
Webinar with Prof. Gustav Papnek

Date : May 21, 2020 at 08:00 pm
Moderator: Dr. Nadeem ul Haq (Vice Chancellor PIDE)
Speaker : Prof. Gustav Papnek

This webinar was organised to learn about the experience of Prof. Papanek in Pakistan and how does he see the evolution of policy in Pakistan. Prof. Papanek influenced Pakistan enormously. He was born in Vienna, Austria and completed his PhD from Harvard University. After doing his PhD, he joined the US army and spent two years as a soldier voluntarily. Thenceforth, he joined the US Department of Agriculture. After serving in the agriculture department, he joined the aid program as Chief Economist for Asia and spent two years in the aid program. These two years were the wonderful time of his life. Later, Republican Party came into power and fired all the staff and argued that the state department is full of communists and incompetence. This is how Professor Papanek lost his job. At that time, he was the father of two kids having no job. Then he went to Harvard University and asked them to help him. Surprisingly, at that moment, Harvard University was putting together an advisory board for Pakistan and offered him to join the team. This is how the journey of Prof. Gustav F. Papanek began in Pakistan.