Targeting Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Programs in Pakistan
The study is mainly aimed at examining the targeting efficiency of nationally implemented three largest poverty reduction programs: Distribution of Zakat Microfinance Provision of health services through Lady Health workers Program (LHWP) Zakat and microfinance are narrow target program with mechanisms of identification of poor whereas LHWP is aimed at broad targeting. According to data and literature available the year of 1987/88 was a turning point for trends in poverty. There was an upward trend in poverty estimates in 1990’s. The poverty levels were especially higher in rural areas than in urban areas, highest levels of poverty were observed in Sindh and Southern Punjab. Various schemes were launched over the past many decades for enhancement of people’swell-being and had two common features (1) missed the financial targets because of governments cut on development expenditures during fiscal adjustment without the assessment of cost and benefit analysis, and (2) public perception that no real qualitative change in standard of living especially in rural areas.