S. C. Gulati. Fertility in India: An Econometric Analysis of aMetropolis. New Delhi/Newbury Park/London. Sage Publications.1988.
The main focus of the book is on the description of analyticalfindings of a study based on a demographic survey of Delhi conducted in1970. The considerations for analysis of data collected from 5,624currently married females aged below 40 years at the time of the survey,included the testing of several hypotheses on socio-economic factorsaffecting fertility behaviour. The book, apart from containing aninteresting foreword by Ashish Bose, consists of seven chapters andappendices. One of the chapters provides a review of the theories andissues concerning the factors and conditions influencing fertilitybehaviour. Another chapter relates to the demographic literature onfertility and family planning within India and provides a brief historyof the regional surveys including those which were primarily designed toinvestigate various socio-economic, psychological and demographicvariables affecting fertility and family planning.