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Why Choose PIDE

 1.Nation’s premier think tank

1st in Pakistan and 10th best Economics University in Asia (Top 25% Institutions and Economists in Pakistan, as of May 2024, RePec)

2.Top-notch faculty 

Faculty members and researchers composed of PhDs from the top institutions of world and Pakistan.

3.Exceptional educational and research services

PIDE hosts global experts through conferences, lectures, seminars, and webinars on current issues, offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.

PIDE offers PhD program in Econometrics which is not offered anywhere else in the entire South Asia.

As a think tank for the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reforms, PIDE’s applied research directly influences national policy-making, aligning with the nation’s needs.

4.Excellent student teacher ratio

The ratio of regular teaching faculty to the students is 1:5 which is much better than the recommendations of HEC.

5.Global partnership

PIDE has academic linkages with various academic institutions and has signed MoUs for academic cooperation with a number of Pakistani and international universities and other research organizations.

6.Career development

PIDE provides internships and employment opportunities with a wide range of foreign and public organizations. PIDE has to-date produced over 40 PhDs in Economics, who are serving in World Bank, IMF, WWF, State Bank of Pakistan and all leading universities of Pakistan.

7.Depository of statistical databases and GIS

The PIDE Library is now a Depository for publications from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Development Research Center (IDRC), International Labor Office (ILO), and the World Bank. Students can access these valuable resources.

Our library also has advanced tools for using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and processing spatial data, as well as designing, developing, and maintaining large statistical databases for detailed data analysis.

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