Media Coverage – Lifetime Cost of Public Servants |
Life Time Cost Of Public Servants |
Pakistan’s Nuclear Energy Outlook |
Agricultural land consolidation |
Media Coverage of The Economic Cost of Internet Closure |
Energy Reforms For Export Oriented Units In Pakistan |
The research and development imperative for businesses |
Media Coverage of Third Think Tank Moot |
Vol. 62 No.3-2023 |
An Evaluation of Different Tax Reform Proposals in Pakistan using CGE Model (Article) |
Decentralisation’s Effects on Health: Theory and Evidence from Balochistan, Pakistan (Article) |
Factors Affecting Food Prices in Pakistan (Article) |
Household Market Participation, Access, and Farm Productivity in AJK: Evidence from Farm Household Data (Article) |
Estimating the Distributional Burden of General Sales Tax in Pakistan (Article) |
Firms Financial Inclusion and Export Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Sector Firms in Pakistan (Article) |
Rain Rain Go Away: A Snapshot of the Flood 2022 and Way Forward (Policy) |
Unveiling the Myth of Import Substitution Policy in Pakistan (Policy) |
What are the Factors Making Pakistan’s Exports Stagnant? Insight from Literature Review (Policy) |
Will the Import Ban Prove Effective? (Policy) |
Child Labour Among Afghan Refugee Children: Investigating the Underlying Drivers |
Judiciary and Human Resource Management in Universities |
Local Coal For Power Generation In Pakistan |
Tariff Reforms |
Energy Revitalisation: Transmission, Distribution, Sustainability |
The Makeup of the Pakistan Power Sector |
Reforming Power Sector: Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes |
Challenges and Reforms in Pakistan’s Gas Sector |
Exports Collapsing Under Power Sector Burden |
Indigenisation in Energy Sector of Pakistan |
How Operational Inefficiency of DISCOs Shapes Circular Debt in the Power Sector |
Adopting Household Solar in Pakistan |
The Antecedents of Pakistan’s Power Sector Mess |
Misunderstanding Multipolarity |
Escalating Radicalisation in Pakistan: Underlying Factors and Emerging Concerns |
Fiscal Discipline is the Key to Reforms |
Frustration and Hopelessness in the Youth |
Pakistan’s Constitution: Reform or Overhaul? |
Time for a Review of the Constitution to Weed out Anomalies! |
Rethinking the Constitution |
Health and Climate Change |
Reconfiguring Pakistan’s Economy |
Culture, Conflict, and the Monopolization of Female Attention |
Village Government: A Concept that Needs Attention |
The IMF: Putting the ‘Evil’ Back in ‘Necessary Evil’ |
Constitutional Evolution |
Psychogeographical Deceit; State-esque Narratology |
A Dynamic Export Culture is Imperative |
Formal Domestic Retail and the Story of Chain Stores in Pakistan |
The Rise of Women’s Cricket: Breaking Boundaries and Shattering Stereotypes |
A Comprehensive Overview of Sports and its Potential |
Form and Function: Economics and the Musical Arts |
The Art of Living and the Life of Art: Soul Searching in Riffat Abbas’s City of Salt |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Roundup |
Media Coverage of World Bank Event |
Engineering evolution or devolution? |
A biased index? |
Impact of Export Financing Schemes on Export Performance Qualitative Approach |
3rd RASTA Conference – Media Coverage |
Unraveling state of engineering industry |
Economic Management In A Multiple Equilibria Economy |
Decoupling of energy and growth in Pakistan |
Federal Tax Revenue Forecasting of Pakistan: Alternative Approaches |
Is Corruption Perception Index Biased? An Ethnicity Based Analysis |
Timeworn statistics |
Media Coverage of Roundtable Meeting on Fixing Fiscal Policy |
Fixing fiscal policy |
Media Coverage of Engineering Horizons: Unraveling the State of Industry in Pakistan |
Energy efficiency n buildings |
Situation of Brain Drain in Pakistan, with a focus on the Healthcare Sector |
Engineering Horizons: Unraveling the State of Industry in Pakistan |
Power sector woes |
Media Coverage Of Addressing Pakistan’s Trade Deficit: Unraveling Factors Influencing Export Competitiveness |
India’s rice export ban: opportunities for Pakistan |
Effective electricity regulation |
Media Coverage Of Ground Breaking Ceremony Of PIDE Own New Building |
Reforming the Federal Public Sector Development Programme |
Newsletter: July 2023 |
Fiscally Sustainable Pensions in Pakistan |
When higher education goes low |
Vol. 62 No.2-2023 |
Strategic Trade Policy for Pakistan’s Textile Sector in 2018: Enhancing High Value-Added Exports through Low-Priced Intermediate Input (Article) |
Political Economy of Discretionary Allocation of Annual Development Programmes: Theory and Evidence from Balochistan (Article) |
Is Economic Growth Inclusive in Punjab, Pakistan? A District Level Assessment Using the Composite Index (Article) |
Impact of Kitchen Structure and Cookstove Technology on Respiratory Health of Rural Women Exposed to Indoor Air Pollution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Article) |
Violent Conflict and Informal Institutions: Evidence from a Civil Conflict in Pakistan (Article) |
Pakistan: One Year Growth Strategy (Policy) |
A Small Club: Distribution, Power and Networks in Financial Markets of Pakistan (Policy) |
Social and Civic Engagement: Building Community or “Bowling Alone”? (BASICS Notes) |
Devolution Of Power: Delegation, Localisation, Decentralisation |
Optimal Local Governance for Pakistan: Improving What We Have |
Decentralisation and its Prospects |
Devolution: Missing Clarity on Structures and Systems of Governance |
Power to the Provinces: Devolution of Power in Pakistan’s Energy Sector |
Granting Autonomy to Districts: A Proposal in Brief |
Devolution of Power in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities for Women’s Participation in Local Governance |
Disappeared But Never Forgotten |
Textiles Losing the Plot |
Pakistan’s Three Quarter-Long Miraculous Aversion of Default |
NOTA on the Ballot |
Elitist Economy: How to Dismantle it? |
Inequality and Elite Capture: Unavoidable Costs of Development |
Attitudes and Behaviours in the Classroom |
Rethinking Investment, Surplus, Savings, Capital, Growth and Inequality |
Reimagining Indus Water Treaty for Future Sustainability of the Indus Basin |
Rethinking Social Protection: The Case for a Universal Basic Income |
Why Teach Critical Histories |
Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers |
The Case for Export-led Growth |
Beyond the Needle and Thread: Women’s Empowerment Through Textile Exports |
A Fireside Chat with Zainab Abbas |
PCB: Pakistan Cricket Board or Political Cricket Board? |
The Pakistani City as a Character: A New Narrative Approach to Pakistan’s Urbanisation Challenges |
The Little Mermaid May Have Just Made a Ground-Breaking Statement About Real World Power Dynamics |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Roundup |
Public Finance Management Reforms In Pakistan: A Case Study Of The Treasury Single Account Regimen |
The Biased Nature of the Corruption Perception Index |
Energy transition: green dreams, brown realities |
Assessment of Policies and Practices for E-waste Management: A Study of Asia |
Commentary On the IMF Standby Arrangement with Pakistan-2023 |
Pakistan’s energy outlook |
Enhancing the Delivery of Financial Services in Pakistan |
Media Coverage of RASTA Books Launch |
New approach to investment |
Power, Profits & Plans: The Political Economy Of Housing In Pakistan |
CORPORATE WINDOW: Bridging the divide in revenue systems |
Pakistan’s Black Gold |
Charter of power |
The Economic Cost Of Internet Closure |
Lost dreams |
Newsletter: April – June 2023 |
Understanding Workplace Harassment in Pakistan |
Energy measures in the budget |
The Economic Aspects of Eid ul Azha |
Path to prosperity: budget priorities |
Wheat import: doors not closed yet |
Media Coverage Of PIDE Basic Notes 8 |
Balancing Growth and Inflation Targets with Monetary Policy |
Language Homogamy: An Insight into Marriage and Language in Pakistan |
Economics is always political |
Managing energy imports to save forex reserves |
Traffic Management & Congestion Mitigation Parking Policy for Islamabad Capital Territory |
Rethinking trade |
Media Coverage of PIDE MacroPolicy Lab – Recommendation for Budget 2023-24 |
Maximizing the Impact: Evaluating the FY 2023-24 Budget for Optimal Resource Allocation, Socio-Economic Addressal, and Sustainable Development |
Media Coverage of Malakand Conference |
Catalyzing Urban Mobility |
Populism: the illusion of change |
The Pre-Budget Policy Recommendations: Optimizing Fiscal Resource Allocation in Pakistan |
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Reduction, Conversion, Rescheduling |
Newsletter: January – March 2023 |
Pushed To The Outskirts: Congestion And Exclusion In The Twin Cities |
How to Avoid a Lost Decade |
Pakistan’s Political Business Cycle and External Debt Dilemma |
Inflation and Sovereign Debt in Pakistan |
Debt-to-nature Swaps and the Triple E Crises of Pakistan |
Debt Restructuring: A Ruse Peddled as a Solution! |
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A Hard Pill to Swallow for Pakistan? |
The Saudi-Iran Rapprochement and its Implications for Pakistan |
Sucking Pakistan into a Whirlpool of Rising Interest Rates |
The Saudi-Iranian Detente |
Political Polarisation |
Should Pakistan Move Towards Early Elections? |
Is delaying elections an option? |
Elections Should Under No Circumstances Be Delayed |
Rethinking Economics |
Women in Politics & the Trinity of Men, Military & Mullah |
Wanted: A Pakistani Community of Economic Heterodoxy |
PSDP in Pakistan: A History of Unfulfilled Socio-Economic Objectives |
Communalism Turned Inside: Jinnah’s Pakistan |
Language and Education Policies and Power in Pakistan |
Why Scale Matters |
Misguided Attack on TERF |
The Evolution and Future of Pakistani Cricket: A Fireside Chat with Mirza Iqbal Baig |
Evolution of Cricket: From a Game of Amateurs to a Billion-Dollar Market |
Debating Festivals: Do We Need More? |
Divided Curtains and Sweet Symphonies: Pre-partition Punjab’s Contribution to Indian Cinema |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Round Up |
The age of GVCs |
Pakistan’s Rising Debt and Dwindling Economy |
Path to competitive trade policy |
Empowering SMEs for Global Success |
Reclaiming the realm of politics |
Vol. 62 No.1-2023 |
Construction without Real Estate Development (Article) |
Performance of Asian MFIs: The Role of Capital Structure and Macro-Institutional Quality (Article) |
Dowry and Female Education: A Theoretical Evaluation (Article) |
Firms and Technology Adoption: The Role of Political Institutions and Market Size (Article) |
The Fall of Urdu and the Triumph of English in Pakistan: A Political Economic Analysis (Article) |
Towards a Stable Economy and Politics (Policy) |
Wheat Support Price: A Note for Policymakers (Policy) |
Does Free Market Mechanism Offer a Win-Win Situation to Wheat Consumers and the Government? (Policy) |
Street Vending: An Introduction and Overview (Policy) |
Rise, ye children |
A Reflection on Spiritual Beliefs |
Breaking The Tanker Mafia’s Grip On Pakistan’s Water Supply |
Ranking of Industrial Protection in Pakistan |
Media Coverage of BASICS Notes 6 |
Governance mutation |
Shaping Minds and Bodies: Do We Have the Facilities? |
Why our graduates are mass migrating |
On freedom |
The political is all personal |
Road Transportation: An Unregulated Entirety |
Investment Exports and Governance |
Is the Decision to Obtain Higher Education in Pakistan Worth Repaying? New Evidence from Returns on Education for Paid-Employees |
Democratization of narrative building |
What’s your Degree Worth? Return to Education, Employability, and Upskilling Workforce in Pakistan |
The Impact of Railway Development on Economic Growth through CPEC |
Media Coverage of PIDE’s MoU with EDP |
SMEs and Economic Development |
Urban Policy For Intermediate Cities: The Neglected Middle-Tier |
Disaggregating the Graduate Unemployment in Pakistan |
Elections: necessary but woefully insufficient |
E-commerce and its potential in Pakistan |
The holy month with unholy prices |
The Structural Culpabilities of Pakistan’s Economy |
Tim Hortons and Pakistani Mindset |
The challenge of analysis paralysis |
The Political Economy of Higher Education in Pakistan |
Education quality |
Structural adjustment flops |
Inefficient land use |
Media Coverage of two days of EconFest |
Developing the Essential Skills for Making Quality Decisions |
How McDonald’s makes money |
Economic Recovery: Investment, Employment, Productivity |
PIDE’s Charter of Economy: Petition to all the Political Leaders/Parties of Pakistan |
Evolving a Limited and Responsible Federal Govt: 14 Point Fiscal Charter |
The Seven Deadly Sins of Pakistan’s Economic Managers |
Pakistan’s Economic Recovery: The Way Forward |
Privatisation and Power |
Adjustment with an Austere Face |
Recovering from Current Economic Woes |
Reimagining Economics in the Pakistan Context |
Pakistan’s Historical Neglect of Gilgit-Baltistan |
Pakistan’s Freakonomics: Words, Woes & Way Out |
Reaping the Benefits of Consistent Policy Measures |
Intro: Should Pakistan’s Institutions Be Depoliticised? |
Depoliticisation of Institutions: The Way Forward |
No Pretending About Politics |
Policy vs Technology |
A Case for Student Unions in Pakistan |
Teach them the Truth: Nothing But the Truth! |
Khandaan, Khaanaa and Finding My Footing in the Pakistani Diaspora |
The Plight of Persons With Disabilities |
The Conundrum of 711 CE |
Contextualizing Literary Censorship in Pakistan: The Legacy of Colonial Penal Codes |
The European Union’s Textile Waste and Used Clothing in Pakistan |
Firm Productivity in Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward |
Pakistan’s Complicated Relationship with Diaspora Footballers |
Pakistan’s Craft Industry Reflects The Country’s Own History |
Tiktok-Polis: A City for Gen-Z? |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Round Up |
Price Statistics Methodology In Pakistan |
Research for The Sake of Research |
Reforms, Not Technocrats, Are Needed To Steer Pakistan Out Of Crisis |
PIDE holds webinar on ‘Future of Public Education in Pakistan’ |
IMF Conditionalities: Fiscal Reforms |
Vol. 61 No.4-2022 |
Estimating the Footprint of Government on the Economy (Article) |
Population Growth and GDP Growth in Pakistan: Three Models (Article) |
Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Five-Decade Overview (Article) |
Evaluating Yield Gap and Yield Improvement Potential in the Dairy Sector of Pakistan (Article) |
Factors Influencing Youths’ Career Aspirations: A Case Study of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan (Article) |
Inflation Forecasting for Pakistan in a Data-rich Environment (Article) |
A New Measure of Inequality in Asian Economies (Commentary) |
Electricity Tariff Design: A Survey (Policy) |
A Review of Accountability Systems: Learning from Best Practices (Policy) |
Desire to Live in Pakistan: Stay or Leave? (Basics Notes) |
Who Do We Think We Are: The Question of Identity! (Basics Notes) |
The decimation of higher education |
Why do all roads lead to more taxes? |
Achieving Exports Goal: Challenges And Opportunities |
Exchange Rate And Trade Regime |
IMF Program |
Imf Programme And Energy Crisis |
Pakistan’s Exports |
The scourge of ‘ON’ |
Let’s Call It Out: Mobile Phones And The Subsidy Conundrum |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Policy in Developing Countries |
Monthly Economic Update and Outlook by Finance Division, Government of Pakistan |
Enough Tinkering At The Margins |
Power System And Blackouts |
Census 2023: All You Want To Know About |
Reforming Education |
Media Coverage – PIDE Visit to the University of Bahawalpur |
An eye on foreign direct investment in Pakistan |
Misplaced mercantilism and the case for domestic markets |
Food Pricing Policy in Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Growing Water Crisis |
The Impact of Tourism on the Environment, Socio-culture and Local Communities of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan |
Choking Civil Society |
Media Coverage Round-table Meeting with Prof. Ahsan Iqbal at PIDE |
Political Dynasties and Electoral System in Pakistan |
Adoption of IPRs In Industrial Sector |
Media Coverage Of Sectoral Total Factor Productivity In Pakistan |
Dire or Dying Demand for the Government Job: Analysing A PhD Holder’s Future Prospects |
Media Coverage – PIDE Seminar on forthcoming Census |
How GIS Technology Can Bridge Loopholes In Real Estate Taxation |
Pakistan: True Potential Of Fashion Industry |
E-Court System: A Dire Need |
Political Islam In South Asia: Multiple Perspective From Actors And Society |
Sectoral Total Factor Productivity In Pakistan |
Governance: A Hard Reset |
Property Rights |
Expectation Shocks and Business Cycles |
Media Coverage of ‘Social And Civic Engagement: Building Community Or “Bowling Alone”?’ |
The Facts of Return Migration in the Wake of COVID-19: A Policy Framework for Reintegration of Pakistani Workers |
Social And Civic Engagement: Building Community Or “Bowling Alone”? |
A Call For Action |
The Charter We Need |
Understanding The Process Of Development Budget Allocation In Balochistan |
Research And Development In Pakistan |
PIDE’s Charter of Economy: Petition to all the Political Leaders/Parties of Pakistan |
Governance Reform: Law, Politics, Institutions |
Intertwining Of Institutional & Economic Reforms |
Making The Elephant Dance: Negotiating Power Dynamics With The Establishment |
Re-orienting Pakistan’s Economy |
Why Institutions Matter |
Reforms In Pakistan: Where To Start |
Discontent With Governance Not Democracy |
A Joyless Land |
Safeguarding Pakistan’s Core Interests Among Global Power Contestation |
Propaganda Game |
The International Politics Of Climate Change And Lessons For Pakistan |
Should Electronics voting machines (EVMs) being incorporated into the electoral process of Pakistan |
Electronic Voting Machines: The Shockingly Secure Solution To Election Fraud |
EVMs: An Expensive Proposition Without Any Substantive Benefits |
Pakistan Needs More Urbanisation |
The Qatar Squabble FIFA World Cup 2022 |
Meaning 3.0: Hope For A Conscious World |
Political Economy Of Religious Elites |
Political Masculinities: The Rise Of ‘Strongmen’ |
China Before Jiang Zemin |
Falling Textile Exports |
Absence Of Women In Pakistani Sports: Lack Of A Policy Framework? |
High Percentage Of Currency In Circulation: What Explains It? |
The Sleeping Pines |
The Tilism Of Dastaan Behind Dastaan Goi |
Divide And Rule – Iqbal A Fireside Chat With One Of Pakistan’s First Explicitly Political Rappers |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Roundup |
36th Annual Conference Of The Pakistan Society Of Development Economists |
Regulatory Bodies: Hurting Growth And Investment |
From Imported Coal To Thar Coal: A Path To Energy Security |
Media Coverage Of The Book Launch Power Sector: An Enigma With No Easy Solution |
A ‘permission economy’ |
Media Coverage: PIDE’s Charter of Economy |
Taxation beyond revenue |
Flood Disaster Management |
The Effective Rate of Protection in an Input-Output Framework |
PPP’s Progressive Pivot? |
Developing vibrant housing rental market |
Establishing Grievance Redressal System in Effective Service Delivery: A Case Study of the Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP) in Pakistan |
Dollar, rupee and Gresham’s law |
Vol. 61 No.3-2022 |
The Socio-economic Analysis of the Street Economy in the Twin Cities of Pakistan (Article) |
Transforming Public Sector Through e-Governance: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Article) |
The Perspective of Native People Regarding Developmental Projects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Gwadar, Balochistan (Article) |
Political Dynasties and Local Economic Development in Pakistan (Article) |
Skills Mapping for Selected Industries of Special Economic Zones: Job Creation for Unemployed Youth of Balochistan (Article) |
A Techno-Economic Analysis of Widespread Microgrid/Minigrid Deployment in Pakistan’s Electrical Power Sector (Article) |
Lahore’s Urban Dilemma (Policy) |
The Islamabad Master Plan (Policy) |
Strategies to Improve Revenue Generation for Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation (Policy) |
Getting More Out of the PSDP through Results Based Management (Policy) |
PIDE’S Charter of Economy (Policy) |
From Imports to Exports—An Achievement of Mobile Phone Industry (Policy) |
The Psychosocial Value Of Employment Evidence From The Rohingya Refugee Camps |
Legal basis for uniform electricity tariff |
Discoursing Deregulations: A Case Of Rental Housing Market |
Rethinking policies |
The Other Side Of Social Media |
Responding To The Future |
Unveiling The Myth Of Import Substitution Policy In Pakistan |
Rain Rain Go Away: A Snapshot Of The Flood 2022 And Way Forward |
Doing Construction Right |
State of School Education in Pakistan |
What’s your Degree Worth? Return to Education, Employability, and Upskilling Workforce in Pakistan |
Whither The Public Intellectual? |
Analysis Of Trade In Goods Agreement Between Pakistan And Turkey |
Electricity Distribution Failing: Is Privatization a Solution? |
Import Tariffs And Trade Balance In Pakistan |
Can The Govt Manage Land of Floods and Droughts On Policy Alone? |
Media Coverage of 40 Years Of Diplomatic Ties Between Pakistan And Korea: Trade, Investment & Human Resource |
Is World Bank a Bank for Knowledge Management or Paradigm Maintenance? |
What Percentage Of Pakistanis Would Prefer To Live Abroad If Given The Opportunity? |
A Review of Urban Rental Housing Regulations in Pakistan and Lessons from Practices in Developed World |
Power Sector: An Enigma With No Easy Solution |
Land Titles in Punjab – Overview, Problems and Suggestions |
The Economic Calamity of Flooding |
Using Behavioral Economics for Behavioral Change |
The Pakki Naukri Syndrome |
Economics For The 21st Century |
Media Coverage of AGM Quetta – Opening and Closing Sessions |
A nexus of circular debt |
The question of democracy |
Pakistan’s low investment conundrum |
The love for protectionism |
Vol. 61 No.2-2022 |
Regulatory Framework and Behavioural Issues in the Informal Khokhas’ Markets in Pakistan (Article) |
Analysing Household Willingness and Ability to Pay for Solid Waste: A Case Study of Karachi (Article) |
Public-Private Partnerships in Education: Evaluating the Education Management Organisations Programme in Sindh, Pakistan (Article) |
Improving the Public Sector Development Programme Allocations in the Clientelistic Environment of Balochistan: A Political Economy Analysis (Article) |
Impact of Scholarships on Student Success: A Case Study of the University of Turbat, Pakistan (Article) |
An Assessment of Electricity Tariff Reforms in Karachi City: The City of Light (Article) |
Mapping Impact of Farmer’s Organisation on the Equity of Water and Land Productivity: Evidence from Pakistan (Article) |
PIDE Commentary: On the 23rd IMF Programme for Pakistan (Commentary) |
The IMF Choice (Policy) |
The Issue of Own Money (Policy) |
The Poor State of Financial Markets in Pakistan (Policy) |
Pakistan’s Structural Economic Woes |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Energy Issues, Volume I |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Urban Development, Volume II |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Technology & Public Service Delivery, Volume III |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Social Sector Development, Volume IV |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Markets & Regulations, Volume V |
RASTA Local Research, Local Solutions: Political Economy Of Development Reform, Volume VI |
Policy Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide From Start To Finish For Students And Practitioners |
Power Sector: An Enigma With No Easy Solution |
Inflation Analytics |
Parallel Education Streams In The Public Sector |
Regulatory Environment Of The Professions In Pakistan |
Constituational Reforms In Chile: A Pathway For Pakistan? |
Digitalisation and Disruption— Consequences for Business and Theory |
COP(-out) 27 |
Vertical Growth |
Parallel Education |
Destruction of Dengue a Vector-Borne Disease: Lack of Awareness and Knowledge |
Mega Solar Project & Amendment In NEPRA Distributed Generation & Net-Metering Regulation, 2015 |
Desire to Live in Pakistan: Stay or Leave? |
Economics of demonstration |
Economic Prospects Amid Uncertainty |
Questioning the Identity |
Death to neoliberalism |
Floods And Climate Justice: Relief, Rebuilding, Reparations |
Climate justice: relief, rebuilding, and reparations |
This was the coolest summer of the rest of your life |
Climate Catastrophes and the Global Political Economy of Malgovernance |
Pakistan’s Floods Fiasco |
The Haves & The Have-Nots: Pakistan’s Climatic Catastrophe |
Politicization of Floods in Pakistan: An Assessment of Twitter Trends |
Rebuilding Pakistan: An Investment in Climate Resilience |
TTP infiltrates Khyber Pakhtunkhwa |
Our Colonization Never Ended: Locating the Racist and Colonial Roots of Transphobia in Pakistan |
Revolutions Don’t Cry ‘Foul’! |
Why IMF Programs Never Work for Pakistan |
Universal Basic Income – A simple measure to usher in an economic revolution |
Signaling Labor Markets and Universities |
Social Media’s Toll on Mental Health |
Re-enchanting Nature: Fixing Descartes’ Error |
The Missing Middle |
The Case for Privatization of Pakistan’s State-owned Enterprises |
The Case Against Privatization of Pakistan’s State-owned Enterprises |
Pakistan’s Microfinance Sector: As liquid as a rock |
Products of Inflation: Shrinkflation and Skimpflation |
Whither Pakistan’s Football? |
The T20 World Cup: Past and Present |
Swat’s Forgotten Masterpeice |
Writing Orient: On Western Gaze and its Discontents |
Art Through the Eyes of a Curator |
Ishq |
PIDE Bi-Monthly Round-Up |
Media Coverage of PIDE BASICS Survey |
AGM Pre Conference Media Coverage |
Survey revealed Pakistan’s Identity is a multi-layered phenomenon |
Milk Prices in Pakistan |
Book Launch Webinar: Aid, Politics, And The War of Narratives in the US-Pakistan Relations |
Do the Surrogate States Deliver? |
Quetta Cafes: An Indigenous Tea Cafes Chain in Twins Cities |
A Practical Guide for Evaluations |
Is a multilateral full trade liberalization policy effective in Pakistan? |
How not to turn to ‘welfare’ |
Does Incentive Mechanism Influence the Research Productivity of Public Sector University Teaching Faculty in Pakistan? A Comparison between Tenure Track System (TTS) and Basic Pay Scale (BPS) |
Who Do We Think We Are The Question of Identity! |
Identity politics and its discontents |
Beyond Winning |
High Rise, Town-Planning & Current Urban Paradigm of Pakistan |
The perplexing population puzzle |
Understanding Social Capital |
Pre-paid Smart Meter and Transparent Electricity Bills |
NEPRA Amendment in Net-metering Regulation |
About the PIDE-Basics Survey |
Miracle of education |
Media Coverage of “PIDE Webinar on Sports and Society” |
Dairy Processing in Pakistan |
Governance Of Islam In Pakistan: An Institutional Study Of The Council Of Islamic Ideology |
Can we Prevent Domestic Violence? |
The racket of ‘own money’ |
Therapy Industrial Complex |
Transgender Bill and Human Rights |
Revitalizing Pakistan’s Railway through ML-1 |
Industrial Civilization: How The Rest Can Catch Up With The West? |
Freelancing In Pakistan |
Foreign Aid Effectiveness: The Relationship Between Aid Inflows and Economic Growth |
Media Coverage of “PIDE Commentary On The 23rd IMF Program For Pakistan” |
World youth, ageism & way forward |
Effectiveness of Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority |
Housing societies — a Pakistani animal |
Pakistan Needs Reforms To Ensure Ease Of Doing Business (Interview with Nadeem-ul-Haque) |
The Rising Cost Of A Cuppa Tea In Pakistan |
Why do we go to the IMF? |
The complexity of climate change |
Housing Societies—A Pakistani Animal |
Post-Floods Rehabilitation |
Post-flood food crisis |
Climate justice and reparations overdue |
PIDE Commentary On The 23rd IMF Program For Pakistan |
Parental Tobacco Smoking And Child Malnutrition |
Parental Smoking And Child Health |
Extensive Media Coverage of PIDE Knowledge Brief on “Gas Crisis in Pakistan” by Afia Malik & Usman Ahmad |
Gas Crisis In Pakistan |
On the Economic Costs of Floods |
Inflation in Pakistan: High-Frequency Estimation and Forecasting |
History of Family Planning and Role of ICFP 2022 |
A hefty injustice |
A Review of Accountability Systems: Learning from Best Practices |
Free markets are a fiction |
Media Coverage of National High Level Seminar on Pakistan@75 |
Cryptocurrencies: Review of Economics and Policy |
Legalizing street business |
Evolving Patterns of Pakistan’s Import Demand |
Youth bulge in Pakistan: bane or boon? |
What Impedes Pakistani Exports? |
Adequate Energy Supply as A Driver Of Economic Growth |
PIDE forms Power Commission to find solution of long standing energy problems |
Logistics in Pakistan: From Origin to Destination |
Illusory Independence |
Pakistan Railways – From State Owned Enterprise To Business Model (Article) |
An Apology To The Youth Of Pakistan From The Older Generation! (Article) |
Dr Nadeem’s Apology And Our Responsibility (Article) |
PAKISTANIYAT: A Muddled Identity By Abbas T. Moosvi (Article) |
Discourse Debates (Article) |
Aid Or Albatross? By Aasim Sajjad Akhtar (Article) |
The Economic Game Of Political Coercion By Saddam Hussein (Article) |
An Interview With Mr. Saeed Akhtar |
Build A Real Estate Market: Kill FBR And DC Rates |
Nudging Pakistan Railways |
Track Access Regime: The International Practices And Pakistan Railways |
Railways Ticketing System |
Pakistan Railways Or Pakistan’s Railways (Webinar Brief) |
A History Of Pakistan Railways – From Pre-partition Times Till Now: A Historical Review With Key Evolutionary Milestones (Webinar Brief) |
