

Inaugural Address – 1991

Author: Sartaj Aziz

Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi, Dr A. R. Kemal, Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a matter of pleasure and privilege for me toinaugurate the Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan Society ofDevelopment Economists. I;un grateful to the President of the Societyfor his invitation to address this august body. I am pleased to observethat in its short but eventful existence the Society has grown instature, nationally and internationally. It has contributed immensely tothe cause of development economics and has deepened our understanding ofthe development process in Pakistan. The Society has carried out itstask: in a low-keyed but efficient fashion, and has shown its commitmentto achieving academic excellence. I wish to congratulate the Society forits accomplishments, with the sincere hope that it will continue topursue its mission with undivided attention. This session of the Societyis taking place at a crucial time. On the international front, the worldis in the grip of a serious crisis emanating from the Gulf situation andthe slowing down of world economic growth. And at home, despite manyconstraints the newly elected Government has embarked upon a boldprogramme of economic and social development and reforms.

Sartaj Aziz

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