Prevalence and Determinants of Overweight and Obesity Among Adults in Pakistan
Population & Health Working Paper Series PIDE-CPHSP-2
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Prevalence and Determinants of Overweight and Obesity Among Adults in Pakistan

Publication Year : 2015

The imbalance between energy gained and consumed contributes to weight gain and fat accumulation in the body. The Body Mass Index when equalled and increased above 25 kg/m is classified as overweight and equalled and above 30 kg/m 2 as obesity. Overweight and obesity is a global problem carrying immense conseuences on individuals’ lives. In the contet of Pakistan, which is facing double burden of malnutrition, carrying out a study on excess weight is of utmost importance. The present study ascertains the prevalence and possible causes of overweight and obesity among adult population using Pakistan Panel Household Survey for 2010. The results of the present research show there are 30percentoverweight adults in Pakistan. Furthermore, along with certain underlying demographic and social characteristics, the study identifies physical activity to be the significant determinant of excess weight. Being overweight also increases the number of other excess weight individuals in the family. Interestingly, poverty and most of the food consumption variables turn out to be insignificant risk factors for overweight and obesity. By adopting certain prevention strategies which focus on the promotion of physical activity can help in lessening its prevalence and negative impact on adults.