, from where will the money comes, how railway gets fund, Ways of financing, Policies for financing, who are regulator of financing mechanisms etc.