A Decade of Agricultural Development in India by M. Shrinivasan, Bombay: Indian Institute of Asian Studies, November 1965. pp.169, Rs. 12.50 (Indian) or US$ 4.00. **************Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Development by Dr. D. L. Narayana. Bombay: Indian Institute of Asian Sudies, July 1966. pp.120, Rs. 10.00 (Indian) or US$ 3.00.
Mr. Shrinivasan’s book is mainly a compilation of data concerning India’s agricultural development during the first and second five year plans (1951- to 1961). The major part of the book presents a detailed description of the efforts that were made during the fifties—particularly by the government—to develop agriculture and improve the farmer’s condition. The discussion is divided into seven categories—technical, organizational, financial, demographic, sociological, and capital formation. The data are comprehensive and well presented. What is unfortunately lacking is an analysis of the relative efficacy of the numerous measures taken. This question is of particular interest now, since the predicted growth of the agriculture sector has failed to materialize. Nevertheless, the book is a good concise, though detailed, description of what occurred during this period and as such should serve as a useful reference work for those interested in studying India’s agricultural problems