Pakistan Institute of Development Economics


Archives Webinar

Will Financial Markets in Pakistan Ever Develop?

Financial markets in today’s world are important to economic growth. But, in the case of Pakistan, financial markets are nonexistent. And a few financial institutions which exist in the country are in shambles. Also, there is no financial culture in…

Financial Markets of 21st Century

Financial markets might sound confusing, but these basically exist to bring people together so money flows to where it is needed most. It is important to remember that the value of any investment can go down as well as up…

Smart Approaches to COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic response, governments all over the world face challenging tradeoff, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Using the scale strategy and smart control, government administrators must select whichever to retain their economies open and fear of thousands of lives…

Microfinance in Times of COVID-19

Microfinance is the endowment of small-scale financial products and services to poor individuals and households. The focus is to provide financial services to low-income households to improve their income and standard of living. Low-income households typically have limited access to…

Sugar Industry in Pakistan

Pakistan is the 7th largest country in terms of sugar production and export and is ranked 8th in its consumption globally. Since 2010-11, Pakistan consistently has surplus sugar production and has earned USD 2.3 billion through exports. Despite the biggest…

Prime Minister’s Construction Package

Defining the construction industry, the panelists agreed on the broader definition of construction that recently assumed in media and policy circles. The construction industry, as per participants, must include the simultaneous planning of non-constructed amenities including having public spaces. Dr.…