
PIDE’s 1st Student Conference

Event Date : Thursday, August 25, 2022

Call for Abstract Submission for Posters/Smart Papers

One-day Conference


August 25, 2022, between 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM


Pakistan faces enormous socio-economic challenges for which contemporary perspective and outlook are required. PIDE aims to build on this outlook by bringing in young scholars and what they can offer by holding a one-day conference on ‘Pakistan’s Socio-economic Outlook: The Way Forward” on August 25, 2022. at PIDE, QAU Campus, Islamabad from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM. The conference will be an excellent opportunity for the brightest students from universities across Pakistan – the policymakers of the future- to present their research on challenges currently being confronted by the Pakistan economy. The conference will also showcase to a broader audience the solutions needed for sustainable development through well-researched posters and smart papers.

 Conference Themes

Pakistan faces many challenges – a failing economy, an education system that requires a revamp, a burgeoning population, a lack of female empowerment, gender inequality, and dwindling natural resources.

The conference themes are to probe for solutions to the socio-economics challenges Pakistan economy is confronting right now. The themes are as follows:

i. Sustainable Economic Growth

ii. Education, Human Capital and Opportunities for Youth – Preparing the Leaders of the Future

iii. Female Empowerment/Gender Equality

iv. Towards Cleaner Energy

v. Climate Change–How Pakistan Can Prepare

vi. Regulatory Frameworks

vii. Real Estate Economics

viii. Judicial Reform

ix. Urban Management

x. Social Capital

xi. Political Institutions and Governance 


Graduate students studying in institutes of Higher Education in Pakistan or abroad

Organisers/ Venue

PIDE will host the conference on its premises. The communication will be in English.

Mode of Conference

Poster presentations and smart papers will be presented in the conference.

Abstract Guidelines

Abstract submitted for smart paper and poster presentations must include following components:
– Title
– What the existing body of literature has to say on your topic.
– How is your research different from existing literature?
– What is the gap that your research has identified?
– How is your research policy-relevant?
– Clearly outlined methodology (data, methods and analysis).
– Key findings.
– Policy implications/recommendations
– 3-5 keywords
Submitted abstracts must not exceed 500 words.
Please write your name and university’s name in the poster and smart paper abstracts.

Outline for abstract submission

Deadline to Submit Abstract: June 22, 2022

Detailed Guidelines will be issued after the approval of Abstract

Registration Fees:

  • Presenter: 2,000/- PKR. (from those students whose poster/paper is accepted)
  • Participants: 1,000/- PKR.

Please Note: PIDE will not be responsible for student/participant travel, accommodation, boarding, etc. The respective universities will be responsible for these costs.

Certificates will be given to the presenters and participants. 

Details of the bank account where registration fees can be deposited will be provided later.

Cash Prize

Experts from PIDE will select three prize-winning presentations at the conference. The cash awards are as follows:

Description Poster Presentation Smart Paper
First prize 40,000/- PKR and Shield 60,000/- PKR and Shield
Second prize 20,000/- PKR and Shield 30,000/- PKR and Shield
Third prize 10,000/- PKR and Shield 20,000/- PKR and Shield

Important Dates

Submission of abstract Smart Papers/Posters presentation June 22, 2022
Notification of acceptance June 25, 2022
Submission of posters/smart paper July 10, 2022
Submission of presentation for paper July 13, 2022
Conference dates August 25, 2022
Applicants are requested to please email their poster and smart paper abstracts to the following email id: