Some Comments on “Planning Experience in Pakistan”
Dr. Huda’s conference address on “Planning Experience in Pakistan” is both useful and refreshing. He reviews, in the brief space of twenty pages, the principal economic problems and policy issues facing Pakistan at this crucial stage of its development. His approach is extensive rather than intensive, i.e., he treats a wide variety of issues none of which is subjected to a deep conclusive analysis. This approach has merits particularly when the objective of the author is to pose problems in a thought-provoking manner, “without trying to find answers” [4, para 63]. And there can be no doubt that his address contributes no end of grist to the economist’s mill. He has stimulated thought. Because of the restriction of space, I have selected for discussion only three of the many issues raised in Dr. Huda’s Address: a) the “overall” Strategy of economic development in Pakistan, b) Pakistan’s agricultural policy, and c) Pakistan’s industrial policy.