Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


Archives Webinar

Competition and Markets

Competition is a vital component for any vibrant market and economy and without competition growth and productivity is like chasing a wild goose. Unfortunately, the economy of Pakistan is in doldrums and there are various reasons behind this weak state…

Banking, Finance and Economic Growth

Banking system plays a pivotal role in human resource building and economic development. If the banking system is not well organised and efficient, it creates obstacles and instabilities in economic growth and development. To understand the importance of the banking…

COVID-19 and challenges for South Asian economies

South Asia, the world’s most populous region, remains vulnerable to COVID-19. The necessary protection measures are severely impacting economic activity and millions face poverty. Effective policies are essential to forestall the possibility of worse outcomes, and the necessary measures to…

Managing Growth with Stabilization III

To sum up, Pakistan is facing a lot of challenges to achieve long-term growth with stabilisation not limited to the taxation system, land management system and banking sector. One of the prominent challenges is the absence of growth-led strategies along…

Webinar with Prof. Gustav Papnek

This webinar was organised to learn about the experience of Prof. Papanek in Pakistan and how does he see the evolution of policy in Pakistan. Prof. Papanek influenced Pakistan enormously. He was born in Vienna, Austria and completed his PhD…