Historical Trends in Expenditure
P & R Vol.2 Issue 6
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Historical Trends in Expenditure

Publication Year : 2021
Author: Saba Anwar

“The purpose of the government is to enable the people of the nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of governed, not for the governors.” – Thomas Jefferson The idea of democracy and a resultant welfare state with inclusive growth has been romanticized in Pakistan for a very long time. The proponents of welfare state have been highlighting the role of government to stimulate a level playing field between have and have nots. Yet somewhere in the entire process of ensuring interests of the governed, a lot of expenditures incurred are found to be not meant for the governed at all. Let’s take a deeper look into the patterns of expenditures and also the efforts to curb unnecessary expenditures in the face of huge fiscal deficit – a permanent feature of Pakistan’s economy.