Track Access Charges: The Current Regime And International Practices (Webinar Brief) |
Chinese Railway Sector: Setting The Context For ML-1 And The Overall Pakistan Railway Sector (Webinar Brief) |
How Railways Are Being Financed In The 21st Century (Webinar Brief) |
Institutional Arrangements For Reforming And Developing The Railway Sector (Webinar Brief) |
Vision For Pakistan Railway (Webinar Brief) |
ML-1 Making Or Breaking Of Pakistan Railway (Webinar Brief) |
Is Work Only Meetings? (Article) |
PIDE launches “One Year Growth Strategy for Pakistan” |
Discourse (P & R) Vol 1, Issue 2 |
Vol. 61 No.1-2022 |
Inflation Targeting Skepticism: Myth or Reality? A Way Forward for Pakistan (Article) |
Effect of Urban Land Use on Travel Behaviour: Evidence from Lahore (Article) |
Effectiveness of the Exchange Rate Channel in Monetary Policy Transmission in Pakistan (Article) |
Investigating Barriers to Growth of Disabled Entrepreneurs in India: A DEMATEL-based Approach (Article) |
Evaluating the Short Run and Long Run Impacts of Unconditional Cash Transfers on Food-Seeking Behaviour: New Insights from BISP, Pakistan (Article) |
Opportunity to Excel: Now and the Future (Presidential Address) |
Institutional Development (Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
Evolution of Technology and the Driving Forces (Invited Lecture: Key Takeaways) |
Pakistan Must Position Itself to Benefit from AI, Automation, and Bio-engineering or Risk Losing Out (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Lecture: Key Messages) |
Is Pakistan Ready for the New Normal (Invited Lecture: Key Takeaways) |
Technology, Globalisation and A Need for A New Model of Development (Mahboob ul Haq Lecture: Key Takeaways) |
Opportunities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Allama Iqbal Lecture: Key Takeaways) |
New Frontiers in Behavioural Science: Scarcity, Nudge, Sludge and Social Norms (M.L Qureshi Memorial Lecture: Key Takeaways) |
Opportunities to Excel (Panel Discussion) |
Opportunities: The Role of State (Panel Discussion) |
Opportunities for Firms to Grow (Panel Discussion) |
Shaping Success in Creative Arts and Media (Panel Discussion) |
Opportunities Now (Panel Discussion) |
Disruptions: The Future of Work (Panel Discussion) |
The Assumed Shortage of Housing in Pakistan (Policy) |
Ameliorating Drug Shortages in Pakistan (Policy) |
Nadeem Ul Haque, Mahboob Mahmood, Shahbano Abbas, Ali Lodhi. The University Research System In Pakistan (Books) |
Pakistan One Year Growth Strategy |
How do people do health in Pakistan? Understanding Health Related Choices and Healthcare Navigation |
The Information in the Yield Spread for the Recession in the Case of Pakistan |
Pakistan’s economic potential |
Wasting Public Wealth—The Antecedents and practice of Public Land Management in Pakistan |
Assessing the Quality of the Single National Curriculum: A Case Study of Islamiat Curriculum |
From Crisis to Disaster -Saving Pakistan’s Economy |
Barriers to work opportunities |
From Imports To Exports – An Achievement Of Mobile Phone Industry |
Chomsky urges Pakistan, India to Accommodate each other |
The Odd Fascination with Tax-to-GDP Ratio |
PIDE’s Charter of the Economy |
Theatre of politics |
Defeating the qabza mafia |
A Vision for Forgotten Economy with Dr. Hafiz A. Pasha |
Hotel and Restaurant Industries of Pakistan: Opportunities and Market Dynamics |
Corporate Governance: Compliance with the Selection Criteria of Board of Directors in Public Sector Companies |
Agreement between Pakistan and IMF: Has the policy of ‘Let’s go IMF’ by each government been beneficial or harmful for Pakistan? |
Losses incurred by PR in 5 years amounted to Rs144bn |
Epidemic of nonsense work |
“Sahib is in a meeting”: How useful are government meetings for the people in Pakistan? |
Is work only meetings? |
Business of the street |
Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) Another Regulatory Burden? |
The Mystery of productivity |
FBR for the non-filers |
Pakistan’s milk potential |
Pakistan: Economy Under Elites – Tax Amnesty Scheme, 2019 |
Gimmickry of neoclassical economics |
Is work only meetings? |
The Tyranny of Merit: What’s become of the common Good? |
Dead Capital |
Breaking the Taboos!! |
Weather Shocks, Unconditional Cash Transfers and Household Food Outcomes |
A Letter to the Left |
How We Can Tap Into Pakistan’s Tourism Potential As The World Emerges From Covid |
Pakistan’s Dairy Animals Productivity |
Doing away with ACRs, liberating public sector |
Cryptocurrencies: Review of Economics and Policy |
Of elites, by elites, for elites |
Are we an agri-rural country? |
Discourse (P & R) Vol 3, Issue 3 |
The Real Estate Price Quandary: Issues and Way forward |
Property Agents and the Question of Real Estate Market Capture |
Pakistan or ‘Plotistan’? |
Another Regulatory Authority – RERA |
The Assumed Shortage of Housing in Pakistan |
Real Estate Myths in Pakistan and the Truth Behind Them |
Interview with Dr. Nadeem Ul Haq |
Housing, Housing! |
Blockchain technology and Pakistan’s Real Estate Market |
No Confidence in no confidence |
Prime Minister’s Construction Package – Webinar Brief No. 12: 2020 |
Construction Permits and Housing Loans – Webinar Brief 58: 2021 |
Under-Developed Real Estate Industry in Pakistan – Webinar Brief 21: 2020 |
Real Estate Regulation and Development: A case of Gated Housing in Pakistan – Webinar Brief 36: 2021 |
The Paradox of Housing Societies in Pakistan – Webinar Brief 82: 2021 |
Introducing Debates |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 1: Energy Issues) |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 2: Urban Development) |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 3: Technology and Public Service Delivery) |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 4: Social Sector Development) |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 5: Markets and Regulations) |
1st RASTA Conference 28-29 March 2022: Abstracts of Papers (Section 6: Political Economy of Development and Reform) |
Finnish Miracle in Education: Lessons for Pakistan |
The Real Estate Price Quandary: Issues and Way forward |
Media Coverage of RASTA 2nd Conference – 1st Day |
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Textile Industry – A Comparative Study of Pakistan and Bangladesh |
Literature as a Creative Industry |
Will The Import Ban Prove Its Effectiveness ? |
PIDE-RASTA To Hold Two-day Conference On Policy Issues |
Will The Import Ban Prove Its Effectiveness? |
An Analysis of the Real Estate Brokerage Market in Pakistan |
Development through the services paradigm |
Nudging Pakistan Railways |
Pakistan’s Income Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 2022 aka “Industrial Policy Package” |
The Crypto Conundrum and Pakistan! |
An interest-free economy? |
Gender Sensitization and Social Change |
Availing of the Net-metering Facility: Impact of BOI’s reforms |
Pakistan’s Economy in the ‘Intensive Care’ ward |
FY22 budget deficit likely to stand at 9pc of GDP — highest-ever in country’s history |
Invest in Future: Prioritizing Youth Family Planning |
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth in Pakistan: An Exploration |
Arts and Culture Centers as Catalysts for Urban Vibrancy |
15-Minutes City |
The Role of Arthi in Agriculture Marketing: an exploiter or facilitator of farmers? |
Incubating grassroots politics |
PIDE, IRS sign MOU |
Macroeconomic Challenges Post-covid |
Learning from the best |
The ‘Elite capture’ |
Development Research and Policy: The Emergence of a Research Agenda through Webinars at PIDE |
PIDE Knowledge Archives: Vol – I |
PIDE unveils much-awaited Sludge Audit |
Inefficient private sector lives off taxpayers’ money: ex-SBP governor |
Food Subsidies Programs In Pakistan: A Review |
Kya mehangai ka boojh sirf ameer tabqe parhi parhega?| Dr. Nadeem ul Haque kya kehte hain?| Aaj News |
Business and Investment Issues in Pakistan |
Khan: anti-imperial or just anti-West? |
Social Science Research: Do We Need to Dig Deeper? |
Media Coverage on “Informal Conversation on Pakistan Economy” |
PIDE hosts session on conversation on economy |
Need stressed for fiscal and monetary analysis |
Engineering-, electronics-related industries: Experts underline need for expanding industrial base |
Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) for Trade Promotion: Boon or Bane for Pakistan? |
A Lecture By Keith Hartley, Professor Emeritus, Economics Department At The University of York. |
SNC and My Right of Freedom to Choose? |
Cash poor, perk rich government officials |
Do not reload the 70s! |
The enigma of judicial hold-ups |
Does Fixing High Minimum Support Price (MSP) Of Wheat A Source Of Inflation Or High Prices Itself A Victim Of Inflation? |
Ameliorating Drug Shortages In Pakistan |
Is corruption the cause |
Dire need of constitutional reforms |
Local research for local problems |
Justice beyond means |
Socio-Economic Impact of Ride Hailing: Overcoming Barriers to Mobility |
Media Coverage of RASTA Conference |
The Age-Affect Relationship and Potential Consequences for Decision Making |
Plotistan – Subsidized Land Giveaways and Public Land Management in Pakistan |
Oil and the dollar’s hegemony |
The Sun Is About To Set On Imran Khan’s Government |
All downstream democracy |
Vertical urbanisation |
Policies vs packages |
Moot on energy issues, development |
Political economics |
Economics of Political Strikes |
Criminalisation of street vendors |
Pakistan should open up aerospace industry to private sector |
FBR’s POS Integration: Digitalisation of Business Transactions and Associated Challenges |
No space for the youth |
Master Plan for the Youth? |
Property Rights In Pakistan: Laws, Regulations, Transfers & Enforcement |
Is Pakistan Entering into the Digital Currency Ecosystem? |
Transformation of Street Vending in Islamabad & Lessons for Urban Pakistan |
Restaurant industry of Pakistan: Opportunities and market dynamics |
What is Holding Back Milk Production Potential in Pakistan? |
Water Crisis in Pakistan: Manifestation, Causes and the Way Forward |
22.8m children between 5-16 years of age not attending school in Pakistan |
Economic fallout |
NCDs account for 85pc of total disease burden among elderly |
Justice: Not a Fundamental Right but a Neoclassical Economic Commodity? |
Print Media News Coverage: Graana & PIDE MOU Signing Ceremony |
Marriage Market in Pakistan Consanguinity, Educational Assortative Mating, and Fertility |
Include OPD in Health Card Program: Government Think Tank |
Education reforms |
Housing, Housing |
Collective mobility |
The necessity of inclusive urban planning |
Acknowledgement |
Introduction |
Market Regulations, Competition Policy and the Role of Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) |
Regulating the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Analysis of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) |
Evaluation of Naya Pakistan Housing |
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) |
Prime Minister’s Construction Package — An Evaluation |
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) |
SME Sector in Pakistan: Mapping the Policy Framework, Opportunities and Constraints |
Islamabad Real Estate Regulatory Authority: An Evaluation |
Evaluations Of Regulatory Authorities, Government Packages, And Policies |
Student unions now |
Potential Role of Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP) in Reducing Catastrophic Health Expenditirues: Suggestions and Way Forward |
Burden of Diseases among Elderly in Pakistan |
Pollution and Climate Change – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 3, Issue 2 |
Taxing tobacco products |
PIDE in DAWN Editorial |
Post Covid-19 Lockdown & Air Quality Analysis in Most Polluted Cities of the Globe |
Smog The fifth season in Pakistan |
A Smart Shift from Private Cars to Public Transport Can Help to Reduce Smog/Air Pollution in Pakistan |
Climate Change & Water Scarcity |
Green Finance An Islamic Way to Rescue the Nature |
Corporate Accountability: A Conduit to Combat Climate Change |
A revolution of our own |
Thoughts on Integrated Generation Capacity Expansion Plan (IGCEP) 2021-30 |
Economy of Love What the Valentine’s Day Brings to the Economy |
Music As A Creative Industry |
Monetising performance |
Balochistan: The Unrealised Potential |
Roads – Wider Roads – Corridors – Signal-Free Highway and Then A Tale of Srinagar Highway |
A Smart Shift from Private Cars to Public Transport Can Help to Reduce Smog/Air Pollution in Pakistan |
Privatisation of Electricity Distribution Companies—A Way Forward? |
Newspaper Editorials on PIDE’s Report |
The Assumed Shortage of Housing in Pakistan |
Pakistan Opportunity to Excel: Now and the Future |
PIDE On Gender |
The kids aren’t alright |
Spending Public Money Where It Makes More Sense! Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Pakistan |
Primary School Literacy: A Case Study of the Educate a Child Initiative |
Food Inflation: What Stimulates It In the Short-Run and the Long-Run? |
International Day of a Girl Child |
A Critical Appraisal of Tax Expenditures in Pakistan |
The war on ordinary people |
Fighting corruption |
Technology and Development |
Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan: Essays in Political Economy |
Informal Economy of Pakistan – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 3, Issue 1 |
Interview With Hassan Khawar |
Interview With Dr. Anwar Shah |
Interview With Akbar Ali (Street Vendor) |
Nudge By Richard H. Thaler And Cass R. Sustein (Book Review) |
Capital In Twenty First Century By Thomas Piketty (Book Review) |
Bridging The Finance And The Tech Industry Towards Informality |
Pakistan’s Shadow Economy: “the Impact Of Global Financial Crisis And Covid-19” |
The Scrap Economy |
Coronavirus And Women In The Economy: The Socio-economic Crisis Of Female Domestic Workers In Pakistan |
Informal Economic Activities And Fabrication Of Inflation |
Economics Is Not The Science For Humanity |
Discover Your Passion To Become An Entrepreneur |
A Glance At Socio-economic Realities Of Jogi Community |
Is Pakistan Diversifying Its Agriculture Production? |
Socio-economics & Financial Impacts Of Environmental Degradation In Pakistan |
Media: Building Narratives |
A new economic model |
An economic collapse? |
Schools in Pakistan: Types and Fees (Monthly) |
The Paradox of Housing Societies in Pakistan |
Extraction, thy name is development |
Targeting methods |
Power Sector: Effective Regulation not Regulatory Burden |
PTI’s mini-budget is the right decision at the wrong time |
Underrepresentation of Developing Country Researchers in Development Research |
IMF and its discontents |
’31 SETH’ Companies Control Pakistan Stock Exchange: PIDE Study |
Pakistan Opportunity To Excel: Now And The Future |
Energy Crisis Posig Serious Predicament, Say Speakers at Webinar |
Raising Revenues: Conditionality Meeting vs. Doing Taxes Better Approach |
The Changing Rural Landscape in Pakistan: Labor Markets and Consumption Patterns |
PIDE Launches Evaluation Research Cell |
Sugar Sector and Sugar Reform in Pakistan |
The PIDE Reform Agenda For Accelerated And Sustained Growth |
Pakistan’s stranglehold on artistic expression |
Ocean Freight Hike and Pakistan |
Why Pakistan Needs Large Firms? |
Fiscal Federalism |
Vol. 60 No.3-2021 |
An Analysis of Pakistan’s Agricultural Commodities based on Effective Protection Rate and Its Decomposition (Article) |
Non-tariff Measures, Overall Protection and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from Pakistan and Regional Countries (Article) |
Experimental Evidence on Public Good Behaviour across Pakistan’s Fractured Educational System (Article) |
The Spatial Effects of Road Infrastructure on Employment in Pakistan: Quantifying the Role of Complementary Factors (Article) |
Endurance or Submission: How Terrorism Frame Households’ Time Allocation? (Article) |
The Nuisance of Own Money in Automobile Purchases (Commentary) |
Don’t Fall in Love with Parity: Understanding Exchange Rate Depreciation (Commentary) |
Remove Service Charge on IBFTs to Encourage Digital Transactions (Policy) |
Policy Insights to Maritime Economy in Pakistan (Policy) |
Tax Reforms in Pakistan: Historic and Critical View (Book) |
Single National Curriculum – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 2, Issue 11 |
About PIDE |
Interview with Murad Ras, Minister for School Education, Punjab |
Interview with Dr. Maryam Chughtai, Director, National Curriculum Council of Pakistan |
Interview With Pervez Hoodbhoy, Nuclear Physicist, Activist |
Education Beyond the Classroom: Arts and Culture |
Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Single National Curriculum |
Single National Curriculum A Step Towards Better Education |
The Single National Curriculum Strategies for Implementation |
Fiscal Policy for Sustainable Growth and Accountable Governance: Can Pakistan Learn from China or Mexico |
Single National Curriculum |
Primary Education in Pakistan |
Revamping Examinations |
Literacy, Development, and Philanthropy: Educating One Million Children (PIDE Webinar) |
IMF, Aid, and Development: A Historical Backdrop |
Civil servants’ compensations higher than private sector’s: report |
The IMF Choice |
‘Research for social transformation ad advancement’ launched |
PIDE VC for following RASTA to develop local think tanks |
What is the Size of the Government Footprint on Pakistan’s Economy? |
Why Pakistan goes to IMF off and on |
Pakistan’s corporate sector and ‘seth’ culture |
What impedes our private sector |
The IMF Choice |
The Iconic Prisoner of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir |
The State of Poverty in Pakistan |
Track Access Regime: The International Practices and Pakistan Railways |
PIDE, FBR Sign MoU to Provide Evidence Based Policy Reforms Solution |
SDG 12 Monitoring and Reporting in Pakistan |
Narratives in Research |
Increasing Space For Investment & Entrepreneurship Through Reducing The Footprint Of Government On The Economy In Pakistan |
Electoral Politics in Pakistan: Law, Parties, and the Need for Innovation |
Launch of GB Invest Initiative |
The Mullah Led Development Model |
PIDE hosts ‘Opportunities to Excel: Now & the Future’ moot in Peshawar |
After PSDE 35th AGM and Conference Media Coverage November 26, 2021 |
PSDE 35th AGM and Conference 4th Day Media Coverage November 25, 2021 |
PSDE 35th AGM and Conference 3rd Day Media Coverage November 24, 2021 |
PIDE organizes 35th annual meeting of PSDE |
PSDE 35th AGM and Conference 2nd Day Media Coverage November 23, 2021 |
PSDE 35th AGM and Conference 1st Day Media Coverage November 22, 2021 |
Pre-PSDE 35th AGM and Conference Media Coverage November 22, 2021 |
PIDE conference to be formally kicked off from tomorrow |
Stepping Stones For Regional Connectivity |
PIDE Conference to be formally kicked off from tomorrow |
Professor-less Universities in Pakistan |
Prices Matter! Inflation forecasts for Pakistan |
Fiscal Federalism in Pakistan: Need for a Revisit |
Double-digit inflation likely to persist till 1HFY23 |
PIDE ‘Identifies’ Zombie Firms Operating in Pakistan |
Inflation |
Sentiment Analysis for COVID-19 National Vaccination Policy |
PIDE, IMSciences to hold joint conference |
Thoughts on Urban Resilience and Utility Services |
Urban Resilience and its Impact on Electricity Provision in Karachi, Islamabad and Peshawar |
Pre-PSDE 35th AGM and Conference Media Coverage November 15, 2021 |
Need to shift focus from brick and mortar to quality of education: report |
Pakistan’s Policy Options to Make Trade Work for Environmental Sustainability |
LSM – Pakistan Steel Industry Outlook |
BOP Policy Note on Agriculture Sector |
Pakistan’s inflation puzzle |
The Issue of Own Money |
Pakistan’s dairy trade |
EVMs in 2023 |
A Street Livelihood Report |
The Internal Outsiders: A Standpoint and Intersectional Perspective on Gender and Powerin Organisations |
Pre-PSDE 35th AGM and Conference Media Coverage November 01, 2021 | Research Collective (2017). Occupation of the coast – Blue economy in India. Retrieved from (2018). Leveraging the Blue Economy for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. (Policy Brief) UNDP |
Literacy, Development, and Philanthropy: Educating One Million Children |
Remove Service Charge on IBFTs to Encourage Digital Transactions |
Learning from the best |
The Subjectivity in Numbers |
Afghanistan Developments Impact on Balochistan |
Book Launch Event: The Price of Peace by Zachary D. Carter |
Comedy as a Creative Industry |
Hype and Humanity in Evidence: Doubt Is Not Pleasant, but Certainty Is Absurd Voltaire |
Food Secure Pakistan – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 2, Issue 10 |
Pandora Papers: Is it illegal to setup an offshore company? |
Revelations to Revitalize Agriculture Sector |
A journey to a Wheat Market: How to Avert Wheat Crises Permanently? |
Interview with Dr Paul Dorosh |
Sugarcane Market Secret Scenario |
Water Use Efficiency: Pakistan’s Fertilizer Sector Structure, Performance, Policies, and Impacts |
Water Use Efficiency: Comparing Water Use Efficiency in Sugarcane and Cotton Production |
Three bills that shock India: Indian Agricultural Reforms, Lessons for Pakistan |
Pakistan Agriculture Crisis: Pakistan’s Agriculture Sector & COVID-19 |
Pakistan Agriculture Crisis: Locust Outbreak & Rising Food Insecurity |
Agriculture Sector Innovation: ICTs and agriculture transformation: Insights and lessons from China |
Role of the Middleman & Neglected Aspects |
Book Review: Agricultural Development: New Perspectives in a Changing World |
The Norman Ernest Borlaug contribution to the South Asian Agricultural system of Pakistan |
Adversity for Afghan Women: But Can Pakistanis Complain? |
Regulatory Issues in Pakistan’s Seed Sector |
Northern Pakistan is no Switzerland |
A Traverse of Illegalities in the Private Housing Societies in Islamabad |
Don’t Fall in Love with Parity: Understanding Exchange Rate Depreciation |
Hidden misery |
What is Holding Back Milk Production Potential in Pakistan? |
Arif Nizami Memorial Webinar – The legacy must go on…! |
The Nuisance of Own Money in Automobile Purchases |
Financial Aid Policy & Research in Pakistan |
ProPakistani and PIDE Enter Into Strategic Partnership |
Education is key |
Revamping Examinations |
Electoral Voting Machines |
Research Culture Lacking in Pakistan |
Catalyzing Capital for fast Growth SMEs |
Employment and skills |
Automation, Inequality and the Future of Work |
Agriculture Credit – PIDE Sludge Series |
Electricity New Connection – PIDE Sludge Series |
Wheat Procurement – PIDE Sludge Series |
Federal Public Service Commission Recruitment – PIDE Sludge Series |
Corporate Governance in the State-Owned Electricity Distribution Companies |
The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival, PIDE Book Launch Webinar |
Internet Cable Installation – PIDE Sludge Series |
Setting-Up a Pharmacy in Islamabad – PIDE Sludge Series |
Setting-Up a Private School in Islamabad – PIDE Sludge Series |
Trade License – PIDE Sludge Series |
Street Vending: An Introduction and Overview |
Macro Pakistani: Data-driven Reporting on the Economy |
Connecting math and economics |
Behavior Leverage: Bringing Beneficial Cultural Change in Organisations |
Drivers of Inflation: From Roots to Regressions |
Blue Ocean Strategy for National Development |
Vol. 60 No.2-2021 |
Exchange Rate, Output and Macroeconomic Policy: A Structuralist Approach (Article) |
Size and Age as Determinants of Employment Growth among Manufacturing Firms in Pakistan (Article) |
Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson’s Notion of Exogenous Imposition of Colonial Institutions onto Colonies— A Critique in the Light of Historical Evidence (Article) |
Friendly Fire: Wheat Subsidy in Punjab, Pakistan (Article) |
Remittances and Healthcare Expenditures: Evidence from Pakistan (Article) |
Machine Learning for Economists: An Introduction (Commentary) |
Why do We Have Less Investment than China and India? (Commentary) |
The Pension Bomb and Possible Solutions (Policy) |
Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger by 2050 ( Book Review) |
News Media – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 2, Issue 9 |
Chinese Railway Sector: Setting the Context for ML-1 and the Overall Pakistan Railway Sector |
Employment policy |
Making sense of the Taliban’s resurrection |
The Obsession with Flyovers in Pakistan – Roundabouts are Cheaper |
Machine Learning: An Introduction for Economists |
Sialkot’s Sports and Allied Industry: Issues and Prospects for Growth |
Nadra vs ECP |
The gender gap |
Why Do We Have Less Investment Than China and India? |
Track Access Charges: The Current Regime and International Practices Introduction |
Editorial |
Interview with Mohammad Malick |
The Electronic Media Economy in Pakistan |
Understanding Broadcast Media Economics in Pakistan |
The Importance of Media Literacy in Pakistan |
Interview with Imran Ghazali |
Interview with Iftikhar Ahmad |
Pakistan Television Network – Falling from the Grace |
Interview with Imtiaz Gul |
The Infamous TRPs |
The New Wild West |
Digital Journalism on the Rise |
New Woes: Digitization and Polarization |
Electronic Media & Public Policy for Service Delivery |
Terrorism in the Media |
The Politics of Media Economy in Pakistan |
Begging to Preserve “Dead Capital”? |
Monetization: How Valuable is Your Bureaucracy |
Afghan Refugees: A Looming Crisis |
Code Red for Humanity: IPPC’s Latest Warning on Climate Changing |
India’s Misplaced Apprehensions About CPEC |
Unfolding of the Kabul’s Future |
Internet Crisis of Gilgit Baltistan; 4G a Way Forward Towards Sustainable Economic Development |
Institution-Building-The Philanthropic Approach |
A History of Pakistan Railways From Pre-Partition Times till Now: A Historical Review with Key Evolutionary Milestones |
So what`s wrong here? |
Internet for All – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 2, Issue 8 |
Editorial |
Message Chairman PTA |
Internet For All |
Enabling The Digital Future |
Interview With Irfan Wahab, CEO, Telenor Pakistan |
Startup And Digitalisation Outlook In Post-Pandemic Pakistan |
Broadband For All – Perception And Reality |
Internet For All |
Interview with Mohammad Ali Ibrahim, Head of Marketing and Communications, MMBL |
Can We Have Internet for All? |
Will 5G Be a Game Changer For Pakistan – Are We Ready? |
How Digital We Are? |
Collaborative Regulations for Digital Pakistan |
Internet Evolution in Pakistan – PTCL/UFONE |
Jio’s Internet Revolution in India |
Device Identification Registration and Blocking System – Promoting Local Handset Manufacturing Industry |
The Future of Microfinance: Digital |
Fintech in Pakistan |
Why Should We Not Rush For 5G? |
Internet For All – Reality Or Pipe Dream? |
Internet And Economic Growth |
Internet And The Right To Information |
Internet of things: The new economy in making |
The Digital Divide |
Internet In Pakistan |
Internet For All: A Research Perspective |
Data Privacy In Social Media |
Internet! A Development Enabler |
Social Media And Covid-19 |
Internet Access |
Internet For All Part I |
Virtualizing Services By Offering Internet For All |
Understanding sludge |
The transcendent Kalash valleys |
The Electronic Media Economy in Pakistan: Issues and Challenges |
Inviting FDI: Is Pakistan an Attractive Destination? |
Construction Permits and Housing Loans: Launch of PIDE Sludge Series |
Internet and economic growth |
Machine Learning for Economists: An Introduction |
Unpacking Pakistan’s Film Policy |
The New Structural Economics And Its Insights For Pakistan’s Development |
What impedes our private sector |
Fertiliser Subsidy an Ineffective Policy Tool to Offer Low Prices of Basic Food Commodities |
Understanding Broadcast Media Economics in Pakistan |
Film As Creative Industry In Pakistan |
Virtualizing Services by offering Internet for All |
Delimiting research culture |
Illegal Housing Societies in Islamabad |
What Do We Know of Trade Elasticities? |
Foreign Aid and the Tyranny of Experts |
Internet for all |
Beyond COVID-19: Addressing Inequality by Pivoting from Crisis to New Opportunities |
Remittance diversity and economic stability |
Women and the neoliberal academy |
The elephant in the room |
The Perspectives & Budget – Policy & Research (P&R) Vol 2, Issue 7 |
Construction Permit For High-Rise From Capital Development Authority, Islamabad |
Housing Finance |
Residential Construction Permit From Capital Development Authority, Islamabad |
Electoral Reforms in Pakistan |
Export Promotion Schemes: Quo Vadis Pakistan? |
Internet for All |
Policy Framework for Vaccinating All |
Using Cash Transfer Programs to Get Children Back to School from Work |
The Collective Unconscious – An Insight into the Structure versus Agency Debate |
The Economic Consequences of Pandemics |
Commentary on Federal Budget |
Current Expenditures |
Taxes & Revenues |
Debt And Financing |
Punjab |
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa |
Balochistan |
Sindh |
Denying right to justice to taxpayers |
The Mountain Gave Birth to a Mouse |
Textile Sector Perspective on Budget |
Rural Support Programmes, AKHUWAT and the budget |
Macro-economic targets |
Making Automobiles Affordable for the Middle Class |
Critical Evaluation of Pakistan’s Budget Making Process |
Projections to Silver Lining: Economy on Recovery Alley |
How Much Land Does a Man Need? |
Pakistan’s Dead Capital |
The Untouchables |
SDG-8 and post-Covid Pakistan |
Mantra of inclusive development |
“PayPal is not Coming Soon”. Why? |
Critical Evaluation of the Budget Making Process in Pakistan |
Special Economic Zones and The State of Pakistan’s Economy |
The opportunity in cities |
International Aid and Policy Freedom for Small Open Economies |
Poverty Trend in Pakistan: A Glimpse from Last Two Decades |
Domestic Commerce: Key Issues and Possible Interventions |
HEC Travails |
PIDE’s Reform Agenda to Achieve Sustainable Growth in the Agriculture Sector |
Challenges of Aging Among Transgender Community |
Budget: growth-debt trade-off |
Remittance bonanza from the West |
The Global Economy In The Post-pandemic Recovery Period |
Pakistan’s Happy Taxpayers |
Cash Poor, Perk Rich! Civil Service Compensation: Incentives, Dissatisfaction, And Costs |
Pakistan’s Public Procurement Regime |
Making Automobiles Affordable for the Middle Class |
Growth Amidst Debt? |
Tax Gap, Compliance Cost and Optimal Taxation |
Well compensated? |
HEC and higher education |
Budget 2021-22: Where Do We Stand? |
Pakistan’s dead capital |
Pending Pakistan’s Revised Base Estimates of GDP and Measurement Issues in LSM |
Can We have Internet For All? |
BUDGET 2021-22: Highlights and Commentary |
RCET Policy: A Boon or A Bane for Pakistan? |
Developing a Policy Solution for Khokhas in Islamabad |
From player to enabler |
Drawbacks of the Duty Drawback |
Internet for all |
Internet For All |
Local Governments and Sustainable Urban Development; A Case Study of Punjab |
Enrolment matters |
Quality of Higher Education in Pakistan |
Tax, Expenditures and Debt: Trica of Budget Challanges P&R Volume 2, Issue 6 |
Editorial |
Interview with Shaukat Tarin |
Interview with Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan |
Interview with Dr. Waqar Masood Khan |
Tax Policy Design And Reform Options |
Why People Don’t Pay Taxes? |
Interview with Dr. Hafiz A Pasha |
Interview with Dr. Asad Sayeed |
Agriculture Tax: Route To Evasion In Non-Agri Income |
Tax Cheating? |
Respect To Taxpayers |
Historical Trends in Expenditure |
PSDP: Challenges and Reforms |
PSDP: A Political Phenomenon |
Flattening the Government Pensions Curve; Making them Sustainable |
Debt in Pakistan: Sustainable or Not? |
Debt is a Problem for Us, Growth is the Solution |
National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan; It’s Time for a Revisit |
Webinar: Federal Budget 2021-2022 |
Bangladesh’s Framework for Economic Growth |
Chief Economists’ Roundtable discussion on “Reform Agenda for Accelerated and Sustained Growth” |
Too many regulations, not much competitiveness |
Cash Poor, Perk (Plots, Privileges) Rich! Civil Service Compensation: Incentives, Dissatisfaction, and Costs |
Republic, Social Contract, and Nation Building |
Thinking Beyond Metrics in Higher Education |
PIDE Webinar – Electoral Reforms in Pakistan |
HEC and the Question of Higher Education |
Resolve to Revive Our Textile Sector |
HEC Travails Part-1 PIDE Webinar |
PIDE-IPRI Pre-Budget Webinar on Federal Budget 2021-22; Growth and/or Austerity. |
Pay Indexation in Pakistan |
PIDE Webinar with Nobel Laureate Prof. A. Michael Spence on the topic of Global Economy in the Post-Pandemic Recovery Period |
It Is High Time We Revisited the NFC Awards in Pakistan |
PIDE Pre-Budget Webinar In Collaboration With IPRI |
Cost of sugar industry regulations |
An Apology to the Youth of Pakistan from the Older Generation |
Internet for all |
The Unrealized Potential of Pakistan Textiles |
Gas and Petroleum Market Structure and Pricing |
Projecting school dropout and learning loss amid Covid-19 |
COVID-19, Irregular Migration and Asymmetrical Dependency |
Rethinking Public Investment for Pro-Poor Growth (Development Dialogue) |
Supporting our textile exports |
Approaches to HR and Bringing Change in Organizations |
Political Economy Of Private Energy InvestmentsP&R Volume 2, Issue 5 |
Pakistan Energy Sector at a glance |
In power projects: History, Policy and Politics |
Expert Opinions IPP MOU’s Analysis |
Dissecting the IPP Agreement |
Power Sector Reforms |
Pakistan’s Power Sector Woes: A Beginning with no end |
Sustainability of the power sector |
CTBCM: Will it promote competition? |
Developing Electricity Market |
Unlocking Energy Innovations |
What’s next for distributed generation? |
Energy Productivity for sustainable development |
Circular debt – an unfortunate misnomer |
Energy investment and planning |
Developing electricity market for future |
Reforming electricity distribution |
Electricity pricing and regulation |
Fixing power sector issues |
Energy innovations |
Energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan |
PIDE’s growth reform agenda |
Living off Daddy’s wealth |
Blurred lines: Business and partying among Pakistani elite |
Obsession with infrastructure |
PIDE’s Growth Reform Agenda |
Book Launch: Political Economy of Bad Governance |
Agenda for reforms, growth & welfare |
The Sugar Industry Of Pakistan – Understanding Structural And Regulatory Underpinnings Of The Current Sugar Crisis |
Pakistan needs 7-9% growth |
Govt working to achieve sustainable higher economic growth |
Electoral systems |
Should Pakistan Shift to a Proportional Representation Electoral System? |
Regulatory Framework in Pakistan |
Newspapers and the Concerns of Society Evidence from a Content Analysis |
RCET must go on |
Regulating Pharmaceutical Industry Post COVID-19 |
Street Vending and Survival of the Underprivileged |
A talk with a Nobel Laureate Prof. Oliver Hart on “Voice vs. Exit” |
A Small Club: Distribution, Power and Networks in Financial Markets of Pakistan |
The PIDE Reform Agenda for Accelerated and Sustained Growth |
How To Address The Gender Gap In Pakistan? |
Switch, Reduce, OR Quit: How Do Smokers Respond to Tobacco Tax Increases in Pakistan? |
Including The ExcludedP&R Volume 2, Issue 4 |
Ehsaas – Creating Impact in the Lives of the Most Vulnerable |
Protect the people first |
Interview with Kaisar Bengali |
Interview with Haris Gazdar |
National Poverty Estimates 2018 |
Let’s Have a New Discussion on Poverty Estimates |
Poverty across the Agro-Ecological Zones in Rural Pakistan |
Rural Poverty Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from Three Waves of the Panel Survey |
Reducing Poverty through Microfinance |
Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Wheat and Inflation |
Face-Off with Street Vending in Pakistan |
Street Vendors in Islamabad – Voice from the Ground |
Why are We Subsidizing Car-Use? |
Promoting Domestic Commerce for Sustainable Pro-poor Growth |
Social distancing and protection |
Students Dilemma in Private Hostels in Islamabad: A Policy Perspective |
The Economic Cost of Tobacco-Induced Diseases in Pakistan |
Interview with Qazi Azmat Isa |
Interview with Beenish Fatima |
Interview with Shazia Maqsood Amjad |
Poverty and Social Safety Nets: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Targeting Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Programs in Pakistan |
Effectiveness of Cash Transfer Programmes for Household Welfare in Pakistan: The Case of the Benazir Income Support Programme |
Bond market primer |
Healthy Ageing in Pakistan |
Economics of vaccines |
An ‘independent’ SBP |
Investigation of Livestock Value Chain: Constraints and Policy Implications |
Autonomy for the SBP |
Public recruitment |
Government-funded vaccine programme to cost Rs726b less |
Austerity: Spending Cut Or Tax Increase? |
A premature victory lap |
Finding Substance In Popular Reports |
Finding Meaningfulness in Indicators of Country Level Ranking Reports |
How To Avert Wheat Crises Permanently? |
Non-tariff Measures, Overall Protection, and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from Pakistan and Regional Countries |
How to increase exports for Pakistan’s sustainable economic growth? |
PIDE Research Activities: January to October 2021 |
Realizing The Demographic DividendP&R Volume 2, Issue 3 |
Editorial |
Revisiting demographic dividend amid fertility stall |
Talk with Experts i |
Talk with Experts II |
Talk with Experts III |
Post enumeration survey in census: lessons for Pakistan |
Population planning and growth |
Fertility decline requires wider social policy measures for females |
Educated women are at higher risk of mistimed birth |
An ad and a postal stamp! celebrating the world population day |
Is High population growth in Pakistan a supply side issue or demand side issue? |
Results speak louder than words |
Regionally Competitive Energy Tariffs and Textile Sector’s Competitiveness |
Corruption index |
The C-section epidemic in Pakistan |
Census politics |
Reassessing growth narratives |
FATF Asks Pakistan To ‘Do More’ Once Again |
Kabulov pushes for Afghan peace troika |
Covid-19 and the national education policy |
The FATF’s ‘Do More’ |
Federal Budget 2021-2022 Growth and/or Austerity |
Ageing in Pakistan: A Curse or Blessing? |
car-free areas |
Understanding Violence and Social Order |
Austerity: Which Way Now? |
Pide Memorial In Memory Of Public Intellectual I . A Rehman |
Future Of Pakistan Economy With The IMF Program |
Real Estate Regulation And Development: A Case Of Gated Housing In Pakistan |
Mortgaging Pakistan |
Counter Violent Extremism In Pakistan |
What Really Is The Single National Curriculum? |
Development Finance Institution |
Civil Service Reform P&R Volume 2, Issue 2 |
Message By Vice Chancellor |
Editorial |
The real status of reform |
Knowing civil service reform |
Interview Pervez Tahir Civil Service Reform Begins |
Interview with Dr. Ishrat Hussain |
Interview with Hassan Khawar |
Interview with Pervez Tahir and Saeed Shafqat |
Debate on Civil Service Reform in Pakistan |
What stops civil service reform? |
The gentlemen at work |
Crafty Oligarchs, Savvy Voters: Democracy Under Inequality In Rural Pakistan |
Why SROs Seem Quite the Brainteaser for Pakistan’s External Sector |
Anti-Corruption Dynamics of Pakistan in Face of Succumbed Perceptions |
PAKISTAN: The Politics of the Misgoverned |
JUDICIAL SYSTEM Will case management help? |
Judging the judges: Dynamics of the Pakistani system of justice delivery |
Import and export policy orders and amendments through statutory regulatory orders |
Developing New Cities In Pakistan: River Ravi Urban Development Project |
Transforming India’s Agriculture Sector for Achieving Global Competitiveness |
Importance Of Regionally Competitive Energy Tariffs For The Textile Sector Of Pakistan |
Real Estate Myths in Pakistan and the Truth Behind Them |
giving perfect autonomy to one institution alone |
Sehat Sahulat Program |
Conceptualizing State, Society & Economy |
Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan: Essays in Political Economy (Reprint) |
Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan: Essays in Political Economy (Urdu Version, Reprint) |
Tax Reforms In Pakistan |
Setting Up A Cricket Market In Pakistan |
Unpacking Poverty And Poverty Graduation |
Management Of State Owned Enterprises (Soes) |
Enabling Environment For Non Profit Organization In Pakistan |
Learning From Medical And Cancer Research |
Pakistan’S Trade Potential And The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership |
How digital we are? |
The Politics Of Media Economy In Pakistan |
Master Planning: What Is It And What It Creates |
Impact Of SROs On The Economy Of Pakistan |
Cities Of The Future |
Education Going Online |
The Feast Framework For Behavior Change |
The Chinese economic miracle |
The Narrow Corridor: How Nations Struggle For Liberty |
Breaking Out Of The Poverty Trap |
Experiences Of Pakistani Exporters With Non Tariff Measures |
Facilitating Pakistan’S Trade: TFA & National Trade Facilitation Bodies The Pakistan Nttfc |
Disposal of Excess Food Regulation 2019: A Glaring Hope in Post-COVID Pakistan |
Urban Mobility Is More Than Cars And Expensive Metros! |
Doing Health Policy Better |
Grand National Dialogue For Reforms |
Why Businesses Don’T Grow In Pakistan? |
Making Sense of Remittance Growth in the Time of COVID-19 |
The Post Pandemic World A Political Economy Perspective |
Pakistan’s NTMs: Challenges At the Border for Importers |
The Yardstick of What School Do You Go To? An Estimation of School Socioeconomic Segregation in Urban Pakistan |
What Is Smart About Smart Cities? |
A warm send-off |
Civil Service Training |
Pakistan Railways Or Pakistan’S Railways |
Influx of Afghan refugees and their rights |
Export Led Growth Channel Of Development For Pakistan And Competitiveness Of The Economy |
How To Make Pensions Sustainable? |
Cities and UrbanizationP&R Volume 2, Issue 1 |
Editorial |
Vice Chancellor’s Message |
Cars, Cars, Everywhere |
Interview with Arif Hasan |
Interview with Reza Ali |
Interview with Babar Mumtaz |
Interview with Shahrukh Wani |
Lahore’s Urban Dilemma |
Pakistan’s Urban Policy: Turning Cities Into Slums |
Construction package: Not a silver bullet! |
Cities for humanity and development – i |
Vol. 60 No.1-2021 |
Cities for humanity and development – ii |
Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives |
Testing the Threshold Asymmetric Co-integration Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Presence of Stylised Properties: Evidence from Pakistan |
Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Poverty in Pakistan |
Mechanism of Volatility Spillover Between Stock, Currency, and Commodity Markets of Pakistan |
Modelling Foreign Exchange Risk in a Managed Float Regime: Evidence from Pakistan |
Exchange Rate Policy Must Seek Undervaluation! |
Policy-making by Understanding the Generational Economy |
Amita Baviskar. Uncivil City: Ecology, Equity and the Commons in Delhi. 2020, Sage and Yodapress. |
Cities for humanity and development – iii |
Cities for humanity and development – iv |
Urban Pakistan And The Street Vendor Economy |
Construction – v |
Lahore’s Urban Dilemma |
The opportunity of dead capital |
Urban enigma: Becoming of today’s Karachi |
Islamabad: Is it the city of future? |
No more master plans, Please! |
Mobility and social outlook |
Edward Dodson on Rentier privilege |
The lesson of Anandi |
The Pakistan Paradox |
Lahore’s OmniBus |
HHI Index for Competition in Car Industry of Pakistan |
Why does the myth of rural Pakistan persist? |
Construction without real estate development |
Spading the real estate industry in Pakistan |
Making exports a policy priority: nothing mercantilist about it |
The Quaid’s Economic Model |
How To Make Pensions Less Burdensome For The Government? |
Pakistan Railways: Why not on Rails? A Revisit |
CTBCM: Delusion of a Market |
Vol. 59 No.3-2020 |
Wheat price game |
Scenes of the Hunt in Sindh |
Will capitalism eat itself? |
What Paradigm Shifts Are Required Within Pakistan’s Tax Policy? |
Is Pakistan Doing Taxes the Right Way During Pandemic? |
Does Free Market Mechanism Offer a Win-Win Situation to Wheat Consumers and the Government? |
Is Pakistan dealing with taxes the right way during pandemic? |
Pakistan Needs A Market-Based Solution To The Recurring Wheat Crises |
Is the Street Economy A Panacea for post-COVID Recovery? |
Exchange Rate Dynamics – Overvalued or Undervalued |
Pakistan’s Fatal Conceit of State Economic Interventions |
Growth Diagnostic of PakistanP&R Volume 1, Issue 3 |
Vice Chancellor’s Message |
Editorial |
Mahbub ul Haq: Pakistan’s Growth Pioneer |
Economic Growth of Pakistan: Arbitrary Policies in the Past and a Bumpy Road Ahead |
Haque Survey on Role of Taxation in Economic Growth |
Did South Korea Copy-paste Pakistan’s Growth Model? |
PIDE Interviews Arshad Zaman |
The Cost of Disinflation: The Sacrfice Ratio |
Doing Taxes Better: Simplify, Open and Grow Economy |
Enough “ Bricks and Mortar”! |
Tax Policies for Growth |
What Our Textile Sector can Learn from Vietnam’s Progress |
War for Talent: The Skills Gap |
Haque Survey on Post Retirement Job |
Issues and Strategies to Revitalize the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan |
Economic Cost of Political Conflict |
Managing Growth with Stabilization I |
Managing Growth with Stabilization II |
Pakistan Railways – Why not on Rails? |
Managing Growth with Stabilization III |
Haque Survey on Foreign Consultants and Donors |
Banking Finance and Economic Growth |
Why Businesses Don’t Grow in Pakistan |
Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Five Decade Overview |
Macroeconomic Research and Policy Making Processes and Agenda |
Rent-seeking Opportunities and Economic Growth in Transitional Economies |
Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth Role of Democratic Institutions |
The Inter-Linkages between Democracy and Per Capita GDP Growth: A Cross Country Analysis |
Pakistan Steel Mills: A Cortege to Collapse |
Why SROs Seem Quite the Brainteaser for Pakistan’s External Sector |
Uneven Development and the Phenomena of Housing Societies in Pakistan |
Exchange Rate – Overshoot, Readjust and Overvalued |
Irregular Migration During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Magna Carta for Pakistan |
Is It Time to Close Our Schools or Not – COVID 19 and Our Future Learning |
Cities Pay Taxes |
The recovery debate |
Pakistan Needs Its Own Magna Carta |
Debt Sustainability: Economic Growth is the Panacea |
Migration and Covid-19 |
New Directory Shows Cities In Pakistan Are Paying Taxes |
How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger by 2050 |
Parents’ Perception of Education and Choice of Childhood Activities: Evidence from Pakistan |
Does Job-Satisfaction Cause Life-Satisfaction? New Evidence Using Lewbel Methodology |
Competitive Structure and Bank Loan Rate in Pakistan’s Banking Industry |
Strengthening Pakistan’s Trade Linkages: A Case Study of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) |
Corruption, Tax Evasion, and Economic Development in Economies with Decentralised Tax Administrative System |
Pakistan Is Tilting At The Windmill By Regulating We Need Smart Regulation Not Over Regulation P&R Volume 1, Issue 2 |
Exploring Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Poverty: New Evidence from Pakistan |
Tax Structure in Pakistan: Fragmented, Exploitative and Anti-growth |
Pakistan: Withholdingisation of the Economic System—A Source of Revenue, Civil Strife, or Dutch Disease+? |
The Tariff Tripod of Pakistan: Protection, Export Promotion, and Revenue Generation |
Developing Research and a Research Culture: Results from a Pilot Project in Pakistan |
Sugar Coated Sugar Crisis and Cartelization |
Why Sugar Cartelization Happened – A Survey |
Webinar on Sugar Industry in Pakistan |
Agriculture in Pakistan: A Revisit |
Retail Sector – Shared Growth through E Commerce |
Exploring the Structure and Performance of Petroleum Retail Outlets in Pakistan |
Government’s Role in Markets: Should the Government be All Encompassing in the Wheat Market – A Survey |
Webinar on Financial Markets in the 21st Century |
A Spirited Debate on Competition and Markets |
Regulatory Structure of Key Markets in Pakistan |
Framework for Economic Growth Pakistan |
The Pension Bomb And Possible Solutions |
Key Highlights: E-commerce Policy |
Our Need for a National Tariff Policy |
Cascading Tariffs Are Not A Magic Pill for Pakistan |
Competitive Import Substitution: Can Industry be Protected in Pakistan |
Non-Tariff Measures in Pakistan |
Fact Sheet: A Glimpse of Tariffs in Pakistan |
Imperial Democracy |
Technocracy with Democracy |
CCP Slumbered while Consumers Short-Changed? |
Tracing the Zombies: Unproductive Capital in Pakistan |
Competition and Markets |
Does Pakistan Need A Competition Commission of Pakistan – Yes! |
Volatile policies- a source of trust deficit & low investment |
Pakistan’s Major Economic Indicators |
Cities-Engines of Growth |
PIDE COVID-19 E-Book |
Doing Development Better |
Institutions, Policy, Reform and Research: A National Narrative-building Through Webinars at PIDE |
Tax Reforms in Pakistan Historic & Critical View |
Coronavirus and macroeconomic interventions—part III |
The puzzling increase in remittances |
Circular Economy: A Need for the 21st Century |
Wheat Support Price: A Note For Policy Makers |
Lower Tax Rates and Simplified Procedures – The Tax Directory Analysis 2018 |
Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Wheat and Inflation |
Cost of protest |
There is Something About Exports: and It Is Productivity |
Exchange Rate Policy Must Seek Undervaluation! |
Covid-19 and child education |
The Economic Cost of Political Protests |
Pakistan’s Power Sector Woes: Part III |
Pakistan’s Low Cost Housing Finance Policy |
Pakistan’s Power Sector Woes – Pt II |
Barriers to Trade in the ECO Region: A Case of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) |
Vol. 59 No.2-2020 |
Demographic Changes and Economic Growth in Pakistan: The Role of Capital Stock |
Intergenerational Mobility in Educational Attainments |
The Impact of Political Regime and Institutions on Government Size in Middle-Income Countries |
Institutions, Regional Integration and Bilateral Trade in South Asia: PPML Based Evidence |
Economic & Cultural Distance & Regional Integration: Evidence from Gravity Model Using Disaggregated Data for Pakistan |
Gender Gaps in Child Nutritional Status in Punjab, Pakistan |
Bangladesh and Pakistan: The Great Divergence |
Creativity in Schools: A 21st Century Need |
Unravelling Water Use Efficiency in Sugarcane and Cotton Production in Pakistan |
Daniel H. Pink. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead Books, U.S. 2009. 256 page. (Hardbound). |
Pakistan’s Power Sector Woes – Pt I |
State of Graduate Unemployment in Pakistan |
Bangladesh And Pakistan: The Great Divergence |
State of Education in Pakistan |
Economics beyond the ordinary |
Public Transportation System and Female Mobility in Pakistan |
Breaking the debt lock |
Foreign Aid or Export-Led Growth? |
Is Pakistan Prematurely Deindustrializing? |
PIDE P&R Volume 1, Issue 1- A Guide to Policy and Research |
Vice Chancellor’s Message |
Editor’s Message |
The Encroachment Debacle in Pakistan |
Why Not KHOKHAS Everywhere? |
The Yardstick Of What Do You Attend? |
Where are the Opportunities for the Poor? |
Hiring Practices of Fast Food Franchises in Islamabad |
Protecting the Internal Migrant Workers |
Opting for a Smart Lockdown in Pakistan |
Working from Home in a Smart Lockdown Changing Dynamics of the Labour Market under COVID-19 |
Explaining the Ro in the COVID-19 Projections |
The Fog of War |
Assessing the Economics of Pandemic-The Politics of National Response in Times of Global Chaos |
Import And Export Policy Orders And Amendments Through Statutory Regulatory Orders |
Creativity In Schools: A 21st Century Need |
PIDE Research Activities 2020 |
How Critical is Civil Society in the COVID-19 Control? |
Flattening the Curve; Pensions This Time! |
Pakistan Stock Exchange and the COVID-19 Outbreak |
The Dash for Dollars |
COVID-19 and the Immunity Pardon |
Public Policy & Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Unclear Economic Thinking |
FATF: A Challenge for Pakistan in the US-Taliban Peace Talk Scenario |
Potential for Economic Cooperation with Afghanistan: Proximity Geo-Economic Nexus |
Seminars @ PIDE |
PIDE @ ThinkFest |
Meaningless numbers |
Do We Need Metro Bus System for Improving Female Mobility? |
Need for Inclusive Education |
Pakistan’s options for climate finance |
Islamabad: A City for the Rich |
The Poor State Of Financial Markets In Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 41 |
Who Protects Our ‘Thought’ Industry? |
Higher Taxes Reduce Economic Growth: Overwhelming International Evidence |
Unconditional Cash Transfer And Poverty Alleviation In Pakistan Bisp’S Impact On Households’ Socioeconomic Wellbeing |
A Networks Based ABM to Investigate the Efficacy of Lockdowns and other Mitigation Strategies |
Avoiding a Second Wave of COVID-19 Infections: Appeal to Other-regarding Preference |
The Challenges of Pakistan’s National Tariff Policy |
Under Developed Real Estate Industry In Pakistan |
Pide Energy Roundtables |
Street Vendors In Islamabad – Voice From The Ground |
Banking, Finance And Economic Growth |
The Gas System In Pakistan |
Consolidating the Efforts of Various Social Safety Nets for the COVID-19 Relief |
Energy Innovations |
City Planning And Urban Design Guide |
Covid 19 And Challenges For South Asian Economies |
Revitalizing the agriculture sector |
Anti-corruption dynamics of Pakistan |
Are we ready to reap CPEC benefits? |
The Sugar Industry Of Pakistan—Understanding Structural And Regulatory Underpinnings Of The Current Sugar Crisis |
Aid, Development And The Lessons Of History: Urban Reconstruction Under Ayub Khan |
The economy under the PTI |
Is economic planning viable? |
Primary Education in Pakistan |
10th National Finance Commission Award Improving Lives Of Citizens And Strengthening The Federation |
Prime Minister’s Construction Package |
Towards A Stable Economy And Politics! |
An Ad and a Postal Stamp! |
Foreign Aid To Pakistan |
July 10th Marks 119th Day Since Educational Institutions Have Been Shutdown In Pakistan! |
Future Of Higher Education In Pakistan |
Webinar With Prof. Gustav F. Papanek |
Cities For Humanity And Development |
The State Of Civil Service Reforms |
Energy Productivity for Sustainable Development – Pt II |
Ideas Matter? |
Judging The Judges: Dynamics Of The Pakistani System Of Justice Delivery |
Managing Growth With Stabilization Series |
Understanding the Textile Value Chain (TVC) |
Rethinking Mobility (Urban Transport Policy) in Pakistan |
Pide Roundtables On “Education” |
Structure Of Civil Service Reforms |
Energy Productivity for Sustainable Development – Pt I |
Doing Taxes Better: Simplify, Open And Grow Economy |
Case Management As An Approach To Improve Judicial Performance |
A Local Economic Development Approach for Faisalabad |
Tracing the Zombies: Unproductive Capital in Pakistan |
Is Pakistan Talent Repellant? |
Moving Up The Energy Ladder: The Impact Of Bisp Cash Transfers On Fuel Choices |
Contextualizing Pakistan’s Cities Writings of Nadeem Ul Haque |
The University Research System In Pakistan |
PIDE COVID-19 Newsletter E-Book |
Budget 2020-21: Cutting expenses in pandemic |
What is holding back milk production in Pakistan? |
Pandemic-Induced School Closure and Inequalities in Homeschooling: Implications for the Long-run Human Capital Accumulation in Pakistan |
What is Holding Back Milk Production in Pakistan? |
Towards A Stable Economy And Politics |
Agriculture In Pakistan: A Revisit |
Excluded from elite space |
Mis-targeting or Under-performance: A case of Monetary Policy in Pakistan |
Withered Books |
Only the paranoid survive |
Annual budget: a useless exercise |
Time to think beyond bricks and mortars |
Parking Regulations for High Rise Buildings |
Employees Engagement and Augmented Learning |
Devolving Power |
Growth Inclusive Tax Policy: A Reform Proposal PIDE Report |
The Islamabad Master Plan |
Budget 2020-21 Highlights and Commentary |
PIDE Newsletter 40 |
PIDE Newsletter 39 |
Anti-Corruption Dynamics of Pakistan in Face of Succumbed Perceptions |
Decentralization and Institutions: An Insight |
Pakistan’s human capital conundrum |
Pakistan’s human capital conundrum Shahid Mehmood |
PIDE Newsletter 38 |
Population Dynamics and COVID-19 in Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 37 |
Pensions, Aging of Population, and Fiscal Situation in Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 36 |
Take Policy Back From the ‘Economic Hit-men’ |
PIDE Newsletter 35 |
Pakistan’S Five Currency Crises |
PIDE Newsletter 34 |
The Economic Analysis Of Law In Pakistan |
CPEC: Phases and Challenges |
PIDE Newsletter 33 |
Coordination and Integration of All Stakeholders to Counter COVID-19 |
The failure of Pakistan’s power policies |
High Rise, Lahore Urban Sprawl and PM Khan’s Directive |
What Do We Know of Exchange Rate Pass Through? |
PIDE Newsletter 32 |
Will Covid affect our remittance inflows? |
Assessing the Fallout from the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Banking Sector of Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 31 |
Macro Models for Policy |
Mobilise the Social Mobilisers |
PIDE Newsletter 30 |
National Poverty Estimates 2018 19 |
Understanding smart lockdowns |
Enough brick and mortar |
Getting More Out Of The PSDP Through Results Based Management |
PIDE Newsletter 29 |
Economic packages are not enough for a weak economy like Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 28 |
Forecasting the Incidence of COVID-19 in Pakistan |
Assessing the Covid-19 economic fallout in Pakistan |
Public Sector Efficiency: Perspectives on Civil Service Reform |
PIDE Newsletter 27 |
Lockdown Within A Lockdown Covid-19 In The Indian Occupied Jammu And Kashmir |
Enough “Bricks and Mortar”! |
PIDE Newsletter 26 |
PIDE Newsletter 25 |
COVID-19 and the Immunity Pardon |
Covid-19 And Remittances |
PIDE Newsletter 24 |
The Dash for Dollars |
Working from Home in a Smart Lockdown Changing Dynamics of the Labour Market under COVID-19 |
PIDE Newsletter 23 |
Pakistan Stock Exchange and the COVID-19 Outbreak |
PIDE Newsletter 22 |
How Critical is Civil Society in the COVID-19 Control? |
Cost of corona |
“KHANDAQ” A Covid-19 Strategy & Implementation Plan |
PIDE Newsletter 21 |
Explaining the R0 in the COVID-19 Projections |
Opting for a Smart Lockdown in Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 20 |
Assessing the Economics of Pandemic-The Politics of National Response in Times of Global Chaos |
PIDE Newsletter 19 |
Disbursement efficiency |
PIDE Newsletter 18 |
The Fog of War |
Covid-19 and structural inequalities |
COVID-19 pandemic: State-community coordination in policy response |
PIDE Newsletter 17 |
Protecting the Internal Migrant Workers |
Income Loss Due to COVID-19 Lockdown and the Challenge of Paying School Fee |
Assaying Urban Governance Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
PIDE Newsletter 16 |
Building a Different Kind of Bridge Public Health Emergencies Preparedness A Post C OVID 19 Agenda |
Covid-19 And World’s Financial Markets |
PIDE Newsletter 15 |
The Mobility Estimates and Social Outlook |
PIDE Newsletter 14 |
Higher Education Challenge For Pakistan Under Covid-19: The Way Forward |
Why Pakistan’s Indigenous Testing is not Materialising? |
Urban Management: Thinking Beyond Master Plans |
PIDE Newsletter 13 |
Labour Market and COVID-19: Provincial-Level Analysis of Vulnerable Employment Across Sectors |
Coronavirus Pandemic And Risks To Remittance Inflows |
The Cost Of Disinflation: The Sacrifice Ratio |
National Tariff Policy 2019 24 |
PIDE Newsletter 12 |
Our Poor ‘Ease of Living’ Indicators |
Growth Of Coronavirus Cases In Pakistan Do We Have Enough Hospital Beds Available? |
PIDE Newsletter 11 |
Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Through Trade Disruptions in Pakistan |
Technology To Our Help In Flattening The Curve Making Use Of A Lockdown More Efficiently |
Coronavirus and the plight of labourer |
Trade, cooperation policies in time of pandemic |
PIDE Newsletter 10 |
WHAT DO CONFIRMED NUMBERS TELL US? Using an Adapted SEIR Model for Estimation of COVID-19 in Pakistan |
Young- The Inadvertent Agents for Spreading COVID-19 |
Caring for the poor |
PIDE Newsletter 09 |
PIDE Newsletter 08 |
CORONA WAR: Heterodox Solution Based on Aggressive Testing |
Social Spaces in the Time of Coronavirus |
PIDE Newsletter 07 |
Time to Get the Pharmaceutical Industry Policies Right |
Jummah Prayers In Pakistan: An Islamic Approach To Community Welfare During The Covid-19 Pandemic |
PIDE Newsletter 06 |
The Corona War: Funding the Affected and Mechanisms to Reach Them |
We Would Not Die! |
PIDE Newsletter 05 |
A Template To Monitor The Impact Of Covid-19 On Pakistan’s Economy |
Will High Summer Temperatures Stem Coronavirus’ Spread in Pakistan? |
PIDE Newsletter 04 |
Managing the COVID-19 Crisis An Organizational Plan |
Protecting the Saviours Health care workers and COVID 19 |
Coronavirus and HR managers’ obligations |
Coronavirus and the changing dynamics of social spaces in Pakistan |
PSDP process overhaul need of the hour in Pakistan |
PIDE Newsletter 03 |
Sectoral Analysis of the Vulnerably Employed COVID-19 and the Pakistan’s Labour Market |
Coronavirus and Google Searches in Pakistan What the Trends Tell |
PIDE Newsletter 02 |
Pakistan’s Struggle with COVID-19 Quarantines |
A quick note on SBP announcement |
PIDE Newsletter 01 |
Slowdown or Shutdown Pakistan’s Dilemma |
A Quick Note on SBP Announcement |
A Quick Note on SBP Announcement |
Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable |
Doing taxes better |
Sustainable housing |
Planning without analysis |
Reducing Poverty Through Micro-finance |
18th Amendment and deprivation |
Invisible Damage: The Hidden Cost of Breathing Polluted Air |
Production or real estate? |
Public Transportation System and Female Mobility in Pakistan |
Production Or Real Estate Activities: What do we want from SEZs and IEs |
Vol. 59 No.1-2020 |
What are we missing? A tale of PSDP |
Tax Policies for Growth |
PSL: In the eye of a Citizen |
What Our Textile Sector Can Learn from Vietnam’s Progress |
We Build Universities, not Education |
Strategies To Improve Revenue Generation For Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation |
National Transfer Accounts for PakistanEstimating the Generational Economy for Pakistan |
Milk Production in Pakistan |
Energy Subsidies and Circular Debt |
Reconciling the Teaching of Economics |
Farewell, Volcker |
SDGs and Donor Involvement |
Let’s Have A New Discussion on Poverty Estimates |
Pakistan’s New Tariff Policy – Long Overdue Strategy for the Future |
Educated Women Are at Higher Risk of Mistimed Birth |
Mobility, Cars, and Cities |
An Obstacle to Development: Pakistan’s Electric Power Sector |
Lahore’S Urban Dilemma Doing Cities Better |
Covid-19 and Pakistan’s Economy Recovery Scenarios for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021 |
The Fall of Urdu and the Triumph of English in Pakistan: A Political Economic Analysis |
Cinema in Pakistan: Economics, Institutions and Way Forward |
Resilient Civil Society and Development |
Size and Age as Determinants of Employment Growth among Manufacturing Firms in Pakistan |
Estimating the Footprint of Government on the Economy |
Developing Research and a Research Culture: Results from a Pilot Project in Pakistan |
Correction of Trade Deficit through Depreciation – A Misdirected Policy: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan |
An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan’s Agriculture Trade with China: Complementarity or Competition? |
War for Talent: The Skills Gap |
Oil Price Volatility and Stock Returns: Evidence from Three Oil-price Wars |
Building industry-academia linkages: a latent solution |
A Tale of Two Punjabs and CPEC |
Are Ulama Agents of Social Change in Pakistan? |
Circular Debt—an Unfortunate Misnomer |
Foreign Training of Government Officers and Public Sector Capacity in Pakistan |
Gender Socialisation among Pakistani Preadolescents and Adolescents |
Pursuit of Ideal Strategy to Manage Pandemic: A Comparative Study of COVID 19 for USA, Italy, Spain, China, and Pakistan |
Doing Away with the 1861 Police Act |
Macro Shocks and Child Grade Attainment in Rural Pakistan |
Conflict and Religious Preferences: Evidence from a Civil Conflict in Pakistan |
Exposing the Metro Bus Scheme |
On Deconstructing National Education Policy Framework, 2018 of Pakistan |
Aspirations and Behaviour: Future in the Mindset The Link between Aspiration Failure and the Poverty Trap |
FATF: A Challenge for Pakistan in the US-Taliban Peace Talk Scenario |
Unveiling the Effects of Indoor Air Pollution on Health of Rural Women in Pakistan |
Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Five Decade Overview |
Measuring the Impact of Remittances on Housing Demand: Evidence from Large Cities in Pakistan |
Issues and Strategies to Revitalize the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan |
Construction without Real Estate Development |
A Case for Social Distancing in Developing Countries |
Pakistan: Withholdingisation of the Economic System—A Source of Revenue, Civil Strife, or Dutch Disease+? |
CPEC and Pakistan’s Debt Burden |
The Tariff Tripod of Pakistan: Protection, Export Promotion, and Revenue Generation |
Bikes, Density and Cars |
The C-Section Epidemic in Pakistan |
Sending Money Home: Transaction Cost and Remittances to Developing Countries |
Entertaining Douglass North: Political Violence and Social Order |
CPEC: phases and challenges |
Increasing Revenue for Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad |
Understanding Business Cycle Fluctuations in Pakistan |
External Debt and Capital Accumulation Nexus: Evidence from Pakistan |
Volatility in Discretionary Public Spending and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Analysis |
Does Gold Act as a Hedge or a Safe Haven? Evidence from Pakistan |
Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth in Pakistan: The Role of Financial Development |
Assessing the Role of Money versus Interest Rate in Pakistan |
Agriculture in Pakistan: A Revisit |
The Economic Analysis of Law in Pakistan |
Doing Taxes Better: Simplify, Open and Grow Economy |
Doing Development Better: Analysing the PSDP |
Analysing the National Tariff Policy |
Katy Gardner and David Lewis. Anthropology and Development: Challenges for the Twenty-First Century. London: Pluto Press. 2015 (Second Edition). 240 page. Price £24.99 |
Macroeconomic Research and Policy Making: Processes and Agenda |
Doing Development Better: Analyzing The Psdp |
Special Economic Zones in Pakistan: Promises and Perils |
Learning from Discourse at PIDE |
The road to violence in Pakistan: inefficient conflict resolution mechanism and less accountability |
Textile: key lessons from Vietnam |
Resilient civil society and development |
Economic growth and employment mismatch |
Estimating poverty |
Zombie Firms in Pakistan |
Public Policy & Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Unclear Economic Thinking |
Potential for Economic Cooperation with Afghanistan: Proximity Geo-Economic Nexus |
Why are We Subsidizing Car-Use? |
Where are the opportunities for the poor? |
Masterplan of Islamabad (2020-2040) |
Kartarpur Corridor: A New Avenue of Capital Inflow for Pakistan |
Why not Khokhas Everywhere? |
Building Industry-Academia Linkages: A Latent Solution |
High Population Growth in Pakistan: A Supply AND Demand Side Issue |
Need of the Hour: Simplicity and not Complexity in the SEZ Act |
Beyond Kartarpur |
Food Insecurity in Pakistan – Status and Plausible Causes |
Mapping out a Tourism Policy for the Potohar Plateau |
Vulnerability in Food Supply and Food Access—Evidence from ECO Region |
Vol. 58 No.3-2019 |
PTV News – Asad Umar at PIDE |
FDI and Regional Connectivity Seminar at PIDE |
Economic cost of political conflict |
List of HEC Recognized Journals and Fraud Journals |
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Dictatorships, Patronage and Public Good Provision: Some Empirics |
Volatility Modelling and Dynamic Linkages between Pakistani and Leading Foreign Stock Markets: A Multivariate GARCH Analysis |
The Production of Terrorism in Pakistan: A Religious Market Explanation |
Political and Economic Uncertainty and Investment Behaviour in Pakistan |
Rashid Amjad (ed.) The Pakistani Diaspora: Corridors of Opportunity and Uncertainty. Lahore, Pakistan: Lahore School of Economics. 2017. 337 pages. |
Sacred Landscape of Islamabad |
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. (Shorter Notices-2019-2) |
Academic silos |
Economy Improvement: What is the truth of PTI claims? |
An Evidence of Diverging SAARC Economies |
Pakistani Women’s Perceived Spousal Concordance on Desired Family Size and Birth Intendedness |
Competitiveness in Pakistan: A Case Study of the ICT Industry |
Bringing down the cost of remitting to Pakistan |
Evaluating the Factors Determining Pesticide Residues in Vegetables: A Case Study of Lemons Market in Pakistan |
Impacts of country of origin theory in context of government policy of cutting current account defecit in Pakistan |
Choice of Microfinance Contracts and Repayment Rates under Individual Lending: An Artefactual Field Experiment from Pakistan |
Changing Gender Roles and Spousal Agreement on Fertility Intentions |
Vol. 58 No.2-2019 |
Moral Hazard, Monitoring and Punishment: Evidence from a Field Experiment |
Policy Failure in Achieving Universal Basic Education: A Theoretical Analysis |
The Effects of Agglomeration on Socio-economic Outcomes: A District Level Panel Study of Punjab |
School Quality and Parental Schooling Decisions for Their Children: Public and Private Schools in Rural Pakistan |
Public Spending, Quality of Bureaucracy and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Analysis |
Hafeez A Pasha. Growth and Inequality in Pakistan, Volume-I. Islamabad, Pakistan: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2018. v+218 pages. |
Welfare Analysis of Electricity Subsidies in Pakistan |
Exploring the Determinants of Underground Economy of Pakistan |
Unravelling Water Use Efficiency In Sugarcane And Cotton Production In Pakistan |
Holiest of relics |
Turning Solarization Of Agricultural Tubewells Into A Social, Economic And Environmental Win Win In Balochistan |
Cost Of Remitting To Pakistan Across Major Corridors |
Of Turban and Flag |
World-Wandering Mystics |
Pakistan Input-Output Table 2010-11 |
Measuring the Impact of FDI and Private Domestic Investment on Growth—Case of South Asia |
Vol. 58 No.1-2019 |
Corporate Financing and Firm Efficiency: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach |
Sources to Finance Fiscal Deficit and Their Impact on Inflation: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Impact of Micro Hydropower Projects on Household Income, Expenditure and Diversification of Livelihood Strategies in Azad Jammu and Kashmir |
Oil Price Shocks, Systematic Monetary Policy and Economic Activity |
Testing the Monthly Calendar Anomaly of Stock Returns in Pakistan: A Stochastic Dominance Approach |
Fareeha Zafar. Canals, Colonies and Class: British Policy in the Punjab 1880- 1940. Lahore, Pakistan: Lahore School of Economics. 2017. xxii + 317 pages. Price not given. |
Electricity Subsidies And Welfare Analysis In Pakistan |
Austin Williams. China’s Urban Revolution: Understanding Chinese Eco-Cities. (Shorter Notices-2019-1) |
Deputies and Disciples |
Sufis of Sakrand |
Sabzwari Saints of Sehwan |
The economy is not a political enterprise |
Interview: The economy is not a political enterprise |
Time for a rethink |
Employment In Pakistan: Trends, Sectoral Shares And Elasticities |
Determinants of Expansion of Micro and Small Firms and State of Entrepreneurship in Pakistan |
An Analysis of Adaption Policies to Climate Change: Gdyn-W Model |
Would Cpec Spur Economic Growth? |
Vol. 57 No.3-2018 |
CEECC holds seminar on 2018 Nobel Prize Winners |
Reforms will not work unless civil services are decentralised |
What does the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics means for climate change? |
Contrarian and Momentum Investment Strategies in Pakistan StockExchange |
Differing Impact of Liberalisation: The Case of VerticallyIntegrated Clothing Firms |
Climate Change and Drought: Impact of Food Insecurity on GenderBased Vulnerability in District Tharparkar |
Testing for Differences Across Genders: Evidence from UltimatumGame |
Business Group Affiliation and Firm Performance—Evidence fromPakistani Listed Firms |
In the Same Boat, but not Equals: The Heterogeneous Effects of Indirect Taxation on Child Health in Punjab-Pakistan |
Making migrant remittances more potent |
Saints, scholars and soldiers |
Swamis and Sufis |
A Qadiri Saint of Sukkur |
Mahdawi mystics of Thatta |
Streamlining the EAC |
Food Insecurity in Pakistan: A Region-Wise Analysis of Trends |
Rizvi Saints of Sukkur |
Majzub, King and Queen |
Ten million jobs |
Avoiding the lender of last resort |
Princess and Pir |
Our safety nets |
Sufis of 16th-century Sindh |
In search of dogs and their tombs in Mirpurkhas |
Tribal wars, tales and tombs |
Glory in blue |
Measuring the Sufficient Debt Sustainability Condition in Pakistan |
Satis of Tharparkar |
From prehistory onwards |
History in shambles |
Animal-healing saint of Tharparkar |
Sufi shrines as spiritual clinics |
Muslim saints and their Hindu devotees |
Talpur Palaces of Khairpur |
Paul Collier. The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties.London, UK: Allen Lane. 2018. 256 pages. Price UK £ 20.00(Hardback). |
Vol. 57 No.2-2018 |
Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty: A Case of African OICMember Countries |
Impact of Project and Programme Aid on Economic Growth: A CrossCountry Analysis |
Does Pak-Rupee Exchange Rate Respond to Monetary Fundamentals? AStructural Analysis |
Do Non-farm Enterprises Offer Pathways for Upward Mobility inRural Pakistan? Evidence from Panel Dataset |
Exploring the Structure and Performance of Petroleum RetailOutlets in Pakistan |
Sara Rizvi Jafree. Women, Healthcare, and Violence in Pakistan.Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University Press. 2017. 292 pages. Price PakRs 950.00. |
Nanakpanthis in Mithi |
Glorious tombs of Balochistan |
Achieving high growth |
Tobacco Use In Pakistan |
Nanakpanthi Saints of Sindh |
Higher Tobacco Taxes In Pakistan Could Increase Revenue & Improve Public Healt |
Love in Tharparkar |
The search for knowledge |
Guardians of a sacred heritage |
Survival of Shiva cult in Sindh shows inter-faith coexistence in Pakistan |
The thriving Shiva festival in Umarkot is a reminder of Sindh’s Hindu heritage |
Vol. 57 No.1-2018 |
Determinants of Housing Demand in Urban Areas of Pakistan: Evidence from the PSLM |
The Determinants of Services Sector Growth: A ComparativeAnalysis of Selected Developed and Developing Economies |
Achieving the Shared Economic Growth |
Forest Wood Consumption and Wood Shortage in Pakistan: Estimationand Projection through System Dynamics |
Economic Contribution of Copyright-based Industries in Pakistan |
Ian Gough. Heat Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalismand Sustainable Wellbeing. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar PublisherLimited. 2017. 250 sages. $26.29 (Paperback). |
Jocelyn Thorpe, Stephanie Rutherford, and L. Anders Sandberg (cds.). Methodological Challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research. (Shorter Notices-2018-1) |
Gurus in Shikarpur |
Prenatal Exposure to Shocks and Early-Life Health: Impact of Terrorism and Flood on Birth Outcomes in Pakistan |
Economics of Tobacco Taxation and Consumption in Pakistan |
Skill Disconnect in Sindh |
Vol. 56 No.4-2017 |
Institutions and Innovation: Evidence from Countries at Different Stages of Development |
Trade Liberalisation and Industrial Productivity: Evidence from Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan |
Fiscal Consolidation and Economic Growth: Insights from the Case of Pakistan |
Strategic Change in Operating Trends of Public Listed Companies and Its Impact on StockMarket Growth |
Sung-Hee Jwa. A General Theory of Economic Development—Towards a Capitalist Manifesto. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2017. x+215 pages. Price UK £ 67.50 (Hardback). |
Karl August Wittfogel. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power. New Haven, USA: Yale University Press. 1957 (Reprinted 1981). 550 pages. USD 119 (Paperback). |
Tariq Riaz. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Poverty of Nations: With Special Reference to Pakistan . (Shorter Notices-2017-4) |
The sky is falling |
Institutional poverty |
An Assessment of Pakistan’s Export Performance and the Way Forward |
Subjective Probability Does Not Exist |
Vol. 56 No.3-2017 |
On Using Exchange Rate for Promoting Exports |
Exclusive interview |
The Unreliability of Output-Gap Estimates in Real Time |
Spatial Differences and Socioeconomic Determinants of Health Poverty |
Parental Effects on Primary School Enrolment under Different Types of Household Headship: Evidence from Pakistan |
Spatial Differences in Rice Price Volatility: A Case Study of Pakistan 1994–2011 |
Floor Brouwer (ed.) Sustaining Agriculture and the Rural Environment: Governance, Policy and Multifunctionality. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2004 (Reprinted 2016). Xi+360 pages. U.K. £98.10 (Hardback). |
Luc J. A. Mougeot (editor). Putting Knowledge to Work—Collaborating, Influencing, and Learning for International Development. (Shorter Notices-2017-3) |
Socio-economic and Environmental Factors Affecting Health in District Bhimber (AJK) |
The SCO and CPEC |
Vol. 56 No.2-2017 |
CPEC: calling the shots |
CPEC: dismissing the detractors |
Charter of economy |
The optimal level |
Exclusive interview in Daily Ausaf |
Press Release on Strategies for Improving Exports (CPEC) |
CPEC: sculpting a common destiny |
FICTION: Wishful thinking |
Unite and prosper |
Inequality and inter-provincial marginalisation in Pakistan |
Home to school |
Home to school written |
Getting regional trade right in Central Asia |
Efficient Use Of Groundwater For Agriculture In Pakistan |
Financial Regulations, Profit Efficiency, and Financial Soundness: Empirical Evidence from Commercial Banks of Pakistan |
The Employment Effect of Innovation: Evidence from Bangladesh and Pakistan |
Pakistan: State Autonomy, Extraction, and Elite Capture—A Theoretical Configuration |
Impact of Climate Change on Crops’ Productivity across Selected Agro-ecological Zones in Pakistan |
Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger by 2050 |
The Shahid Javed Burki Institute of Public Policy. The State of the Economy Annual Report. Agriculture and Water. (Shorter Notices-2017-2) |
Improving Pakistan’s Exports Through Diversification |
Strengthening Public Sector Capacity For Improved Governance In Pakistan |
Misplaced optimism |
The aid policy network in Pakistan |
Take policy back from the ‘Economic Hit-men’ |
Opening the Black Box: Managing the Aid Policy Process in Pakistan |
Remittances for Growth: Initiatives for Remitters and Remittances |
Vol. 56 No.1-2017 |
The Utilisation of Education and Skills: Non-Pecuniary Consequences Among Graduates |
Land Use Conflicts in the Developing Countries: Proximate Driving Forces and Preventive Measures |
Pakistan’s Monetary Policy: Some Fundamental Issues |
Pakistan’s Bilateral Trade under MFN and SAFTA: Do Institutional and Non-Institutional Arrangements Matter? |
Minhas Majeed Khan, et al. (eds.). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor—A Game Changer. Islamabad, Pakistan: Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI). 2016. iii+164 Pages. Pak Rupees 500.00 (Hardback). |
Nancy Isenberg. White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America. (Shorter Notices-2017-1) |
Daily Stock Market Movements: From the Lens of News and Events |
Economic dilemma |
Abuse of authority |
Inaugural Address |
The Presidential Address |
Sovereign Development Toward a Grand Strategy for Pakistan (A. R. Kemal Memorial Lecture) |
Pakistan’s Trade with China: What is the Potential Effect of CPEC? (Mahbub-ul-Haq Lecture) |
Role of Productivity, Quality, and Innovation in Making CPEC Work for Pakistan (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Regional and Domestic Political Economy (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
FDI and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Sector Wise Multivariate Cointegration Analysis |
The Impact of Productivity on Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan: A Structural VAR Analysis |
The Role of the Sectoral Composition of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: A Policy Proposal for CPEC and Regional Partners |
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Pakistan: Is China Crowding Out FDI Inflows in Pakistan? |
CPEC, SEZ (Special Economic Zones) and Entrepreneurial Development Prospects in Pakistan |
Effect of Agglomeration on Socio-economic Outcomes: A District Level Panel Study of Punjab |
A Comparative Account on the Economic and Environmental Efficiency of the Road and Intermodal Freight Transport Networks |
A Tale of Two Markets and the Role of Prosperous Market-Augmenting Governments |
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and CPEC: Background, Challenges and Strategies |
Exploring Channels of Economic Linkages of Pakistan’s Economy to the Globe |
Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Trade between China and Pakistan |
Does Globalisation Shape Income Inequality? Empirical Evidence from Selected Developing Countries |
A Gravity Approach to the Study of Pakistan’s Trade Potential |
Investigating the Group Diversification Premium and Discount in Pakistan |
Fiscal Policy Effectiveness for Pakistan: A Structural VAR Approach |
Oil Price Pass-through to Domestic Inflation: Evidence from CPI and WPI Data of Pakistan |
Information Efficiency Premium can also Explain Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange |
Theory and Practice of Understanding Corruption in Pakistan: Case Study of National Accountability Bureau, KPK |
Do Political Leaders Affect Sectoral Composition of FDI Inflows to Favour their Constituencies in Pakistan? |
Property Rights Approach with in Multiple Transactions |
Does Political Globalisation Impede Terrorism? A Regional Perspective |
Leapfrogging and Moving Closer towards Regional Partners: Rate of Transition Analysis by Digital Mosaics and Weibull Probability Distribution Model |
Dragon’s Entry in South Asia and its Impact on Financial Markets |
Does Infrastructure Development Promote Regional Economic Integration? CPEC’s Implications for Pakistan |
The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Demand for Pakistan’s Leather Goods Exports to China |
Sufficiency Analysis of Local Production Capacity in Punjab for the Requirement of CPEC |
Impact of CPEC Projects on Agriculture Sector of Pakistan: Infrastructure and Agricultural Output Linkages |
Growth Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Pakistan |
Cost and Benefit Analysis of the Four Routs of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) |
Chinese Banking Reforms: An Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Performing Loans |
CPEC and Regional Integration |
Impact of CPEC on Social Welfare in Pakistan: A District Level Analysis |
China’s Journey in Renewable Energy and Its Potential Spillover Effects through the CPEC in Pakistan |
New Issues Puzzle: Experience from Karachi Stock Exchange |
Vol.55 No.4 Part I-II-2016 |
Exploring the Structure and Performance of Petroleum Retail Outlets in Pakistan |
Pakistan can’t reap the benefits of CPEC |
The election cycle |
The visa trade |
Inaugural Address |
Governance, Institutional Reforms and Modernisation of PublicSector (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture ) |
Achieving Sustained, Indigenous and Inclusive Growth (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Private Sector Led Growth and the Entrepreneurship (The Mahbub UlHaq Memorial Lecture) |
A Nexus Approach to Food, Water, and Energy: Sustainably MeetingAsia’s Future Food and Nutrition Requirements (Sarfraz K. QureshiMemorial Lecture) |
Analysis of Infrastructure Investment and Institutional Qualityon Living Standards: A Case Study of Pakistan (1990-2013) |
Replacing Contracts with Handshakes: A Study of Social Networksof Entrepreneurs in the Weaving Sector |
Restructuring of WAPDA: A Reality or a Myth |
Importance of Judicial Efficiency in Capital Structure Decisionsof Small Firms: Evidence from Pakistan |
The Current Account Deficit Sustainability: An EmpiricalInvestigation for Pakistan |
Spatial Disparities in Socioeconomic Development: The Case ofPakistan |
Financial Sector, Democracy and Economic Growth: A Panel DataAnalysis |
Measurement and Determinants of Inclusive Growth: A Case Study ofPakistan (1990-2012) |
Social Capital Household Welfare and Poverty: Evidence fromPakistan |
Determinants of GDP Fluctuations in Selected South AsianCountries: A Macro-Panel Study |
E-government, Economic Growth and Trade: A Simultaneous EquationApproach |
Impact of Global Food Price Escalation on Poverty in South AsianCountries |
Impact of Farm Households’ Adaptations to Climate Change on FoodSecurity: Evidence from Different Agro-ecologies of Pakistan |
Environmental Pollution and Sustainable Development in DevelopingCountries |
Impact of Rising Energy Prices on Consumer’s Welfare: A CaseStudy of Pakistan |
Pakistan‟s Governance Goliath: The Case of Non-ProfessionalChairman, FBR |
Authoritarian Regimes and Economic Development: An EmpiricalReflection |
Economic Institutions and Growth Nexus: The Role of Governanceand Democratic Institutions—Evidence from Time Varying Parameters’(TVPs) Models |
Corruption, Political Stability and Economic Growth |
Is Innovation in Pakistan Driven by Specialisation orDiversity? |
Factors Explaining the Risk Attitude towards Entrepreneurship inPakistan: An Exploratory Analysis |
New Direction to Evaluate the Economic Impact of Peace forBilateral Trade among World Economies |
Fiscal Decentralisation, Provincial Economic Growth and SpilloverEffects: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis |
From Fiscal Decentralisation to Economic Growt The Role ofComplementary Institutions |
Does Fiscal Decentralisation Matter for Poverty and IncomeInequality in Pakistan? |
Hello Folk: We Are Responsible for What We Will Face in 2025;Evidence from Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Capital |
Indebtedness and Poverty: The Case of Pakistan |
Analysing Econometric Bias and Non-linearity in Returns toEducation of Pakistan |
Impact of Credit on Education and Healthcare Spending in RuralPakistan |
Fiscal Space for Investment in Agriculture— A Review of Taxes andSubsidies in Agriculture in Pakistan |
Inclusive Agricultural Growth in Pakistan— Understanding SomeBasic Constraints |
Factors Influencing Choice of Energy Sources in RuralPakistan |
Combating Nutrient Deficiency in Pakistan |
Hold-up Problem in Price Cap Regulation with Limited Ability ofCommitment in High Inflation |
Impact of Public-Private-Partnership Programmes on Students’Learning Outcomes: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment |
Socio-Economic Analysis of Household Energy Security: Evidencefrom 3D Energy Losses Surface Maps (ELSMs) of a Town Using Conjunctureof Factors Matrix, Digital and Mathematical Analysis |
Poverty and terror |
Green accounting written |
Flawed degrees |
Vol.55 No.3-2016 |
Inflation in Pakistan: Money or Oil Prices |
Growth Diagnostics: Pakistan |
Consumer, the unprotected king |
Socio-Economic Losses of Flood and Household’s Coping Strategies: Evidence from Flood Prone District of Pakistan |
Household Charity in Pakistan: Magnitude, Determinants and Its Importance for the Well-being of Society |
Pakistan needs to look beyond China for FDI |
The Aid Policy Network in Pakistan: An Actor-Network Analysis |
Conducting Monetary Policy in South Asian Economies: AnInvestigation |
Neil Wilcock and Corina Scholz. Hartmut Elsenhans and a Critiqueof Capitalism. Conversations on Theory and Policy Implications. London,U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, UK. 2016. xii+184 pages. €84.99 (HardBound). |
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Capital Structure Choice: ACase of Textile Industry of Pakistan |
Do Inflation Expectations Matter for Inflation Forecastability:Evidence from Pakistan |
The Determinants of Pakistan Exports of Textile: An IntegratedDemand and Supply Approach |
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Musharraf Rasool Cyan (Eds.). The Role of Taxation in Pakistan’s Revival. (Shorter Notices-2016-3) |
Impact of Foreign Aid in Education on Educational Outcomes |
Effect of Family Control on Corporate Financing Decisions: A Case of Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Automotive Industry: A Case of Stalled Development |
Brexit not to impact Pakistan hard |
Vol.55 No.2-2016 |
Why the corrupt win |
Markets and Society |
Pakistan, China to build model industrial parks under CPEC |
A Raging Bull or a Long-term Speculative Bubble? The PuzzlingCase of the Karachi Stock Exchange |
The Nexus of Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth andEnvironment in Pakistan |
Does Happiness Adapt to Increase in Income? Evidence fromPakistan Socio-economic Survey (1998-2001) |
Do Workers’ Remittances Boost Human Capital Development? |
Kamran Asdar Ali. Communism in Pakistan: Politics and ClassActivism 1947- 1972. London, U.K.: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd./PhilipWilson Publishers Ltd. 2015. 304 pages. £ 59.00. |
Naeem ul Haque. Transforming the Inchoate Duty of Samaritanisminto an Obligation. Islamabad, Pakistan: Innovative DevelopmentStrategies. 2014. 302 pages. Pak Rupees 600.00 |
Asian Development Bank (ADB). How Inclusive is Inclusive Business for Women—Examples from Asia and Latin America. Manilla, Philippines. (Shorter Notices-2016-2) |
Light rays from the leaks |
Industrial Policy under Clientelist Political Settlements in Pakistan |
Politics of census |
Vol.55 No.1-2016 |
HEC Rankings |
Reconstructing Development Economics: Overcoming Rent forConstructing Capitalism |
An Empirical Analysis of the Implicit Growth Rate for IndustrialIPOs Listed in Pakistan |
Impact of Climate Change on Electricity Demand: A Case Study ofPakistan |
Reforming a Broken System: A New Performance Evaluation Systemfor Pakistan Civil Servants |
Oswalso de Reviero. The Myth of Development: The Non-ViableEconomies of the 21st Century. London, U.K.: Zed Books. 2001. 224 pages.£20.99. |
Fiona Flintan and Shibru Tedla (Eds.). Natural Resource Management: The Impact of Gender and Social Issues. (Shorter Notices-2016-1) |
Technology Acquisition, Catching Up and Competitiveness in Pakistan |
What is Islamic Economics? |
Few benefits |
The business of war |
The Methodology of Polanyi’s Great Transformation |
Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives |
Dependence on agriculture |
Vol. 54 No.4 Part I & II-2015 |
The Presidential Address |
Fulfilling the Pakistan Vision of Quaid-i-Azam (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
Child Poverty and Economic Growth (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Why Nations Fail? (Keynote Video Lecture) |
Out-migration in Rural Pakistan: Does Household Poverty Status Matter? |
Growth in Pakistan: Inclusive or Not? |
Measuring the Performance and Achievement of Microfinance Institutions Incorporating Subsidy Dependence Index and Outreach Index in Pakistan’s Case |
Microfinance Institutions and Poverty Reduction: A Cross Regional Analysis |
Social and Financial Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Pakistan |
Causality Linkages among Energy Poverty, Income Inequality, Income Poverty and Growth: A System Dynamic Modelling Approach |
Determinants of Human Development Disparities: A Cross District Analysis of Punjab, Pakistan |
Trends of Income Inequality and Polarisation in Pakistan for the Period 1990-2008 |
The Political Economy of Decentralisation and Access to Pro-poor Social Services Delivery in Pakistan |
Micro Hydro Power: A Source of Sustainable Energy in Rural Communities: Economic and Environmental Perspectives |
Households’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Tap Water Services in Karachi, Pakistan |
Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Role of Governance |
Gender Inequality in Labour Force Participation: An Empirical Investigation |
The Development of India’s Financial Inclusion Agenda—Some Lessons for Pakistan |
Inequality and the Financial System— The Case of Germany |
Cluster-Based MSE Development: The Role of Kaizen Training |
Marginality as a Root Cause of Urban Poverty: A Case Study of Punjab |
Food Consumption Patterns and Implications for Poverty Reduction in Pakistan |
Can We Solve the Issue of Poverty Without Solving the Issue of Conventional Economic Paradigm: A Critical Review |
Measuring Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality in Pakistan |
Determinants of Household Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan |
Determinants of Urban Poverty: The Case of Medium Sized City in Pakistan |
Measurement of Living Standards Deprivation in Punjab Using AF Method (Periodical Comparison Approach) |
Pide Economy Watch July 2015 December 2015 |
Educational Inequality in Rural and Urban Sindh |
The Composite Impact of Institutional Quality and Inequality on Economic Growth |
Spatial Distribution of Socio-economic Inequality: Evidence from Inequality Maps of a Village in Tribal Region of Pakistan |
Farmers’ Perceptions of Agricultural Land Values in Rural Pakistan |
Targeting Performance of Community-based Development Interventions: An Econometric Analysis of a WomenFocused and Women-Managed Non-Governmental Organisation in Rural Pakistan |
Fiscal Policy and Its Role in Reducing Income Inequality: A CGE Analysis for Pakistan |
Income Inequality, Redistribution of Income and Trade Openness |
Are Defense Expenditures Pro Poor or Anti Poor in Pakistan? An Empirical Investigation |
Synergy or Trade-Off between Agricultural Growth and Nutrition Women’s Work and Care |
Quantifying Vulnerability to Poverty in a Developing Economy |
Simulating the Impact of Income Distribution on Poverty Reduction |
Socio-economic Status of Transferred and Non-transferred Urban Slums: A Case Study from Faisalabad |
Impact of Nature-based Tourism on Earnings of Local People: Evidence from Keenjhar Lake in Pakistan |
Historical Role of Islamic Waqf in Poverty Reduction in Muslim Society |
Inclusive Growth with Zakat |
Welfare Potential of Zakat: An Attempt to Estimate Economy wide Zakat Collection in Pakistan |
Health and Economic Consequences of Overweight and Obesity Among Adults in Pakistan |
Hazro: A small Pakistani town of mandirs and gurdwaras |
Torpid work culture |
Migration and Health Outcomes: The Case of a High Migration District in South Punjab |
A flawed choice |
Economics and environment |
Domestic demand alternative to export-led growth |
Expansion and Evaluation of Social Sciences Disciplines in the Public Sector Universities of Pakistan from 1947 to 2013 |
The Impact of Formal and Informal Institutions on Economic Performance: A Cross-Country Analysis |
The Day-of-the-Week Anomaly in Market Returns, Volume and Volatility in SAARC Countries |
A Practical Guideline to Successful Bottom up Development: Resettling the Indus |
Impact of Debt on Aggregate Investment and Productivity in Developing Asian Countries |
Agriculture and environment |
Narali: Exploring the pre-partition trade hub |
Willingness to Purchase Health Insurance in Pakistan |
Vol.54 No.3-2015 |
Endogenous Institutional Change and Privileged Groups |
Trade Shocks and Labour Adjustment: Evidence from Pakistan’s Manufacturing Industries |
Which Pairs of Stocks should we Trade? Selection of Pairs for Statistical Arbitrage and Pairs Trading in Karachi Stock Exchange |
Shocks as a Source of Vulnerability: An Empirical Investigation from Pakistan |
Happy taxpayers |
Cave painting: Demons and depictions |
Prevalence and Determinants of Overweight and Obesity Among Adults in Pakistan |
Going vegetarian |
University hires |
Where Sindh’s Suhrawardi Saints rest |
Ecological suicide |
Issues in Statistical Modelling of Human Capital and Economic Growth Nexus: A Cross Country Analysis |
Profile of Educational Outcomes by Gender: An Age Cohort Analysis |
Small good deeds |
Spatial Differences and Socio-economic Determinants of Health Poverty |
Let a thousand flowers bloom |
From ivory towers to realities |
PIDE holds reference for Dr Sarfraz Khan |
Opportunity cost: Experts call for prioritising sustainable development goals |
Budget 2015-16 partly people-friendly |
Would you trust the government? |
Vol.54 No.2-2015 |
Earnings Management And Privatisations: Evidence From Pakistan Evidence From Pakistan |
Are Our Export-Oriented Industries Technically More Efficient? |
Re-estimation of Keynesian Model by Considering Critical Events and Multiple Cointegrating Vectors |
Job Mismatches in Pakistan: Is there Some Wage Penalty to Graduates? |
Harold Demsetz. From Economic Man to Economic System: Essays on Human Behaviour and Institutions of Capitalism. New York, USA. 2011. 198 pages. U.S. $ 39.99 |
Ofwona Adera, et al. (eds.) ICT Pathways to Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from East and Southern Africa. (Shorter Notices-2015-1) |
Re-thinking the foundations of social sciences |
Changing criteria for development |
Armchair research |
Fiscal Consolidation and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan |
The shifting battleground |
Polanyi and the Great Transformation |
Motherhood and economic development |
The KSE index as barometer? |
Godel’s theorems & the limits of reason |
The Role of Subsidy Uncertainty in Mission Drift of Microfinance Institutions of Asia |
Govt to phase out SROs, says FBR chairman |
Improving Coordination: FBR chief endorses idea of national revenue authority |
Relationship between Credit Rating, Capital Structure and Earning Management Behaviour: Evidence from Pakistani Listed Firms |
Tolerance and multiple narratives |
Hunger as the primary economic problem |
Keynes versus the IMF |
Employment Strategy and Equitable Growth: A Social Capital Perspective for KPK |
Vol.54 No.1-2015 |
Pide Economy Watch January 2015 March 2015 |
Mediating Effect of Advertising Expenditure on Labour Productivity: A Case of Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan |
From Chronic Disease to Food Poverty: Evidence from Pakistan |
The Effects of Informational Framing on Charitable Pledges: Experimental Evidence from a Fund Raising Campaign |
New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model and Monetary Policy in Pakistan |
Wojciech W. Charemza andDerekF. Deadman. NewDirections in Econometric Practice, General to Specific Modelling,Cointegration and Vector Auto Regression. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 1997. Pages 360. £28.00 (Paperback). |
Reflections on higher education |
Flawed Urban Development Policies in Pakistan |
Defining democracy |
Walhari Naqshbandi Sufis of Sindh |
Water under threat |
Determinants of Cesarean Deliveries in Pakistan |
Preventing deadlock |
Evaluation of Gold Investment as an Inflationary Hedge in Case of Pakistan |
Analyzing the Price Cost Markup and Its Behaviour over the Business Cycles in Case of Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan |
An Analysis of Accrual Anomaly in Case of Karachi Stock Exchange |
The Relationship between Disaggregate Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Environment for Asian Developing Economies |
Explaining the de factoOpen-access of Public Property Commons |
Vol. 53 No.4 Part II-2014 |
From Energy Blues to Green Energy: Options Before Pakistan |
Impact of Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption on CO2 Emissions: Evidence from Pakistan (1980-2010) |
The Role of Renewable Energy Supply and Carbon Tax in the Improvement of Energy Security: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Energy Smart Buildings: Potential for Conservation and Efficiency of Energy |
Energy, Emissions and the Economy: Empirical Analysis from Pakistan |
Dynamic Effects of Energy Sector Public Investment on Sectoral Economic Growth: Experience from Pakistan Economy |
Causality between Trade Openness and Energy Consumption: What Causes What in High, Middle and Low Income Countries |
Energy Consumption, Trade and GDP: A Case Study of South Asian Countries |
Energy Sources and Gross Domestic Product: International Evidence |
Determinants of Energy Inflation in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis |
Structure and Regulation of the Electricity Networks in Pakistan |
Energy Intensity: A Decomposition Exercise for Pakistan |
Pide Economy Watch July 2014 December 2014 |
Islam Versus Economics |
Wealth as an Indicator of Socio-Economic Welfare: Islamic Views |
Vol.53 No.3-2014 |
An Empirical Study of Electricity Theft from Electricity Distribution Companies in Pakistan |
Macro-economic Policies and Energy Security—Implications for a Chronic Energy Deficit Country |
Burning of Crop Residue and its Potential for Electricity Generation |
Mitigating Vulnerability to Oil Price Risk— Applicability of Risk Models to Pakistan’s Energy Problem |
Climate change: Impact on market potential of vulnerable sectors highlighted |
Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions |
Capturing Willingness to Pay and Its Determinants for Improved Solid Waste Management |
Dividend Policy and Role of Corporate Governance in Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan |
Financial Flows, External Capital Structure, Institutions and Economic Growth in Asian Developing Economies |
Does Inside Ownership Matters in Financial Decisions and Firm Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan |
The Global Financial Crisis and Investors’ Behaviour: Evidence from the Karachi Stock Exchange |
Child Work and Schooling in Pakistan – To What Extent Poverty and Other Demographic and Parental Background Matter? |
Effect of Credit Rating on Firm Performance and Stock Return: Evidence form KSE Listed Firms |
Dynamic Relationship and Volatility Spillover between the Stock Market and the Foreign Exchange Market in Pakistan: Evidence from VAR-EGARCH Modelling |
Choice of Monetary Policy Instrument under Targeting Regimes in a Simple Stochastic Macro Model |
Liquidity Benefits from Underpricing: Evidence from Initial Public Offerings Listed at Karachi Stock Exchange |
Remittances and Economic Growth: The Role of Financial Development |
Market Imperfections and Dividend Policy Decisions of Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan |
A budget for exporters but test for FBR |
Governance and the Effectiveness of Foreign Capital |
What Determines Payment Methods and Deal Amount in Corporate Merger and Acquisitions in Pakistan |
Vol.53 No.2-2014 |
Rural Poverty Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from Three Waves of the Panel Survey |
Child Malnutrition and Poverty: The Case of Pakistan |
Welfare Impact of the Lady Health Workers Programme in Pakistan |
Effectiveness of Cash Transfer Programmes for Household Welfare in Pakistan: The Case of the Benazir Income Support Programme |
Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from Pakistan Panel Household Survey |
Income Growth, School Enrolment and the Gender Gap in Schooling: Evidence from Rural Pakistan |
Pakistan Panel Household Survey: Sample Size and Attrition |
The third way |
Vol.53 No.1-2014 |
Gender and Ultimatum in Pakistan: Revisited |
The Impact of Institutional Quality on Economic Growth: Panel Evidence |
Is Negative Profitability-Leverage Relation the only Support for the Pecking Order Theory in Case of Pakistani Firms? |
Trade Liberalisation, Health Care and International Fragmentation: The Role of Health Capital Mobility |
Kaushik Basu. Beyond the Invisible Hand: Groundwork for a New Economics. Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press. 2010. 312 pages. US$ 39.95. |
Joseph P. Quinlan. The Last Economic Super Power: The Retreat of Globalisation, the End of American Dominance, and What We Can Do About It. (Shorter Notices-2014-1) |
Pide Economy Watch January 2014 March 2014 |
Petrol, diesel: PIDE suggests annual review of OMC, dealer margins |
Vol. 52 No.4 Part I-2013 , Vol. 52 No.4 Part II-2013 |
Keynote Address |
Energy Security and Economic Sustainability: The Way Forward (The Presidential Address) |
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development in South Asia (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
Sustainable Energy Development (SED) — New Path for Pakistan (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Energy Dependency and Energy Security: The Role of Energy Effıcıency and Renewable Energy Sources (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Electricity Economics and Integrated Resource Strategic Planning (Gustav Ranis Lecture) |
The Impact and Cost of Power Load Shedding to Domestic Consumers |
What Inspires Electricity Crises at the Micro Level: Empirical Evidence from Electricity Consumption Pattern of Households from Karachi |
An Investigation of Multidimensional Energy Poverty in Pakistan |
Interprovincial Differences in Power Sector Subsidies and Implications for the NFC Award |
Energy-Cost Optimisation in Water-Supply System |
Energy Crisis and Productive Inefficiency: Micro-Evidence from Textile Sector of Faisalabad |
Impact of Climate Change on Electricity Demand: A Case Study of Karachi District |
Electricity Demand in Pakistan: A Nonlinear Estimation |
Disaggregate Energy Consumption, Agricultural Output and Economic Growth in Pakistan |
The Role of Power Generation and Industrial Consumption Uncertainty in De-industrialising Pakistan |
The Effect of Oil Price Shocks on the Dynamic Relationship between Current Account and Exchange Rate: Evidence from D-8 Countries |
Pide Economy Watch October 2013 December 2013 |
Foreign aid and FDI in the presence of good governance have positive impact on the economic growth |
Outside block-holders and shareholders are not actively playing their role in monitoring of firms and don’t have long term presence in the firm, which leads to asymmetric information about the company and reduce the prices of company |
Vol.52 No.3-2013 |
Capital Inflows, Inflation, and the Exchange Rate Volatility: An Investigation for Linear and Nonlinear Causal Linkages |
Fiscal Decentralisation, Democratic Institutions and Inflation |
Economics of Property Crime Rate in Punjab |
Money, the Stock Market and the Macroeconomy: A Theoretical Analysis |
Atif Mian and Amir Sufi. House of Debt: How They (and You) Caused the Great Recession, and How We Can Prevent It from Happening Again. University of Chicago Press. USA. 2014. 192 pages. |
Pide Business Barometer 11 |
Economy Brief August 2013 |
Vol.52 No.2-2013 |
The End of Multi-Fibre Arrangement and Firm Performance in the Textile Industry: New Evidence |
ICT Operational Risk Management (ORM) and Performances of a Financial SME |
Policy Options for Financing Urban Transportation in Resource Constrained Environments: The Case of Lahore, Pakistan |
Determinants of Littering: An Experimental Analysis |
A Review of Contributions of Friedrich List Commemorating his 225-Year Anniversary. |
Ilhan Niaz. The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan 1947–2008. Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University Press. 2010. 320 pages. Pak Rupees 595.00 |
Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen. An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. USA. 2013. 448 pages. $ 29.95. |
Ariel Rubinstein. Economic Fables. (Shorter Notices-2013-2) |
Foreign Aid and the Fiscal Behaviour of Government of Pakistan |
Determinants for the Demand and Supply of Textile Exports of Pakistan |
Institutional Quality, Conflict and Aid Dependency |
Pak-SAARC Intra-industry Trade |
An Economic Investigation of Corruption and Electricity Theft |
Inter-linkage between Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Trade in Pakistan: Are they Complements or Substitute? |
For Love or Money? Motivating Workers |
Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth: Role of Democratic Institutions |
Market Power and Industrial Performance in Pakistan |
Rent Seeking Opportunities and Economic Growth in Transitional Economies |
Strengthening of institutional democracy is a pre requisite for achieving the goals of fiscal decentralisation |
The Economies should take serious action to enhance Remittances and innovations in their Financial sector that generate another room for Economic Growth |
Measures should be taken to attract Foreign Direct Investment in such a way that it boosts Exports but trimmed down Trade Deficit |
Eradication of internal and external conflicts is necessary for effective utilisation of foreign aid and achieves sustainable growth |
Rent Seeking Opportunities retard Economic Growth. Better institutional democracy and reduction in corruption lead to sustainable economic development |
PIDE Annual Report 2011-12 |
Reverse Capital Flight to Pakistan: Analysis of Evidence |
Impact Evaluation of Remittances for Pakistan: Propensity Score Matching Approach |
Intergovernmental Transfers: An Evaluation of Mechanism and Design of Transfers in Pakistan |
Changing Gender Relations and Its Influence on Female Migration Decision in India |
Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: Rethinking Poverty and the Ways to End it. Gurgaon, India: Random House. 2011. 499 pages. Indian Rupees 279.00 |
Paul Krugman. End This Depression Now! New York, USA: W. W. Norton & Company. 2012. 288 pages. U.S. $ 15.95 |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Human Development Report 2013. The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World. (Shorter Notices-2013-1) |
A District Level Climate Change Vulnerability Index Of Pakistan |
Vol.52 No.1-2013 |
The Sustainable Green Growth Perspective Of Pakistan: In The Context Of Environment Friendly Technologies |
Willingness To Pay For Solid Waste Management Services: A Case Study Of Islamabad |
Vol. 51 No.4 Part I-2012 , Vol. 51 No.4 Part II-2012 |
“Economic Reforms for Productivity, Innovation and Growth” (The Presidential Address) |
Economic Reforms in Pakistan: One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
“Saving the Euro: A Test for Globalisation” (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Living with China—Locally and Globally (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
External Debt Accumulation and Its Impact on Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Foreign Aid, External Debt and Economic Growth Nexus in Low-Income Countries: The Role of Institutional Quality |
Fiscal Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of FRDL (2005) Pakistan |
Economic Reforms, Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Sectoral Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Macroeconomic Policies and Business Cycle: The Role of Institutions in Selected SAARC Countries |
Firm Performance and the Nature of Agency Problems in Insiders-controlled Firms: Evidence from Pakistan |
Modelling Trade, Investment, Growth and Liberalisation: Case Study of Pakistan |
Modern Services Exports from Emerging Countries—Perspectives and Opportunities |
Determinants of Export Performance in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from South Asia |
Remittances from Saudi Arabia: A Community Phenomenon |
The Impact of Climate Change on Major Agricultural Crops: Evidence from Punjab, Pakistan |
Agricultural Productivity Impact of a Mini-Dam: A Case Study of Ziarat, Balochistan |
Emerging Issues in the Implementation of Irrigation and Drainage Sector Reforms in Sindh, Pakistan |
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Business in Pakistan: Perceptions and Realities |
Agricultural Income Taxation: Estimation of the Revenue Potential in Punjab |
Fiscal Discretion and Its Impact on Pakistan Economy |
Analysis of Revenue Potential and Revenue Effort in Developing Asian Countries |
The Role of Fiscal Policy in Human Development: The Pakistan’s Perspective |
Risk Management in the Financial Services Sector—Applicability and Performance of VaR Models in Pakistan |
The Impact of Exchange Rate on Output Level: Bounds Testing Approach for Pakistan |
Can Common Stocks Provide Hedge against Inflation? Evidence from SAARC Countries |
Momentum Effect: Empirical Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange |
Consumption Patterns of Male and Female Headed Households in Pakistan: Evidence from PSLM 2007-08 |
Poverty Consequences of Globalisation in OIC Countries: A Comparative Analysis |
Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Pakistan :Time Series Trends and Breakdown |
Precise Estimates of the Unrecorded Economy |
Life Satisfaction and Basic Needs among Elderly People in Pakistan: Evidence from the PSES Data |
Is Informal Sector Employment Marginal to Formal Sector Growth? |
Economic Growth-Female Labour Force Participation Nexus: An Empirical Evidence for Pakistan |
Drivers of Entrepreneurship: Linking With Economic Growth and Employment Generation (A Panel Data Analysis) |
Monetary Policy, Informality and Business Cycle Fluctuations in a Developing Economy Vulnerable to External Shocks |
Monetary Policy Restriction and Dividend Behaviour of Pakistani Firms: An Empirical Analysis |
The Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis 1980–2011 |
Welfare Impact of the Health Intervention in Pakistan: The Case of Lady Health Workers Programme |
Shocks as a Source of Vulnerability: An Empirical Investigation from Pakistan |
Vol.51 No.3-2012 |
Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth: Role of Democratic Institutions |
Attitudes Towards Women’s Rights to Inheritance in District Lakki Marwat, Pakistan |
The Gender Differences in School Enrolment and Returns to Education in Pakistan |
Estimating Standard Error of Inflation Rate in Pakistan: A Stochastic Approach |
Allan H. Meltzer. Why Capitalism? USA: Oxford University Press. 2012. 145 pages. US $ 21.95. Hardbound. |
Darn Acemoglu and James A. Robinson. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. New York: Crown Business. 2012. 529 pages. U.S $ 17.00. |
Kawai, Masahiro, Mario B. Lamberte, and Yung Chul Park (eds.). The Global Financial Crisis and Asia: Implications and Challenges. (Shorter Notices-2012-3) |
Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from Pakistan Panel Household Survey |
Effectiveness of Cash Transfer Programmes for Household Welfare in Pakistan: The Case of the Benazir Income Support Programme |
Pide Business Barometer 10 |
Child Malnutrition and Poverty: The Case of Pakistan |
Rural Poverty Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from Three Waves of the Panel Survey |
Vol.51 No.2-2012 |
Pakistan Panel Household Survey Sample Size, Attrition and Socio-demographic Dynamics |
Market Diversification and Firms’ Characteristics of Export-Oriented Manufacturers in Pakistan |
Effects of Input Composition on Technical Efficiencies of Textile Industries in Pakistan |
Learning versus Working; Factors Affecting Adolescent Time Allocation in Pakistan |
Pakistan, Politics and Political Business Cycles |
Ernst G. Frankel. Managing Development: Measures of Success and Failure in Development. Palgrave, USA. 2005. 303 pages. |
McNeill, Desmond, Nesheim Ingrid, and Brouwer Floor (eds.). Land Use Policies for Sustainable Development—Exploring Integrated Assessment Approaches. (Shorter Notices-2012-2) |
The 7th Nfc Award: An Evaluation |
Macroeconomic Brief No. 3 |
PIDE Annual Report 2010-11 |
Fiscal Federalism In Pakistan |
Preliminary Study: Explaining the Ten-fold Increase in Remittances to Pakistan 2001-2012 |
The Inter-linkages between Democracy and Per Capita GDP Growth: A Cross Country Analysis |
The Gender Differences in School Enrolment and Returns to Education in Pakistan |
Applying an Equity Lens to Maternal Health Care Practices in Pakistan |
Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Markets of South Asian Countries |
Time Poverty, Work Status and Gender: The Case of Pakistan |
Pakistan’S Energy Sector: From Crisis To Crisis Breaking The Chain |
Vol.51 No.1-2012 |
The Idea of Inclusive Growth and Development Policy |
Time Poverty, Work Status and Gender: The Case of Pakistan |
Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade between Pakistan and Selected SAARC Countries |
On the Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Case of Pakistan |
Aminullah Chaudary. Political Administrators: The Story of Civil Service of Pakistan. Oxford University Press, 2011. 371 pages, Rs 895.00. |
Akhtar Hasan Khan. The Impact of Privatisation in Pakistan. Ferozsons (Pvt). Ltd. 2012. (Shorter Notices-2012-1) |
Poverty Reduction In Pakistan: Learning From The Experience Of China |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2012: Vol. 4, No. 1 |
Power Crisis In Pakistan: A Crisis In Governance? |
Economic Appraisal Of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Technology In Bagh And Battagram Districts Pakistan |
The IMF and Pakistan (A Road to Nowhere) |
A Review of Studies on Poverty in Pakistan: Origin, Evolution, Thematic Content and Future Directions |
Inaugural Address |
Economic Growth and Development: New Directions (The Presidential Address) |
Household Balance Sheets, Aggregate Demand and Unemployment (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
A Global Green New Deal for Economic Recovery: Addressing the Financial, Climate, Food, Jobs and Development Crises Together? (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Honouring Parvez Hasan |
Economic Growth and Regional Convergence: The Case of Pakistan. |
Infrastructure and Growth |
What Determines Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector? Evidence from Pakistan. |
Testing the Harrod Balassa Sameulson Hypothesis: The Case of Pakistan. |
The Current Account Dynamics in Pakistan: An Intertemporal Optimisation Perspective. |
Economic Freedom, Exchange Rates Stability and FDI in South Asia. |
Dynamic Relationship Between Energy and Economic Growth: Evidence from D8 Countries. |
Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting Technology and Women Time Allocation in District Bagh and Battagram Pakistan. |
Green Growth: An Environmental Technology Approach. |
Macroeconomic Effects of Global Food and Oil Price Shocks to the Pakistan Economy: A Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) Analysis. |
Factor Utilisation in Manufacturing: Evidence from Pakistan. |
Mismatch Between Education and Occupation: A Case Study of Pakistani Graduates. |
Schooling is Associated not only with Long-run Wages, but also with Wage Risks and Disability Risks: The Pakistani Experience. |
The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Wage Inequality: Case of Pakistan. |
Impact of Public Debt on the Economic Growth of Pakistan. |
Argentina: Economic Recovery and Tax Improvement after a Decade of Double Crisis. |
Is Consumption Pattern Homogeneous in Pakistan? Evidence from PSLM 2007-08. |
Economic, Political and Institutional Determinants of Budget Deficits Volatility in Selected Asian Countries. |
Impact of Judicial Efficiency on Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Judicial Districts of Pakistan. |
Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units Producing Both Desirable and Undesirable Outputs: A Case of Textile Processing Units in Pakistan. |
Growth and Financing Behaviour of Firms of Textile Industry in Pakistan: A Panel Data Analysis. |
Determinants of Exports of Pakistan: A Country-wise Disaggregated Analysis. |
A Strategic Framework of Liberalising Trade in Services for Pakistan. |
Consequences of Political Instability, Governance and Bureaucratic Corruption on Inflation and Growth: The Case of Pakistan. |
Predation, Institutional Quality and Economic Growth. |
Monetary Policy Announcements and Market Interest Rates in Pakistan: An Event Study Approach. |
Policy of Inflation Targeting in the Presence of Fiscal Deficit and External Debt: Opt or Not to Opt. |
Relationship between Trade Openness and Inflation: Empirical Evidences from Pakistan (1976–2010). |
On Measuring Inclusiveness of Growth in Pakistan. |
Macro level Determinants of Poverty: Investigation Through Poverty Mapping of Districts of Pakistan. |
Assessing Poverty with Non-Income Deprivation Indicators: Pakistan, 2008-09. |
Does Economic Geography Matter for Pakistan? A Spatial Exploratory Analysis of Income and Education Inequalities. |
Vol. 50 No.4 Part I-2011 , Vol. 50 No.4 Part II-2011 |
PIDE sees slow growth in prices |
Pide Business Barometer 09 |
Vol.50 No.3-2011 |
Remittances in Pakistan: Why They Have Gone Up and Why They Are Not Coming Down |
The Integration of Financial Markets in GCC Countries |
The Utilisation of Education and Skills: Incidence and Determinants among Pakistani Graduates |
The Role of Global Economic Growth in Pakistani Agri-Food Exports |
Michael K. Connors, Rémy Davison, and Jörn Dosch. The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific. (Second edition). London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2012. 274 pages. Price not given. |
Muhammad Irfan. Institutional Barriers to Sustainable Urban Transport in Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 2010. xxi+298 pages. Pak Rs 795. Hardbound. |
Bashir Ahmad Khilji. Sixty Years of Human Resource Development in Pakistan. Government of Pakistan, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. Islamabad: HEC Printing Press. 2011. 283 pages. Price not given. |
Mashiro Kawai and Eswar Prasad (eds.). Financial Market Regulation and Reforms in Emerging Markets.(Shorter Notices-2011-3) |
Vol.50 No.2-2011 |
Asset Pricing Behaviour with Dual-Beta in Case of Pakistani Stock Market |
The Foreign-Income and Real-Exchange-Rate Elasticities of Bangladesh Exports |
The Contemporaneous Correlation of Structural Shocks and Inflation-Output Variability in Pakistan |
A Strategic Tool for Managing Intellectual Capital of Pakistan |
Kemal Dervis, Masahiro Kawai, and Domenico Lombardi (eds.). Asia and Policymaking for the Global Economy. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2011. 200 pages, USD 19.95. |
Keri Facer. Learning Future, Education, Technology and Social Change. Routledge Publications, 2011. 192 pages. US$ 44.95. |
Paul Roberts (ed). The End of Food. New York: Mariner Books Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Bosten. 2009. xv+330 pages. (Price not given). |
Samia Waheed Altaf. So Much Aid, So Little Development. (Shorter Notices-2011-2) |
Macroeconomic Brief No. 2 |
Pide Business Barometer 08 |
Vol.50 No.1-2011 |
Estimating the Middle Class in Pakistan |
Interlinked Factor Markets and Allocative Efficiency: Evidence from Rural West Bengal, India |
Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Family and Non-family Controlled Firms |
Formal Participation in a Milk Supply Chain and Technical Inefficiency of Smallholder Dairy Farms in Pakistan |
Lopamudra Banerjee, Anirban Dasgupta, and Rizwanul Islam (eds.). Development, Equity and Poverty: Essays in Honour of Azizur Rehman Khan. India: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. 2010. Hardback, 542 pages, Indian Rs 2100.00. |
David J. Grimshaw and Shalini Kala (eds.). Strengthening Rural LivelihoodsThe Impect of Information and Communication Technologies in Asia. International Development and Research Centre (IDRC). Canada: Replika Press Pvt. Ltd. 201 L 152 pages. Paperback. |
Devaki Jain and Diane Elson (eds). Harvesting Feminist Knowledge for Public Policy. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. 20 II. 396 pages. US$ 43.26. |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2011: Vol. 3, No. 2 |
Jacqueline Suthren Hist and John Zavos. Religious Traditions in Modern South Asia. (Shorter Notices-2011-1) |
Poverty Dynamics of Female-headed Households in Pakistan: Evidence from PIHS 2000-01 and PSLM 2004-05 |
Contribution of Services Sector in the Economy of Pakistan |
Remittances and Poverty Linkages in Pakistan: Evidence and Some Suggestions for Further Analysis |
Estimating the Middle Class in Pakistan |
The Determinants of Food Prices: A Case Study of Pakistan |
The Cost of Unserved Energy: Evidence from Selected Industrial Cities of Pakistan |
The Persistence and Transition of Rural Poverty in Pakistan: 1998-2004 |
Fiscal Federalism in Pakistan: The 7th National Finance Commission Awardand Its Implications |
Foreign Aid and Growth Nexus in Pakistan: The Role of Macroeconomic Policies |
An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Food Insecurity, Landlessness, and Violent Conflict in Pakistan |
The Contemporaneous Correlation of Structural Shocks and Inflation— Output Variability in Pakistan |
A Dynamic Macroeconometric Model of Pakistan’s Economy |
The Demographic Dividend: Effects of Population Change on School Education in Pakistan |
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Sectoral Analysis |
The Effect of Foreign Remittances on Schooling: Evidence from Pakistan |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2011: Vol. 3, No. 1 |
Economic And Social Impact Of Financial Crisis On Households: A Case Study Of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh And Nepal |
Impact Of Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting Technology On Women Well Being In Hilly And Fragile Areas: Evidence From Pakistan |
Vol. 49 No.4 Part II-2010 , Vol. 49 No.4 Part I-2010 |
Inaugural Address |
Fiscal Decentralisation: Empowering the Provinces, Strengthening the Federation (The Presidential Address) |
Improving Governance in Pakistan: Changing Perspectives on Decentralisation (The Allama Iqbal Lecture) |
Revenue Sharing Arrangements: Options and Relative Merits (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Empowering States and Provinces or Unshackling Local Governments: Does It Matter for Peace, Order, Good Government, and Growth? (The Gustav Ranis Lecture) |
Reminiscing the PIDE (Honouring Prof. A. R. Khan) |
Budgetary Consequences of the 7th NFC Award |
Financial Implications of the 7th NFC Award and the Impact on Social Services |
The Effect of Corruption and Governance on Tax Revenues |
Fiscal Decentralisation in Pakistan |
The Relative City Price Convergence in Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Spatial GLS |
The Price Puzzle and Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Pakistan: Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach |
Corporate Governance and Performance of Financial Institutions in Pakistan: A Comparison between Conventional and Islamic Banks in Pakistan |
Decentralisation of GST Services and Vertical Imbalances in Pakistan |
The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidences Based on Time Series Data from Pakistan |
Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Human Development: A Case Study of Pakistan |
A Comparison of Fiscal Effort by Provincial Governments in Pakistan |
Fiscal Equalisation Among Provinces in the NFC Awards |
Fiscal Policy and Current Account Dynamics in the Case of Pakistan |
Internal Migration Patterns in Pakistan— The Case for Fiscal Decentralisation |
Budget Balance through Revenue or Spending Adjustment: Evidence from Pakistan |
Expenditure-Growth Nexus:Does the Source of Finance Matter? Empirical Evidence from Selected South Asian Countries |
The Relationship between Federal Government Revenues and Expenditures in Pakistan |
The Causality between Revenues and Expenditure of the Federal and Provincial Governments of Pakistan |
What is Hidden, in the Hidden Economy of Pakistan? Size, Causes, Issues, and Implications |
Can Sectoral Re-allocation Explain the Jobless Growth? Empirical Evidence from Pakistan |
Monetary and Non-monetary Gift Exchange |
Urbanisation and Crime: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Reformed GST: Challenges and Opportunities (PANEL DISCUSSION-II) |
From GST to RGST: A Raucous Ride (PANEL DISCUSSION-II) |
Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Agricultural Sector of Punjab |
Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Production: A Case Study of Pakistan |
The Value of Reduced Risk of Injury and Deaths in Pakistan—Using Actual and Perceived Risk Estimates |
The Unchanging Profile of Development: A Historical Study of the Punjab 1961–2008 |
Variation in the Quality of Life within Punjab: Evidence from MICS, 2007-08 |
Inter-District Inequalities in Social Service Delivery: A Rationalised Approach towards Funds Disbursement |
The State of Food Security in Pakistan: Future Challenges and Coping Strategies |
An Analysis of Energy Security Using the Partial Equilibrium Model: The Case of Pakistan |
Using the Health Belief Model to Understand Pesticide Use Decisions |
Macroeconomic Management in a Decentralised Set-up (PANEL DISCUSSION-III) |
Pide Business Barometer 07 |
Vol.49 No.3-2010 |
Rehabilitating Agriculture and Promoting Food Security After the 2010 Pakistan Floods: Insights from the South Asian Experience |
Challenges for Youth Employment in Pakistan: Are They Youth-Specific? |
Relational Contracting in Pakistan’s Surgical Instrument Cluster: An Empirical Study |
Pakistani Bureaucracy and Political Neutrality: A Mutually Exclusive Phenomenon? |
Francisco Gutierrez and Gerd Schonwalder (eds.) Economic Liberalisation and Political Violence—Utopia or Dystopia? 2010. International Development Research Centre Canada (IDRC). Canada: Pluto Press. 355 pages. US$35.00. |
Naomi Klein. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. New York: Henry Holt and Metropolitan Books. 2007. 500 pages. Hardcover. US$18.11. |
Parvez Hasan. My Life, My Country: Memoirs of a Pakistani Economist. 2011. Lahore: Ferozsons (Pvt.) Ltd. 472 pages. Hard cover. $25.00. |
Louise M. Fox and Melissa Sekkel Gaal. Working Out of Poverty: Job Creation and the Quality of Growth inAfrica. (Shorter Notices-2010-3) |
Vol.49 No.2-2010 |
Targeting the Vulnerable and the Choice of Vulnerability Measures: Review and Application to Pakistan |
Regional Integration in South Asia: An Analysis of Trade Flows Using the Gravity Model |
FDI, Unemployment, and Welfare in the Presence of Agricultural Dualism: A Three-Sector General Equilibrium Model |
Devolution, Accountability, and Service Delivery in Pakistan |
Shankar Acharya and Rakesh Mohan (eds.) India’s Economy—Performance and Challenges: Essays in Honour of Montek Singh Ahluwalia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010. xv+465 pages. |
Ejaz Ghani (ed.). The Poor Half Billion in South Asia: What is Holding Back Lagging Regions? New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 2010. Hardbound. 339 pages. Rs 795.00. |
Fred Gault. Innovation Strategies for Global Economy: Development, Implementation, Measurement and Management. (Shorter Notices-2010-2) |
PIDE Annual Report 2009-10 |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2010: Vol. 2, No. 4 |
Vol.49 No.1-2010 |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2010: Vol. 2, No. 3 |
Role of Growth and Inequality in Explaining Changes in Poverty in Pakistan |
Exchange Rate Pass-through to Consumer Prices in Pakistan: Does Misalignment Matter? |
Taylor Rule and the Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan |
Environmental Efficiency Analysis of Basmati Rice Production in Punjab, Pakistan: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Development |
Sartaj Aziz. Between Dreams and Realities: Some Milestones in Pakistan’s History. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 2009. Pak. Rs 595.00. |
Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi. The Evolution of Development Policy: A Reinterpretation. Oxford University Press, 2010. 442 pages. Hardbound. Pak. Rs 995.00. |
Guillermo E. Perry, Luis Servén, and Rodrigo Suescún (eds.). Fiscal Policy, Stabilisation, and Growth: Prudence or Abstinence? Washington, D.C: The World Bank. 2008. Paperback. 329 Pages. Price not Given. |
Asian Development Bank and Asian Development Bank Institute. Infrastructure for Seamless Asia. (Shorter Notices-2010-1) |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2010: Vol. 2, No. 2 |
Economic And Social Impact Of Global Financial Crisis: Implications For Macroeconomic And Development Policies In South Asia |
Macroeconomic Brief No. 1 |
Price Setting Behaviour of Pakistani Firms: Evidence from Four Industrial Cities of Punjab |
Impact of Financial Liberalisation and Deregulation on Banking Sector in Pakistan |
Capital Inflows, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility: An Investigation for Linear and Nonlinear Causal Linkages |
Working to Improve Price Indices Development in Pakistan |
Algebraic Representation of Social Capital Matrix |
Determinants of Urban Poverty: The Case of Medium Sized City in Pakistan |
Analysing the Terms of Trade Effect for Pakistan |
Factors Determining Public Demand for Safe Drinking Water (A Case Study of District Peshawar) |
Corporate Governance in Pakistan: Corporate Valuation, Ownership and Financing |
Rural to Urban Migration in Pakistan: The Gender Perspective |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey 2010: Vol. 2, No. 1 |
Pension System Reforms For Pakistan: Current Situation And Future Prospects |
A Review of The Labour Market Research at PIDE – 1957-2009 |
Vol. 48 No.4-2009 |
Inaugural Address |
Investing in People (The Presidential Address) |
The Design and Conduct of Monetary Policy: Lessons for Pakistan (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
Growth-Poverty Linkage and Income-Asset Relation in Regional Disparity: Evidence from Pakistan and India (The Allama Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Demographic Transition and Unwanted Fertility: A Fresh Assessment (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Sustainable Incubator Management—A Case Study for Pakistan. |
Public Sector Innovation: Case Study of e-government Projects in Pakistan |
Economic Evaluation of Health Cost of Pesticide Use: Willingness to Pay Method |
Skills, Competitiveness and Productivity |
Skill Shortage versus Subject Choice: Case of Pakistan |
The Dynamics of Moonlighting in Pakistan |
Employers Size Wage Differential: Does Investment in Human Capital Matter? |
Nominal Frictions and Optimal Monetary Policy |
Single Stock Futures Trading and Stock Price Volatility: Empirical Analysis |
Empirical Investigation of Debt-Maturity Structure: Evidence from Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Higher Education System—What went Wrong and How to Fix it. |
Education System in Pakistan: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward. |
Making People Employable: Reforming Secondary Education in Pakistan. |
Regional Health Accounts for Pakistan—Provincial and District Health Expenditures and the Degree of Districts Fiscal Autonomy on Health. |
Education Order in Punjab: A District Level Study. |
Measuring Impact of Education and Socio-economic Factors on Health for Pakistan. |
Consumer Satisfaction in Social Security Hospital: A Case Study of Punjab Employees Social Security Institution Hospital, Rawalpindi. |
Inter-Governmental Funds Flows in Pakistan: Are they Reducing Poverty? |
Do Foreign Inflows Benefit Pakistani Poor? |
Poverty Elimination through Potential Zakat Collection in OIC-Member Countries: Revisited. |
Inequality and Welfare by Food Expenditure Components. |
Trade Liberalisation Could Improve Producers Profitability in Agriculture: A Case of Basmati Rice. |
Competitiveness among Asian Exporters in the World Rice Market. |
Enhancing Livestock Productivity in the Desert Ecologies of Pakistan: Setting the Development Priorities. |
Fostering FDI in the Agriculture Sector. |
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment Opportunities: Panel Data Analysis (Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, India and China). |
Effectiveness of Foreign Aid and Human Development. |
Investment, Inflation and Economic Growth Nexus |
Sector Level Analysis of FDI-Growth Nexus: A Case Study of Pakistan. |
A Dynamic Analysis of the Relationship among Human Development, Exports and Economic Growth in Pakistan. |
Efficiency Dynamics of Sugar Industry of Pakistan. |
An Analysis of Technology Adoption by Export-oriented Manufacturers in Pakistan. |
Government Expenditure and Tax Revenue, Causality and Cointegration: The Experience of Pakistan (1972–2007). |
The Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Growth: Evidence from South-Asian Economies. |
Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending in Pakistan’s Economy. |
Conflict, Security, and Development. |
Resolving the Kashmir Dispute: Blending Realism with Justice. |
Pide Business Barometer 06 |
Vol. 48 No.3-2009 |
Pide Business Barometer 05 |
Vol. 48 No.2-2009 |
Foreign Portfolio Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia |
Human Capital Spillovers, Productivity and Growth in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan |
Demand for Public Health Care in Pakistan |
Price Hikes, Economic Reforms and Causality in Money, Income and Prices: Evidence from Pakistan |
William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan and Carl J. Schramm. Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. 321 pp. |
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 2009. 270 pages. Paperback. £ 14.99. |
Amartya Sen. The Idea of Justice. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 2009. 468 pages. Hardback. £ 25.00. |
Rob Tripp. Biotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-poor Farmers. (Shorter Notices-2009-2) |
Determinants of Export Performance of Pakistan: Evidence from the Firm-Level Data |
Reforming Institutions: Where to Begin? |
Democratic Institutions and Variability of Economic Growth in Pakistan: Some Evidence from the Time-series Analysis |
The Impact of Occupational Stress on Employees’ Somatic Symptoms, Job Anxiety and Employee’s Turnover Intention—An Empirical Study |
PIDE Annual Report 2008-09 |
Vol. 48 No.1-2009 |
Pide Inflation Expectations Survey December 2009: Vol. 1, No. 4 |
An Investigation of Firm Heterogeneity in the Constraints to Development and Growth in Pakistan |
The Ultimatum Game and Gender Effect: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan |
Wastewater Use in Cauliflower Production and Farmer’s Health: An Economic Analysis |
Urban Informal Sector: How Much Women Are Struggling for Family Survival |
Shahid Javed Burki. Changing Perceptions, Altered Reality: Pakistan’s Economy under Musharraf, 1999–2006. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2007. 373 pages. Hardbound. Price not given. |
S. S. Khanka. Human Resource Management: (Text and Cases). New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Ltd. 2007. 449 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 300.00. |
Fasih Uddin. Pakistan under IMF Shadow. Islamabad: Institute of Policy Studies, 2008. Paperback. 128 pages. Price not given. |
Waleed Haider Malik (ed). Judiciary-led Reforms in Singapore: Framework, Strategies, and Lessons. (Shorter Notices-2009-1) |
Declining Trend In Inflation Expectations September 2009 |
Pakistan’s Trade Policy, 1999–2008: An Assessment |
Pakistan’s Wage Structure, during 1990-91–2006-07 |
Trends in Inequality, Welfare, and Growth in Pakistan, 1963-64 to 2004-05 |
Does Governance Contribute to Pro-poor Growth? Evidence from Pakistan |
Human Capital vs. Physical Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis of Human Development Strategies |
Reforming Institutions: Where to Begin? |
Despite Monetary Squeeze High Inflationary Expectations Persist March 2009: Vol. 1, No. 1 |
Population and Development Demographic Research at PIDE |
Joint Program For Comprehensive Economic And Trade Cooperation Between China And Pakistan |
Inaugural Address |
Economic Sustainability in a Globalised World (The Presidential Address) |
China’s Economic Growth, Global Economic Crisis and China’s Policy Responses (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
Agricultural Development and Food Security(The Allama Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
The Demands of Inclusive Growth: Lessons from South Asia (The Mahbub Ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
State of International Development Uneven Progress, Shifting Policy Paradigms and Lessons for Pakistan (The Gustav Ranis Lecture) |
Crude Oil Price, Monetary Policy and Output: The Case of Pakistan |
Energy Demand in Pakistan: A Disaggregate Analysis |
Residential Demand for Electricity in Pakistan |
Economic Growth and Its Determinants in Pakistan |
The Long Term Impact of Health on Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Macroeconomic Factors and Equity Prices: An Empirical Investigation by Using ARDL Approach |
Dynamic Modeling of Private Investment in Agricultural Sector of Pakistan |
Edible Oil Deficit and Its Impact on Food Expenditure in Pakistan |
Impact of WTO’s Trade Liberalisation on Selected Food Crops in Pakistan |
Agricultural Development in European Union: Drivers, Challenges and Perspectives |
Impact of Global Financial Crisis on IDB Member Countries: The Case of Gulf Cooperation Council and Sub-Saharan Africa |
Institutional Imperatives of Poverty Reduction |
Instinctive Behaviour, Producer Surplus, and Corporate Social Responsibility |
Ownership Concentration, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from Pakistan |
Pass-through of Change in Policy Interest Rate to Market Rates |
Estimating Total Factor Productivity and Its Components: Evidence from Major Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan |
Changing Revealed Comparative Advantage: A Case Study of Footwear Industry of Pakistan |
Telecommunication Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Approach |
Economic Growth and Income Inequality Relationship: Role of Credit Market Imperfection |
Provincial Finance Commission: Options for Fiscal Transfers |
Testing the Fiscal Theory of Price Level in Case of Pakistan |
Attitudes Towards Civil Service of Pakistan: A Perception Survey |
Whether Fiscal Stance or Monetary Policy is Effective for Economic Growth in Case of South Asian Countries? |
Regional Trade and Food Price Stabilisation in South Asia: Policy Responses to the 2007-08 World Price Shocks |
Food Security in a Changing Climate |
Persistent Food Insecurity from Policy Failures in Pakistan |
Sticky Floors and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Pakistan |
Dimensions of Well-being and the Millennium Development Goals |
Inter-city Variation in Prices |
Price-setting for Residential Water: Estimation of Water Demand in Lahore |
Trends and Determinants of Rural Poverty: A Logistic Regression Analysis of Selected Districts of Punjab |
Is There Any Role of Technological Inputs? A District-wise Analysis of Output Differential in Crop Sector |
Determination of Credit Programme Participation and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Beneficiaries: Evidence from Sargodha |
A Small Open Economy DSGE Model for Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Energy Security Challenge: Some Observations and Thoughts |
Private Power Generation—Opportunities and Challenges |
Demand and Supply Issue (2008-2009) |
Pide Business Barometer 04 |
Assessing Labour Market Vulnerability among Young People |
Foreign Aid—Blessing or Curse: Evidence from Pakistan |
Self-reported Symptoms of Reproductive Tract Infections: The Question of Accuracy and Meaning |
International Competition, Debt, and Uneven Development in a North-South Macroeconomic Model |
The Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Transition Economies |
Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema, Muneer Mahmud, and Mustansar Billah (eds.). Pakistan and Changing Scenario: Regional and Global. Islamabad: Policy Research Institute, 2008. 166 pages. Price not given. |
Harinder S. Kohli (ed.). Growth and Development in Emerging Market Economies: International Private Capital Flows, Financial Markets and Globalisation. New Delhi: Sage Publication 2008. 369 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 695.00. |
David N. Weil. Economic Growth. (Second Edition). New York: Addison Wesley Press, 2009. 565 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Ejaz Akram. Ideals and Realities of Regional Integration in the Muslim World: The Case of the Economic Cooperation Organisation. (Shorter Notices-2008-3) |
Pide Business Barometer 03 |
The Politics of Service Delivery in Pakistan: Political Parties and the Incentives for Patronage, 1988-1999 |
Trends in Polarisation in Pakistan |
Gender Analysis of Children’s Activities in Pakistan |
Occupational Status and Earnings Inequality: Evidence from PIHS 2001-02 and PSLM 2004-05 |
Mumtaz Anwar. The Political Economy of Foreign Aid to Pakistan. HWWA Studies. Volume 79. Hamburg: Hamburg Institute of International Economics. 2006. 141 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Savitri Goonesekere (ed.). Violence, Law and Women’s Rights in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2004. 352 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 390.00. |
S. A. OŜga. The Rate of Exchange and the Terms of Trade. New Brunswick, New Jersey / London: Aldine Transaction, 2008. 116 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
S. S. Khanka. Human Resource Management (Text and Cases). (Shorter Notices-2008-2) |
PIDE Annual Report 2007-08 |
Demographic Dividend or Demographic Threat in Pakistan? |
Demographic Transition and Youth Employment in Pakistan |
Wheat Markets and Price Stabilisation in Pakistan: An Analysis of Policy Options |
Rural Labour Market Developments, Agricultural Productivity, and Real Wages in Bangladesh, 1950–2006 |
M. C. Behera. Globalising and Rural Development: Competing Paradigms and Emerging Realities, New Delhi/Thousand Oaks/London: Sage Publications. 2006. Paperback. Indian Rs 550.00. |
Douglas A. Irvin (ed.). Free Trade under Fire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2005. 294 pages. Price not given. |
Ajit Mishra. The Economics of Corruption. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 2005. 336 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 650.00. |
Manoranjan Mohanty, Richard Baum, Rong Ma, George Mathew (eds.). Grassroots Democracy in India and China: The Right to Participate.(Shorter Notices-2008-1) |
Test of Multi-moment Capital Asset Pricing Model: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange |
The Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange |
Growth Diagnostics in Pakistan |
On Measuring the Complexity of Urban Living |
PIDE’s Contribution to Policy-making |
Bilateral J-Curves between Pakistan and Her Trading Partners |
PIDE’s Contribution to Development Thinking: The Earlier Phase |
Monetary Policy Transparency in Pakistan: An Independent Analysis |
PIDE-from a Think Tank to a University: A Brief History |
Income, Public Social Services, and Capability Development: A Cross-district Analysis of Pakistan |
PIDE Research in Print 1957 – 2007 |
Pension and Social Security Schemes in Pakistan: Some Policy Options |
PIDE: An Introduction (Eighth Edition) |
Inaugural Address |
Inaugural Address |
Environment and Natural Resource Management (The Presidential Address) |
Economics and Governance (The Presidential Address) |
Climate Change and Economic Development: A Pragmatic Approach (Invited Lecture) |
Towards Reorientating the Role of the Government in Pakistan (The Quaid-i-Azam Lecture) |
What Turns a Blessing into a Curse? The Political Economy of Natural Resource Wealth (Invited Lecture) |
The Future Governance Agenda for Country Assistance Strategies: An Approach to Governance Reform (The Allama Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Instrument of Managing Exchange Market Pressure: Money Supply or Interest Rate |
IFI Conditionality on Governance |
New Keynesian Phillips Curve for Pakistan |
Community and Economic Development in Pakistan: The Case of Citizen Community Boards in Hafizabad and a Japanese Perspectives |
SUKUK-Structures: An Analysis of Risk-reward Sharing and Wealth Circulation |
Demographic Change and Governance Issues |
Long-run Performance of Public vs. Private Sector Initial Public Offerings in Pakistan |
The Impact of Global Cotton and Wheat Prices on Rural Poverty in Pakistan |
The Fiscal Reaction Function and the Transmission Mechanism for Pakistan |
Is Good Governance an Approach to Civil Service Reforms? |
External Financial Resource Management by Listed Pakistani Firms |
The Impact of Public Investment on Private Investment: A Disaggregated Analysis |
Corporate Debt Policy—Pre- and Post-financial Market Reforms: The Case of the Textile Industry of Pakistan |
What Determines the Domestic Prices of Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan? |
Dynamic Modelling of Energy and Growth in South Asia |
Efficiency of Large-scale Manufacturing in Pakistan: A Production Frontier Approach |
Decube Framework: An Introduction to a New Energy Modelling and Planning Process for Sustainable Utilisation of Pakistan’s Energy Resources |
Did They Do It Differently? Capital Structure Choices of Public and Private Sectors in Pakistan |
Management of Energy Recourses, Marginal Input- Output Coefficients, and Layers of Techniques: A Case Study of US Chemical Industry |
Trade Liberalisation, Financial Sector Reforms, and Growth |
Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline—An Economic Analysis in a Game Theoretic Framework |
X-efficiency, Scale Economies, Technological Progress, and Competition: The Banking Sector in Pakistan |
How Pakistan Is Coping with the Challenge of High Oil Prices |
Governance and Income Inequality |
Sustainable Income, Employment, and Income Distribution in Indonesia |
Governance and Pro-poor Growth: Evidence from Pakistan |
An Analysis of Pakistan’s Vulnerability to Economic Crisis |
Trends in Absolute Poverty and Governance in Pakistan: 1998-99 and 2004-05 |
Causes of Youth Unemployment in Pakistan |
Sectoral Volatility, Development, and Governance: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Understanding Poverty through the Eyes of Lowsalaried Government Employees: A Case Study of the NED University of Engineering and Technology |
Urban Poverty and Governance: The Case of Multan City |
Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalisation: A Case Study of Pakistan |
An Evaluation of the Performance of Government of Pakistan |
Rural-Urban Income Inequality under Financial Development and Trade Openness in Pakistan: The Econometric Evidence |
Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Corruption, Trade Openness, and Environmental Quality: A Panel Data Analysis of Selected South Asian Countries |
Convergence Model of Governance: A Case Study of the Local Government System of Pakistan |
Poverty and Natural Resource Management in Pakistan |
Province-wise Growth Patterns in Human Capital Accumulation |
Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth: The Case of Middle Income Developing Countries |
Which Institutions Are More Relevant Than Others in Inequality Mitigation? |
The Impact of Globalisation on Economic Growth of Pakistan |
Economics of Regaining Office: The Case of Pakistan (1947-2005) |
FDI and Exports in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence |
Inter-industry Wage Differentials in Pakistan |
Determinants of Corruption in Developing Countries |
Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange |
Willingness to Pay for the Quality of Drinking Water |
The New Institutional Economics Approach to Economic Development: A Discussion of Social, Political, Legal, and Economic Institutions |
Quantifying the Impact of Development of the Transport Sector in Pakistan |
Governing the Labour Market: The Impossibility of Corporatist Reforms |
The Impact of Open Sewerage Smell on House Rent in Rawalpindi |
Corrupt Clubs and the Convergence Hypothesis |
Dynamics of Wheat Market Integration in Northern Punjab, Pakistan |
Towards Good Governance: Developing an e-Government |
Returns to Education in Pakistan |
Stock Market Volatility and Weak-form Efficiency: Evidence from an Emerging Market |
Ecofeminist Movements— from the North to the South |
Financial Market Integration in Pakistan: Evidence Using Post-1999 Data |
Dynamism in the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Pakistan |
Banking: Interest Spread, Inelastic Deposit Supply, and Mergers |
Gender, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Growth |
Market Volatility, Manipulation, and Regulatory Response: A Comparative Study of Bombay and Karachi Stock Markets |
Underemployment, Education, and Job Satisfaction |
Impact of Regulatory Reforms on Labour Efficiency in the Indian and Pakistani Commercial Banks |
Land and Water Resources of Pakistan— A Critical Assessment |
Sectoral Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Pakistan |
Valuation and Pricing of Surface Water Supplies in Pakistan |
Governance of Money Laundering: An Application of the Principal-agent Model |
Land Tenure and Management: An Analytical Appraisal |
Competitiveness and Policy Analysis of Potato Production in Different Agro-ecological Zones of Northern Areas: Implications for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation |
Demand Analysis of Recreation Visits to Chitral Valley: A Natural Resource Management Perspective |
The Relationship between Income Distribution and the Cost of Environmental Management in Australia |
Role of Tourism in Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Economy |
Banning Two-stroke Auto-rickshaws in Lahore: Policy Implications |
Water Resources and Conservation Strategy of Pakistan |
Is Trade Good for Environment? A Unit Root Cointegration Analysis |
Land Inequality by Mode of Irrigation in Pakistan, 1990-2000 |
Perception Survey of Civil Servants: A Preliminary Report |
Natural Resource Conservation, Poverty Alleviation, and Farmer Partnership |
Public Policy, Training, and Civil Service Reform |
Measuring Production Function and Technical Efficiency of Onion, Tomato, and Chillies Farms in Sindh, Pakistan |
Main Issues for Setting the Civil Service Reform Agenda in Pakistan |
Energy Use for Economic Growth: Cointegration and Causality Analysis from the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan |
The Sinews of Governance: Bureaucracy, Narrative, and Power under Colonialism and Independence |
Price Integration in Wholesale Maize Markets in Pakistan |
Determinants of Exports in Developing Countries |
Environmental Fiscal Reforms through Decentralisation for Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication |
Money, Output, and Inflation: Evidence from Pakistan |
Incompatibility of Laws and Natural Resources: A Case Study of Land Revenue Laws and Their Implications in Federal Areas of Pakistan |
Export Function Estimates for the Pakistan Carpet Industry |
Environment-Friendly Cotton Production through Implementing Integrated Pest Management Approach |
Judicial Systems and Authoritarian Transitions |
Household’s Willingness to Pay for Safe Drinking Water: A Case Study of Abbottabad District |
Land-locked: An Examination of Some of the Inefficiencies Affecting Transactions Involving Immovable Property |
Techno-Economic Evaluation of Chromium Recovery Pilot Plant Installed at Kasur Tanneries Complex, Pakistan |
Voice and Votes—Does Political Decentralisation Work for the Poor and for Women? Empirical Evidence from the 2005 Local Government Elections in Pakistan |
Valuing Interventions to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution— Fuelwood, Deforestation, and Health in Rural Nepal |
Participatory Development Praxis: A Case Study from Pakistan’s Punjab |
An Anatomy of State Failures in Forest Management in Pakistan |
Pide Business Barometer 02 |
Pakistan 25 Years Hence – A Vision |
Research at PIDE: Key Messages |
Public Service: Through the Eyes of Civil Servants |
Assessing Labour Market Vulnerability among Young People |
A Survey of Proprietorship, Continental Bureaucratic Empires, and the Culture of Power, in South Asian History |
Foreign Aid—Blessing or Curse: Evidence from Pakistan |
Three Attempts at Inflation Forecasting in Pakistan |
Self-reported Symptoms of Reproductive Tract Infections: The Question of Accuracy and Meaning |
Predictability in Stock Returns in an Emerging Market: Evidence from KSE 100 Stock Price Index |
International Competition, Debt, and Uneven Development in a North-South Macroeconomic Model |
Remittances, Trade Liberalisation, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables in Poverty Change Analysis |
The Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Transition Economies |
Tourism Promotion and Regional Development in Low-income Developing Countries |
Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema, Muneer Mahmud, and Mustansar Billah (eds.). Pakistan and Changing Scenario: Regional and Global. Islamabad: Policy Research Institute, 2008. 166 pages. Price not given. |
Intra-ECO Trade: A Potential Region for Pakistan’s Future Trade |
Harinder S. Kohli (ed.). Growth and Development in Emerging Market Economies: International Private Capital Flows, Financial Markets and Globalisation. New Delhi: Sage Publication 2008. 369 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 695.00. |
Does Inequality Matter for Poverty Reduction? Evidence from Pakistan’s Poverty Trends |
David N. Weil. Economic Growth. (Second Edition). New York: Addison Wesley Press, 2009. 565 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Address by Satyabrata Pal, High Commissioner of India in Pakistan |
Ejaz Akram. Ideals and Realities of Regional Integration in the Muslim World: The Case of the Economic Cooperation Organisation. (Shorter Notices-2007-3) |
Address by Shahid Malik High Commissioner of Pakistan in India |
Japan’s ODA to Pakistan and Aid Coordination Beyond Aid Modalities |
Moneer Alam. Ageing in India: Socio-economic and Health Dimensions. Delhi: Institute of Economic Growth. 288 pages. Indian Rs 695.00. |
Singhal Arvind and James W. Dearing (ed.). Communication of Innovations: A Journey with Everett Rogers. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 2006. 259 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 360.00. |
Stephen J. Glain. Mullahs, Merchants, and Militants: The Economic Collapse of the Arab World. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005. 350 pages. $25.95. Hardback. |
Pradip Ninan Thomas and Jan Servaes (ed.). Intellectual Property Rights and Communications in India: Conflicting Traditions. (Shorter Notices-2006-3) |
Renew Cities to be the Engine of Growth |
Establishing Property Rights through a Secure System of Land Title Management |
Improving the Quality of Population Census 2008 |
PIDE Focus Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2007 |
Chronic and Transitory Poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from a Longitudinal Household Survey |
Inflation Everywhere is a Monetary Phenomenon: An Introductory Note |
Determinants of Interest Spread in Pakistan |
Inflation in Pakistan |
Do Public Expenditure and Macroeconomic Uncertainty Matter to Private Investment? Evidence from Pakistan |
Money, Inflation, and Growth in Pakistan |
Trade Reform, Capital Mobility, and Efficiency Wage in a Harris-Todaro Economy |
Is Inflation in Pakistan a Monetary Phenomenon? |
Paul Cook and Sarah Mosedale (eds.). Regulation, Markets and Poverty. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007. Price not given. |
Why Does Agricultural Growth Dominate Poverty Reduction in Low- and Middle-income Countries? |
Ayesha Siddiqa. Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2007. 292 pages. Paperback. Rs 450.00 |
Poverty and Hunger in India: What is Needed to Eliminate Them |
Tony Weis. The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming. London and New York: Zed Books/Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishers, 2007. 217 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Quantifying the Extent and Nature of Risk in Alternative Cropping Patterns in Claveria, Philippines |
Noureddine Berrah, Fei Feng, Roland Priddle, and Leiping Wang. Sustainable Energy in China: The Closing Window of Opportunity. (Shorter Notices-2007-2) |
Determinants of Farm Revenue in Pakistan |
Translating Khan on Singer: Global Solvent Versus Local Interpretation |
Ahmed Galal and Nadeem Ul Haque (eds). Fiscal Sustainability in Emerging Markets: International Experience and Implications for Egypt. Cairo/ New York: The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies. 2006. ix+289 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Jan-Peter Hartung and Helmut Reifeld (eds). Islamic Education, Diversity and National Identity: Dini Madaris in India Post-9/11. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 2005. 331 pages. Indian Rs 380.00. Paperback. |
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: William Morrow/Haper Collins. 2005. xii+242 pages. Paperback. $17.00. |
Douglass C. North. Understanding the Process of Economic Change. (Shorter Notices-2006-2) |
Energy Issues in Pakistan |
Trade Related Challenges Facing Exporters in Pakistan |
Improving The Quality Of Population Census 2008 (Urdu) |
PIDE Focus Vol. 2, No. 1, January-March 2007 |
Improving The Quality Of Population Census 2008 (English) |
Establishing Property Rights Through A Secure System Of Land Title Management (Urdu) |
Pide Business Barometer 01 |
Establishing Property Rights Through A Secure System Of Land Title Management (English) |
Household Budget Analysis for Pakistan under Varying the Parameter Approach |
Public Provision of Education and Government Spending in Pakistan |
Measures of Monetary Policy Stance: The Case of Pakistan |
Dynamic Effects of Agriculture Trade in the Context of Domestic and Global Liberalisation: A CGE Analysis for Pakistan |
Technical Efficiency of Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector: A Stochastic Frontier and Data Envelopment Analysis |
Beyond Planning and Mercantilism:An Evaluation of Pakistan’s Growth Strategy |
Myths and Realities of Long-run Development: A Look at Deeper Determinants |
Foreign Currency Deposits and International Liquidity Shortages in Pakistan |
Labour Supply and Earning Functions of Educated Married Women: A Case Study of Northern Punjab |
The Impact of Public Investment on Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Digital Divide: An Econometric Study of the Determinants in Information-poor Countries |
Trade Policy, Openness, Institutions |
Malcolm Gladwell. The Tipping Point. London: Brettenham House. 2007. 279 pages. Paperback. £ 6.99 |
Women’s Autonomy and Happiness:The Case of Pakistan |
Fredrich Schneider and Dominik H. Enste. The Shadow Economy—An International Survey. New Delhi / Thousand Oaks / London: Sage Publications. 2006. Paperback. Indian Rs 550.00. |
Govind Kelkar, Dev Nathan and Pierre Walter (eds.) Gender Relations in Forest Societies in Asia: Patriarchy at Odds. New Delhi/Thousand Oaks/London: Sage Publications, 2003. Hardbound. Indian Rs 550.00. |
Cecilia Tacoli (ed). The Earthscan Reader in Rural-Urban Linkages. London / Sterling, VA: Earthscan. 329 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 995.00. |
Govinda Chandra Rath Tribal Development in India: The Contemporary Debate. New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2006. 340 Pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 450.00. |
M. Monto, L. S. Ganesh, and Koshy Varghese. Sustainability and Human Settlements, Fundamental Issues, Modelling and Simulations. (Shorter Notices-2007-1) |
S. Akbar Zaidi. Issues in Pakistan’s Economy. Second Edition Revised and Expanded. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2005. xii+530 Pages. Paperback. Pak. Rs 595.00. |
Richard Heeks. Implementing and Managing e-Government: An International Text. (Shorter Notices-2006-1) |
Promoting Domestic Commerce for Sustainable Pro-poor Growth |
First Meeting of the PIDE Committee on Devolution Reforms in Pakistan |
PIDE-LUMS Seminar on the New Governance Effort |
Stock Market Reaction to Catastrophic Shock: Evidence from Listed Pakistani Firms |
What Determines Private Investment? The Case of Pakistan |
Renew Cities To Be The Engines Of Growth |
Monetary Policy Objectives in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation |
The Taylor Rule and the Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan |
National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective |
Health Care Services and Government Spending in Pakistan |
Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Pakistan |
Delivering Access to Safe Drinking Water and Adequate Sanitation in Pakistan |
Entrepreneurship in Pakistan |
International Competitiveness— Where Pakistan Stands? |
Efficiency of Large Scale Manufacturing in Pakistan: A Production Frontier Approach |
Impact of Export Subsidies on Pakistan’s Exports |
Effectiveness of Regulatory Structure in the Power Sector of Pakistan |
Why Civil Service Reforms Do Not Work |
X-efficiency, Scale Economies, Technological Progress and Competition: A Case of Banking Sector in Pakistan |
Determinants of Interest Spread in Pakistan |
Awareness and the Demand of Safe Drinking Water Practices |
Preference for Public Sector Jobs and Wait Unemployment: A Micro Data Analysis |
Trade Liberalisation, Financial Development and Economic Growth |
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Role of Domestic Financial Sector |
Wage Differentials, Rate of Return to Education, and Occupational Wage Share in the Labour Market of Pakistan |
The Harris-Todaro Hypothesis |
Perfect Competition |
The Relationship between Corporate Governance Indicators and Firm Value: A Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange |
A Fresh Assessment of the Underground Economy and Tax Evasion in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Linkages with the Formal Economy |
Understanding Policy |
Understanding Policy |
PIDE Focus Vol. 1, No. 4, October-November 2006 |
Gender and Empowerment Evidence from Pakistan |
Domestic Commerce – The Missing Link |
Public Sector Efficiency Perspectives on Civil Service Reform |
PIDE Focus Vol. 1, No. 3, August-September 2006 |
PIDE Focus Vol. 1, No. 2, June-July 2006 |
Promoting Domestic Commerce For Sustainable Pro Poor Growth (Urdu) |
Promoting Domestic Commerce For Sustainable Pro Poor Growth (English) |
PIDE Focus Vol. 1, No. 1, April-May 2006 |
An Analysis Of Sample Attrition In The Pses Panel Data |
Chronic And Transitory Poverty In Pakistan: Evidence From A Longitudinal Household Survey |
Myths and Realities of Long-run Development: A Look aft Deeper Determinants |
Awake the Sleeper Within: Releasing the Energy of Stifled Domestic Commerce! |
Demographic Dividend or Demographic Threat in Pakistan |
A Social Accounting Matrix for Pakistan, 2001-02: Methodology and Results |
A Significant Shift in Causal Relations of Money, Income, and Prices in Pakistan: The Price Hikes in the Early 1970s |
Volatility Spillover between the Stock Market and the Foreign Market in Pakistan |
Stock Market Liberalisations in the South Asian Region |
Wheat Markets and Price Stabilisation in Pakistan: An Analysis of Policy Options |
Civil Servants’ Salary Structure |
Bureaucracy and Pro-poor Change |
Poverty-reducing or Poverty-inducing? A CGE-based Analysis of Foreign Capital Inflows in Pakistan |
Remittances, Trade Liberalisation, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables in Poverty Change Analysis |
Inaugural Address |
Skill Development in Pakistan ( The Presidential Address) |
The Green Revolution and the Gene Revolution in Pakistan: Policy Implications (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Skills and Competitiveness: Can Pakistan Break Out of the Low-level Skills Trap? (The Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Productivity and Skills in Industry and Services—A Britain-German Comparison (Distinguished Lecture) |
Does Education Abroad Help to Alleviate Poverty at Home? An Assessment (Distinguished Lecture) |
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Pakistan (Distinguished Lecture) |
Productivity and Economic Growth in South Asia and China (Distinguished Lecture) |
Reforms, Productivity, and Efficiency in Banking: The Indian Experience (Distinguished Lecture) |
Skill Formation Strategies for Sustaining ‘The Drive to Maturity’ in Pakistan |
Enhancing Vocational Training for Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Governance, Globalisation, and Human Development in Pakistan |
A Review of the Relationship between Poverty, Population Growth, and Environment |
Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Time Allocation among Market, Household, and Leisure Activities in Pakistan |
An Analysis of Allocative Efficiency of Wheat Growers in Northern Pakistan |
Estimation of Export Supply Function for Citrus Fruit in Pakistan |
Citrus Marketing in Punjab: Constraints and Potential for Improvement |
Sustainable Cotton Production through Skill Development among Farmers: Evidence from Khairpur District of Sindh, Pakistan |
Testing Onion Market Integration in Pakistan |
Total Factor Productivity Growth and Agricultural Research and Extension: An Analysis of Pakistan’s Agriculture, 1960-1996 |
Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Growth and Economic Performance: A Case Study of Pakistan, 1973-2003 |
Managing Foreign Exchange Inflows: An Analysis of Sterilisation in Pakistan |
Evidence on Allocative Efficiency and Elasticities of Substitution in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan |
Public / Private Investment Linkages: A Multivariate Cointegration Analysis |
Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Pakistan |
Redistributive Impact of GST Tax Reform: Pakistan, 1990-2001 |
Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds in Pakistan |
Non-agricultural Market Access: A South Asian Perspective |
The Growth Impact of Exports in South Asian Countries |
An Analysis of Exports and Growth in Pakistan |
The Demand for International Reserves: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Economic Growth, Inflation, and Monetary Policy in Pakistan: Preliminary Empirical Estimates |
Interest Rate Pass-through in Pakistan: Evidence from Transfer Function Approach |
Strategic Directions for Developing an Islamic Banking System |
Regulatory Changes and Productivity of the Banking Sector in the Indian Sub-continent |
Efficiency Wage Hypothesis—The Case of Pakistan |
Trade Liberalisation and Labour Demand Elasticities: Empirical Evidence for Pakistan |
An Analysis of Poverty at the Local Level |
Prevalence of Relative Poverty in Pakistan |
Interaction between Population and Environmental Degradation |
Skill Development, Productivity, and Growth |
Pro-poor Growth and Governance in South Asia—Decentralisation and Participatory Development |
Modelling the Demand for Money in Pakistan |
Determinants of Collective Action under Devolution Initiatives: The Case of Citizen Community Boards in Pakistan |
The Public and Private Sector Pay Gap in Pakistan: A Quantile Regression Analysis |
An Empirical Analysis of the Linder Theory of International Trade for South Asian Countries. |
Joachim von Braun and Rajul Pandya-Lorch (eds.). Food Policy for the Poor: Expanding the Research Frontiers: Highlights from 30 Years of IFPRI Research. Washington, D. C.: IFPRI, 2005. 253 Pages. Price not given. |
Vijay Padaki and Manjulika Vaz. Institutional Development in Social Interventions: Towards Inter-organizational Effectiveness. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003. 256 pages. Indian Rs 295.00. |
David A. Robalino, et al. (eds.). Pensions in the Middle East and North Africa: Time for Change. Washington, D. C.: The World Bank, 2005. pp.xxviii+253. Price not given. |
Brigit Helms (ed). Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. (Shorter Notices-2005-3) |
P-Star Model: A Leading Indicator of Inflation for Pakistan |
Reproductive Tract Infections among Women in Pakistan: An Urban Case Study |
The Primary Sectors of the Economy and the Dutch Disease in Nigeria |
Real Exchange Rate, Exports, and Imports Movements: A Trivariate Analysis |
The Northern Immigration Policy in a North-South Economy Model |
Rolf J. Langhammer and Lúcio Vinhas de Souza (eds). Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization in Latin America. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2005. ix+254 pages. Hardback. Price not given. |
Garry J. Schinasi. Safeguarding Financial Stability: Theory and Practice. Washington, D. C.: IMF. 2006. xv+311 pages. $28.00. |
Anwar Shah (ed.). Public Expenditure Analysis. Washington, D. C.: The World Bank, 2005. xxxi+256 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Hans De Wit, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, Jocelyne Gacel-Avila, and Jane Knight (eds.). Higher Education in Latin America: The International Dimension. (Shorter Notices-2005-2) |
Health-seeking Behaviour of Women Reporting Symptoms of Reproductive Tract Infections |
In Search of Poverty Predictors: The Case of Urban and Rural Pakistan |
An Analysis of Occupational Choice in Pakistan: A Multinomial Approach |
Do the Poor Benefit from Public Spending? A Look at the Evidence |
Suresh Chandra Babu and Ashok Gulati. Economic Reforms and Food Security: The Impact of Trade and Technology in South Asia. New York: Food Products Press, 2005. 483 pages. Price not given. |
Philip Albert Theodor Kircher. Poverty Reduction Strategies. Gottingen Studies in Development Economics. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang, 2002. xiv+275 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Dilip Ratha (eds). Remittances: Development Impact and Future Prospects. (Shorter Notices-2005-1) |
The Contribution of Worker’s Remittances to Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Brain Drain or Human Capital Flight |
Exchange Rate Instability and Trade: The Case of Pakistan |
Inaugural Address |
Exploring Pakistan’s Regional Economic Cooperation Potential ( The Presidential Address) |
Making Regional Economic Integration Work (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Regional (East-West/North-South) Cooperation and Peter Singer’s Ethics of Globalisation (The Mahbub-ul-Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Economic Growth and Development in South Asia, with and without Regional Cooperation (The Jawaid Azfar Memorial Lecture) |
Globalisation and Pakistan’s Dilemma of Development (Distinguished Lecture) |
The Changing Transitions to Adulthood in a Comparative Perspective: the Case of Pakistan (Distinguished Lecture) |
Impact of Changing Profile of Rural Land Market in Pakistan on Resource Allocation and Equity |
Total Factor Productivity Growth in Pakistan’s Agriculture: 1960-1996 |
Agricultural Terms of Trade in Pakistan: Issues of Profitability and Standard of Living of the Farmers |
Export Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage of Pakistan’s Non-agricultural Production Sectors: Trends and Analysis |
Exports and Economic Growth Nexus: The Case of Pakistan |
Financial Market Linkages in South Asia: Evidence Using a Multivariate GARCH Model |
The Determinants of Capital Structure of Stock Exchange-listed Non-financial Firms in Pakistan |
Macroeconomic Factors and Pakistani Equity Market” |
Linkage between Stock Market Prices and Exchange Rate: A Causality Analysis for Pakistan |
The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan |
Saving-investment Behaviour in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation |
Is Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector Competitive? |
The Impact of FDI on Economic Growth under Foreign Trade Regimes: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Exchange Rate Misalignment in Pakistan: Evidence from Purchasing Power Parity Theory |
External Determinants of Growth and Growth Projections: SAARC and Pakistan |
Estimating Long-run Trade Elasticities in Pakistan: A Cointegration Approach |
Socio-economic Development, Population Policies, and Fertility Decline in Muslim Countries |
A Search for an Optimum Currency Area Partners for Pakistan |
Volatility of Exchange Rate and Export Growth in Pakistan: The Structure and Interdependence in Regional Markets |
Exchange Rate Behaviour after Recent Float: The Experience of Pakistan |
Landlessness and Rural Poverty in Pakistan |
Study of Philanthropic Behaviour in Divine Economics Framework |
Transition of Poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data |
Prospects of Economic Integration among the ECO Countries |
Trade Liberalisation as an Instrument for Regional Co-operation |
South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC): Prospects for Development |
South Asian Free Trade Area and Indo-Pakistan Trade |
Regional Economic Integration in South Asia: The Way Forward |
Child Health and Poverty in Pakistan |
Trade Policy and Economic Integration in a Cournot Duopoly Model |
Estimating Shadow Wage Rates for Economic Project Appraisal |
Electric Power Generation from Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Is It Marketable in Pakistan? |
Craig Burnside (ed.). Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice: A Handbook. Washington, D. C.: World Bank. 2005. pp.xx+285. Price not given. |
Deepa Narayan (ed.). Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2005. Pages xx+475. Paperback. Price not given. |
Harry G. Broadman, James Anderson, Constantijn A. Claessens, Randi Ryterman, Stefka Slavova, Maria Vagliasindi, and Gallina A. Vincelette. Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europe: Comparative Prospects for Investment and Private Sector Development. (Shorter Notices-2004-3) |
Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth in South Asia: Evidence Using a Multivariate Time-series Framework |
Foreign Capital Inflow, Skilled-Unskilled Wage Gap, and Welfare in the Presence of the Informal Sector |
The State of Pakistan’s Dairy Sector: An Assessment |
Energy and Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Guy Bessettle. Involving the Community: A Guide to Participatory Development Communication. Penang, Malaysia: Southbound. 2004. xiv+154 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
M. Ashraf Janjua. History of the State Bank of Pakistan (1988–2003). State Bank of Pakistan. 976 pages. Hardback. Price not given. M. Ashraf Janjua. History of the State Bank of Pakistan (1988–2003) Supplement. State Bank of Pakistan. 352 pages. Hardback. Price not given. |
Swapna Mukhopadhyay, and M. Ratna Sudarshan (eds). Tracking Gender Equity under Economic Reforms; Continuity and Change in South Asia. (Shorter Notices-2004-2) |
Incidence of Child Labour, Free Education Policy, and Economic Liberalisation in a Developing Economy |
Willingness to Pay for Primary Education in Rural Pakistan |
Transition in Primary and Secondary Schooling in Pakistan: Gender and Age Cohort Analysis |
Elasticity and Buoyancy of the Tax System in Pakistan |
Inayatullah, Rubina Saigol, and Pervez Tahir (eds). Social Sciences in Pakistan: A Profile. Islamabad: Council of Social Sciences, 2005. 512 pages. Hardbound. Rs 500.00. |
Noriyuki Takayama (ed). Pensions in Asia: Incentives, Compliance and Their Role in Retirement. Tokyo: Maruzen Co. Ltd. 2005. 256 Pages. Hardbound. Price not given. |
Peter Buckland. Reshaping the Future: Education and Postconflict Reconstruction. (Shorter Notices-2004-1) |
Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Time Allocation among Market Work, Household Work, and Leisure |
Inaugural Address |
Institutional Change, Growth, and Poverty Levels in Pakistan (The Presidential Address) |
Pro-poor Growth and Policies: The Asian Experience (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Budgetary Reforms for Growth and Poverty Reduction in Pakistan (The Mahbub-ul-Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Solving Pakistan’s Poverty Puzzle: Whom Should We Believe? What Should We Do? (The Omer Asghar Khan Memorial Lecture) |
Openness, Institutions, and Policies: Determinants of Globalisation and Economic Growth in Developing Countries(Distinguished Lecture) |
Pro-poor Growth: Concepts and Measurement with Country Case Studies (Distinguished Lecture) |
Redressing the Rural-Urban Imbalance (Distinguished Lecture) |
The Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production in Pakistan |
Barriers against Agricultural Exports from Pakistan: The Role of WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement |
Impact of Privatisation on Employment and Output in Pakistan |
Economic Valuation of the Environment and the Travel Cost Approach: The Case of Ayubia Natioanl Park |
The Relationship between the WES Interventions and the Incidence of Diarrhoea |
Adolescent Reproductive Health: The Role of Agency and Autonomy |
WTO Regulations and the Audio-visual Sector— An Analytical Framework for Pakistan |
Utilising the Surging Potential of E-commerce: A Case of Hour Glass Supply Chain |
The Triad of Governance, Devolution, and National Prosperity |
Coming of Age in Contemporary Pakistan: Influences of Gender and Poverty |
Gender Exploitation: from Structural Adjustment Policies to Poverty Reduction Strategies |
The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan: an Empirical Investigation |
Foreign Direct Investment, Exports, and Domestic Output in Pakistan |
The Relationship between Economic Growth and Capital Structure of Listed Companies: Evidence of Japan, Malaysia, and Pakistan |
Motivational Factor of Development with Special Reference to Madar-e-Millat’s Role in Creating Countrywide Awakening among Women |
Women’s Rights as Propounded by Fatima Jinnah |
Fatima Jinnah’s Concern for Women’s Technical Education |
An Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan |
The Burden of Stabilisation on Provinces and Its Implications for the Social Sectors |
Openness and Economic Growth in Pakistan |
Trends in Inequality in Pakistan between 1998-99 and 2001-02 |
Net Gains from Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Water |
The Determinants of Student Achievement in Government and Private Schools in Pakistan |
Decomposition of Changes in Poverty Measures: Sectoral and Institutional Considerations for the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper of Pakistan |
Housing: Opportunity, Security, and Empowerment for the Poor |
Monitoring and Evaluation: Civil Society Organisations’ Competitive Edge in Effective Poverty Alleviation |
An Evaluation of Karachi Export Processing Zone: A Preliminary Investigation |
The Impacts of Economic Reforms and Trade Liberalisation on Agricultural Export Performance in Pakistan |
The Supply and Demand for Exports of Pakistan: The Polynomial Distributed Lag Model (PDL) Approach |
Capital Flows and Money Supply: The Degree of Sterilisation in Pakistan |
Money-income Link in Developing Countries: a Heterogeneous Dynamic Panel Data Approach |
Ageing And Poverty In Pakistan |
Gender, Poverty, And Occupational Choice In Poor And Non Poor Households: An Analysis Based On The Household Survey Data Of Pakistan |
An Assessment Of The Impact Of Trade Liberalisation On Welfare In Pakistan: A General Equilibrium Analysis |
An Analysis of Budget Deficits, Debt Accumulation, and Debt Instability |
Motivation and Involvement of Men in Family Planning in Pakistan |
Agricultural Productivity, Efficiency, and Rural Poverty in Irrigated Pakistan: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis |
Distributional Impacts of Agricultural Growth in Pakistan: A Multiplier Analysis |
Stuart Gillespie and Lawrence J. Haddad. The Double Burden of Malnutrition in Asia: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003. Paperback. Indian Rs 280.00. 235 pages. |
Madhumita Puri and George Abraham (eds.). Handbook of Inclusive Education for Educators, Administrators, and Planners: Within Walls, Without Boundaries. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2004. 309 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 450.00. |
Vinala Ramachandran (ed.). Gender and Social Equity in Primary Education: Hierarchies of Access. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2004. 381 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 390.00. |
Govind Kelkar, Dev Nathan, and Pierre Walter (eds.). Gender Relations in Forest Societies in Asia: Patriarchy at Odds. (Shorter Notices-2003-3) |
Poverty And Social Safety Nets: A Case Study Of Pakistan |
Mapping the Spatial Deprivation of Pakistan |
The Changing Profile of Regional Inequality |
Poverty and Inequality during the Adjustment Decade: Empirical Findings from Household Surveys |
Children in Different Activities: Child Schooling and Child Labour |
M. Ashraf Janjua. History of the State Bank of Pakistan (1978-1988). Karachi: State Bank of Pakistan. 2003. 790 pages. Hardback. Price not given. |
Malavika Karlekar (ed.). Paradigms of Learning: The Total Literacy Campaign in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 2004. 356 pages. Paperback. Indian Rupees 375.00. |
Sophie Laws, with Caroline Harper and Rachel Marcus. Research for Development: A Practical Guide. New Delhi: Vistaar Publications. 2003. xiii+475 pages. Paperback. Indian Rupees 450.00. |
Brij Kothari, P. G. Vijaya Sherry Chand, and Michael Norton (eds.). Reading Beyond the Alphabet: Innovations in Lifelong Literacy. (Shorter Notices-2003-2) |
Structural Adjustment And Poverty In Pakistan |
Production of Cognitive and Life Skills in Public, Private, and NGO Schools in Pakistan |
Consumption Patterns of Major Food Items in Turkey |
Efficiency in the Pakistani Banking Industry: Empirical Evidence after the Structural Reform in the Late 1990s |
Is There Seasonality in Pakistan’s Merchandise Exports and Imports? The Univariate Modelling Approach |
Naila Kabeer, Geetha B. Nambissan, and Ramya Subrahmanian. Child Labour and the Right to Education in South Asia: Needs versus Rights? New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003. 412 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 365.00. |
Jay R. Mandle. Globalisation and the Poor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. x+157 pages. Paperback. £ 12.95. |
Jane Smith. Empowering People. New Delhi: Kogan Page India (Pvt.) Limited. 2002. 119 pages. Indian Rs 140.00. |
Mukul Sharma (ed.). Improving People’s Lives: Lessons in Empowerment from Asia. (Shorter Notices-2003-1) |
Underground Economy and Tax Evasion in Pakistan:A Critical Evaluation |
Inaugural Address |
Regulatory Framework in Pakistan (The Presidential Address) |
New Issues in Bank Regulation (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Making Globalisation Inclusive of People: A Trade Union Perspective (The Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Privatisation, Regulation, and Competition in South Asia (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Missing Basic Issues on Credit Money: On the Role of Money in Removing World-wide Growth Barriers (The M. L. Qureshi Memorial Lecture) |
Research, Extension, and Information: Key Inputs in Agricultural Productivity Growth (Distinguished Lecture) |
Gender and Public Spending on Education in Pakistan: A Case Study of Disaggregated Benefit Incidence |
How Do Women Decide to Work in Pakistan? |
Key Fundamental Factors and Long-run Price Changes in an Emerging Market—A Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) |
Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: Are they Related? Evidence from South Asian Countries |
Monetary Conditions Index: A Composite Measure of Monetary Policy in Pakistan |
X-efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: A Preliminary Investigation |
Experience of Equity-based Islamic Shares in Pakistan |
Towards Divine Economics: Some Testable Propositions |
Hidden Subsidies |
Wheat Productivity, Efficiency, and Sustainability: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis |
Zero-tillage Technology and Farm Profits: A Case Study of Wheat Growers in the Rice Zone of Punjab |
Economic Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan |
Labour Market Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data |
Determinants of Neonatal and Post-neonatal Mortality in Pakistan |
The Disease Pattern and Utilisation of Health Care Services in Pakistan |
Transfer of Technology: Competition or Cooperation |
The Knowledge-based Economy: Trends and Implications for Pakistan |
Measurement of Cost of Capital for Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan: A Neoclassical Approach |
Foreign Capital Inflows and Domestic Savings in Pakistan: Cointegration Techniques and Error Correction Modelling |
Bringing About a Behavioural Change in Providers to Meet the Reproductive Health Needs of Clients |
Trends in Absolute Poverty in Pakistan: 1990-91 and 2001 |
Non-profit Sector in Pakistan: Government Policy and Future Issues |
Regulation, Competition, and Information |
Structural Issues and Reforms in Financial (non-bank) Market in Pakistan |
An Introduction to Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority |
Iqbal’s Culute-friendly Economic Vision |
Poverty, Feudalism, and Land Reform— The Continued Relevance of Iqbal |
Economic Philosophy of Allama Iqbal |
Economic Vision of Allama Iqbal |
Development Priorities of the Founding Father of Pakistan |
Governance And Poverty In Pakistan |
Vision and Ownership – Understanding Economic Reform |
Pricing Irrigation Water in Pakistan: An Evaluation of Available Options |
The Determinants of Private Fixed Investment and the Relationship between Public and Private Capital Accumulation in Turkey |
Crowding-in or Crowding-out? Modelling the Relationship between Public and Private Fixed Capital Formation Using Co-integration Analysis: The Case of Pakistan 1964-2000 |
The Long-run and Short-run Impact of Exchange Rate Devaluation on Pakistan’s Trade Performance |
Ghanshyam Shah (ed.). Dalit Identity and Politics. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. 363 pages. Indian Rs 295.00. |
John G. Sommer. Empowering the Oppressed: Grassroots Advocacy Movements in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. 207 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
one of the lowest in the world. Twice as many girls die before the age of five than boys and 0.5 percent of all pregnancies result in the child-bearer’s death. On the economic front |
The Exchange Rate and Consumer Prices in Pakistan: Is Rupee Devaluation Inflationary? |
Women’s Role In Domestic Decisionmaking In Pakistan: Implications For Reproductive Behaviour |
Demand for Bank Lending by the Private Business Sector in Pakistan |
Potential for Blue-Gray Water Trade-offs for Irrigation in Small Towns of Pakistan: A Case Study of Farmers’ Costs and Benefits in Haroonabad |
Institutional Approach to E-commerce: An Integrated Framework for Pakistan |
Kiran Bedi, Parminder Jeet Singh, and Sandeep Srivastava. Governance @ Net: New Governance Opportunities for India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. 374 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 295.00. |
Nirmal Sengupta. A New Institutional Theory of Production: An Application. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. Hardbound. Indian Rs 495.00. |
Peter Wilkin. The Political Economy of Global Communication: An Introduction. London: Pluto Press, 2001. vi + 163 pages. Paperback. ,14.99. |
Taeko Hoshino. Industrialisation and Private Enterprises in Mexico. Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies. (Shorter Notices-2002-2) |
Returns to Human Capital in Pakistan: A Gender Disaggregated Analysis |
Adoption of Recommended Varieties: A Farmlevel Analysis of Wheat Growers in Irrigated Punjab |
Financial Capacity and Willingness of Farmers to Pay for Irrigation Services in the Post-reform Scenario in Pakistan: Two Case Studies |
Openness, Stock Market Development, and Industrial Growth in Nigeria |
Agnihotri Satish Balram. Sex Ratio Patterns in the Indian Population: A Fresh Exploration. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 379 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 475.00. |
Jasmine Mirza. Between Chaddor and the Market: Female Office Workers in Lahore. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2002. 266 pages. Hardbound. Rs 395.00. |
Kanakalatha Mukund and B. Syama Sundari. Traditional Industry in the New Market Economy: The Cotton Handlooms of Andhra Pradesh. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. 169 Pages. Hardback. Rs 395.00. |
Srinavas R. Melkote and H. Leslie Steeves. Communication for Development in the Third World: Theory and Practice for Empowerment. (Shorter Notices-2002-1) |
Inaugural Address |
Debt Accumulation and Its Implications for Growth and Poverty (The Presidential Address) |
Debt, Growth, and Poverty in the International Monetary System (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Why Economic Growth Trends Differ So Much across Developing Countries in the Era of Globalisation (The Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Importance of a Population Policy in Pakistan (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Employment Multipliers from Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction (The Ghulam Mohammad Memorial Lecture) |
Social Development, the Empowerment of Women, and the Expansion of Civil Society: Alternative Ways out of the Debt and Poverty Trap (Distinguished Lecture) |
IFIs’ Conditionalities, Poverty Reduction, and Employment |
Stabilisation Policy vs. Growth-oriented Policy: Implication for the Pakistan Economy |
February 2001 Crisis in Turkey: Causes and Consequences |
Theory of Optimal Taxation and Current Tax Policy in Pakistan’s Agriculture |
Political Economy of Fiscal Reforms in the 1990s |
Redistributive Effects of Fiscal Policy across the Income Groups in the Urban-Rural Areas of Pakistan |
Fertility Transition in Pakistan: Evidence from Census |
Population Policy Shifts and Their Implications for Population Stabilisation in Pakistan |
The Long-run Relationship between Real Exchange Rate and Real Interest Rate in Asian Countries: An Application of Panel Cointegration |
Post-liberalisation Efficiency and Productivity of the Banking Sector in Pakistan |
Crowding-out Hypothesis in a Vector Error Correction Framework: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Testing Semi-strong Form Efficiency of Stock Market |
Debt and Economic Growth in South Asia |
Determinants of Debt Rescheduling in Pakistan |
Debt Laffer Curve for South Asian Countries |
Analysis of Issues on Micro Credit—The Case of Two Villages in Punjab |
Determinants of Higher Wheat Productivity in Irrigated Pakistan |
Globalisation and Its Implications for Agriculture, Food Security, and Poverty in Pakistan |
Contribution of Onion Seed Production to Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Malakand Division, Pakistan |
Corruption Perception Indices: A Comparative Analysis |
Growth and Poverty in Pakistan: Implications for Governance |
New Local Government System: A Step Towards Community Empowerment? |
External Market Conditions, Competitiveness, Diversification, and Pakistan’s Export Performance |
Determining Pak Rupee Exchange Rates vis-à-vis Six Currencies of the Industrial World: Some Evidence Based on the Traditional Flow Model |
Reconstruction of Pakistan Economy— An Entrepreneur’s View Point |
Digital Opportunity Initiative for Pakistan |
Industry Risk Premia in Pakistan |
Sectoral Analysis of the Demand for Real Money Balances in Pakistan |
Dynamic Consequences of the 1997 NFC Award: Provincial Social Sector Expenditures |
Endogenous Growth and Human Capital: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and Sri Lanka |
Determinants of Growth Retardation in Pakistani Children under Five Years of Age |
WTO’s Trade Liberalisation, Agricultural Growth, and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan |
Trade Liberalisation Policies, Intra-regional Trade and Opportunities for Sustainable Agricultural Development |
Gender Differences in Demand for Schooling |
Occupational Profile of Poverty in Pakistan |
Poverty, Female Labour Force Participation, and Cottage Industry: A Case Study of Cloth Embroidery in Rural Multan |
The Economics of Stateless Nations: Sovereign Debt and Popular Well-being in Pakistan |
Democratic Welfare State as Visualised by the Quaid-i-Azam |
Economic Vision of the Quaid-i-Azam |
Economic Ideas of the Quaid-i-Azam |
Introducing Iqbal the Economist |
An Overview Of Government’S Poverty Alleviation Policies And Programmes |
On Overinvoicing of Exports in Pakistan |
The Analysis of the Short-term Capital Movements by Using the VAR Model: The Case of Turkey |
Wheat Self-sufficiency in Different Policy Scenarios and Their Likely Impacts on Producers, Consumers, and the Public Exchequer |
Foreign Capital Inflow, Non-traded Intermediary, Urban Unemployment, and Welfare in a Small Open Economy: A Theoretical Analysis |
The Onset of Fertility Transition in Pakistan |
P. R. Brahmananda. Money, Income, Prices in 19th Century India. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House, 2001. 744 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 1800.00. |
Brenda Cranney. Local Environment and Lived Experience: The Mountain Women of Himachal Pradesh. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. Hardbound. 287 pages. Indian Rs 495.00. |
Gurli Jakobsen and Jens Erik Torp (ed.). Understanding Business Systems in Developing Countries. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. Paperback. 260 pages. Indian Rs 225.00. |
John G. Sommer. Empowering the Oppressed: Grassroots Advocacy Movements in India. (Shorter Notices-2001-3) |
Tariff Reduction And Income Distribution: A Cge Based Analysis For Urban And Rural Households In Pakistan |
Tariff Reduction And Functional Income Distribution In Pakistan: A Cge Model |
Directions of U.S. Farm Programmes under a Freer Trade Environment |
The Stock Market and the Economy in Pakistan |
Performance of the Public Electric Power Industry: Evidence from Pakistan |
Assessing Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity Changes in Pakistan: An Application of Complete Decomposition Model |
Karamat Ali (ed). Pakistan: The Political Economy of Human Resource Development. Lahore/Karachi/Islamabad: Vanguard Books (Pvt.), 2001. 231 pages. Hardbound. Rs 595.00. |
Shahid Javed Burki. Changing Perceptions and Altered Realities: Emerging Economies in the 1990s. World Bank, 2000. 198 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Tasneem Ahmad Siddiqui. Towards Good Governance. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000. 235 pages Hardback. Rs 495.00. |
Debal K. SinghaRoy (ed). Social Development and the Empowerment of Marginalised Groups: Perspectives and Strategies. (Shorter Notices-2001-2) |
Critical Review Of Literature On Computable General Equilibrium Models |
Nutritional Status In Pakistan |
Poverty And Labour Market Linkages In Pakistan |
Poverty And Child Mortality In Pakistan |
Profile Of Poverty In Pakistan, 1998 99 |
Agricultural Productivity Growth Differential in Punjab, Pakistan: A District-level Analysis |
Profitability and Pricing in Treasury Bill Auctions: Evidence from Pakistan |
Foreign Capital Inflow, Technology Transfer, and National Income |
Factors Affecting Childhood Immunisation in Bangladesh |
Satu Kahkonen and Anthony Lanyi. Institutions, Incentives, and Economic Reforms in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 516 pages. Hardback. Price Indian Rs 595.00. |
Rita Manchanda (ed.). Women, War and Peace in South Asia: Beyond Victimhood to Agency. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. 304 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 295.00. |
UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2000: Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development. New York: UNCTAD, 2000. xviii+337 pages. Paperback. Price not given. |
Bhargavi V. Davar (ed.). Mental Health from a Gender Perspective. (Shorter Notices-2001-1) |
An Introduction To The 1998 99 Pakistan Socioeconomic Survey (Pses) |
Estimating Poverty in Pakistan: The Non-food Consumption Share Approach |
Analysing Institutional Set-up of Forest Management in Pakistan |
Mimap Synthesis Report: Major Conclusions And Policy Implications |
Tariff Reduction and Income Distribution: A CGE-based Analysis for Urban and Rural Households in Pakistan |
Inaugural Address |
Pakistan’s Economy: Potential and Challenges (Patron’s Address) |
Financing Economic Development (Presidential Address) |
Global Interdependence, Privatisation of Risk and Human Development (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
The Consequences of the Agricultural Productivity Growth for Rural Landless Households: Findings from Research Based on the Indian Green Revolution Experience (The Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Financial Development, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Human Resources, Poverty, and Regional Development (The Sultan S. Hashmi Memorial Lecture) |
Educational Quality and Labour Market Performance in Developing Countries: Some Evidence from Pakistan |
Ethnicity and Earnings: An Analysis of Data for Karachi |
The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and India |
Some Non-price Explanatory Variables in Fertiliser Demand: The Case of Irrigated Pakistan |
Application of Multiple Criteria Decision Models for Oilseed Crops in Pakistan’s Punjab |
The Twin Deficits Phenomenon: Evidence from Pakistan |
Foreign Debt, Dependency, and Economic Growth in South Asia |
Export Diversification and the Structural Dynamics in the Growth Process: The Case of Pakistan |
Economic Growth, Export, and External Debt Causality: The Case of Asian Countries |
How to Live in a Textile Quota-free World |
Poverty Alleviation on a Sustainable Basis in the Islamic Framework |
The Concept of Land Ownership in Islam and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan |
Attitude towards Interest-free Financing among Small Traders and Farmers in Multan |
An Analysis of Reproductive Health Issues in Pakistan |
Determinants of Internal Migration in Pakistan: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey, 1996-97 |
Non-economic Factors in Development |
An Empirical Analysis of Convergence Hypothesis |
The Role of Digital Technology and Regulations in the Diffusion of Mobile Phones in Asia |
The Role of Agricultural Growth in South Asian Countries and the Affordability of Food: An Inter-country Analysis |
NGOs, Micro-finance and Poverty Alleviation: Experience of the Rural Poor in Pakistan |
Impact of Village-specific, Household-specific, and Technological Variables on Poverty in Punjab |
Estimation of Distribution of Income in Pakistan, Using Micro Data |
How Do the Poor Respond to Rising Prices? |
Income, Money, and Prices in Pakistan: Trends and Interrelationship |
Demand for Real Money Balances by the Business Sector: An Econometric Investigation |
Targeting Women in Micro-finance Schemes: Objectives and Outcomes |
Pakistani Couples: Different Productive and Reproductive Realities? |
Analysis of Non-conventional Indicators of Gender Relations: Evidence from Pakistan |
Capital Markets and Foreign Ownership Restrictions: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Stock Markets |
The Systematic Risk and Leverage Effect in the Corporate Sector of Pakistan |
Emerging Capital Markets Development: A Case Study of Pakistani Equity Markets |
Devolution and Fiscal Decentralisation |
Governance, Decentralisation, and Poverty: The Case of Pakistan |
Matching Intentions with Divergent Agendas: Interplay of the State, International Donors, and the Civil Voluntary Initiatives in Pakistan |
Are Status of Women and Contraceptive Prevalence Correlated in Pakistan? |
Labour Market Participation of the Elderly |
Rural Non-agriculture Employment and Poverty in Pakistan |
The Relationship between Real Wages and Output: Evidence from Pakistan |
Impact of Trade Reforms on Poverty |
Poverty in South Asia |
Recent Rise in Poverty and Its Implications for Poor Households in Pakistan |
Poverty Trends and Growth Performance: Some Issues in Bangladesh |
A Note on the Sri Lankan Experience in Poverty Reduction |
What’s Wrong with Contemporary Economics? |
Gender and Health Care Utilisation in Pakistan |
Frisch Demand Functions and Intertemporal Behaviour in Consumption: The Turkish Case |
A Re-examination of Fertility Transition in Pakistan |
Returns to Education between the Self-employed and Employed Sectors: Evidence from Malaysia |
K. G. Karmakar. Rural Credit and Self-help Groups—Micro-finance Needs and Concepts in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. 374 pages. Hardbound. India Rs 465.00. |
H. Malcolm. Public Services through Private Enterprise: Micro-Privatisation for Improved Delivery. New Delhi: Vistaar Publications, 2000. 371 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 450.00. |
Kamal Siddiqui. Land Management in South Asia: A Comparative Study. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1997. 484 pages. Hardbound. Rs 595.00. |
Graham A. N. Wright. Microfinance Systems: Designing Quality Financial Services for the Poor. (Shorter Notices-2000-3) |
Women’s Autonomy in the Context of Rural Pakistan |
Earnings Differential between Public and Private Sectors in Pakistan |
Impacts of Irrigation and Drainage Development Projects in Pakistan: Farmers’ Perceptions |
Exports and Economic Growth: The Arab Experience |
OBITUARY————Sultan S. Hashmi (1921-2000) |
Arun Agrawal. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets, and Community Among a Migrant Pastoral People. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998. 219 pages. Price not given. |
Shahrukh Rafi Khan. Government, Communities, and Non-Governmental Organisations in Social Sector Delivery: Collective Action in Rural Drinking Water Supply. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 1999. 144 pages. Hardbound. Price not given. |
B. A. Prakash (ed.). Kerala’s Economic Development: Issues and Problems. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. 392 pages. Hardbound. Indian Rs 495.00. |
Subhash Bhatnagar and Robert Schware (eds). Information and Communication Technology in Development: Cases from India. (Shorter Notices-2000-2) |
State of Technology and Productivity in Pakistan’s Manufacturing Industries: Some Strategic Directions to Build Technological Competence |
Predicting Money Multiplier in Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Trade Performance vis-à-vis Its Major Trading Partners |
The Effects of Price-support Programme on Farm Tenancy Patterns and Farm Profitability: Some Evidence from Malaysia |
Kirk Johnson. Television and Social Change in Rural India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. 247 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 225.00. |
James C. Scott. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998. 445 pages. Price not given. |
J. V. Vilanilam. More Effective Communication: A Manual for Professionals. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 238 pages. Paperback. Indian Rs 175.00. |
Malcolm Harper. Public Services through Private Enterprise: Micro- Privatisation for Improved Delivery. (Shorter Notices-2000-1) |
Demand for Textile and Clothing Exports of Pakistan |
Alternative Capital Asset Pricing Models: A Review of Theory and Evidence |
Money, Income, Prices and Causality in Pakistan: A Trivariate Analysis |
Education and Earnings in Pakistan |
Price Regulation in Telecommunications Sector and Its Implications |
International Accounting Rate Reform in Telecommunications |
Growth of Livestock Production in Pakistan: An Analysis |
An Assessment of Livestock Production Potential in Pakistan: Implications for Livestock Sector Policy |
Participatory Irrigation Management and its Financial Viability: A Case Study |
Demographic, Socio-economic, and Regional Fertility Differentials in Pakistan |
Poor Performance of Health and Population Welfare Programmes in Sindh: Case Studies in Governance Failure |
Socio-cultural Constraints and Women’s Decision-making Power Regarding Reproductive Behaviour |
Rural Poverty and Credit Use: Evidence from Pakistan |
Impediments to Social Development in Pakistan |
Pakistan’s Ranking in Social Development: Have We Always Been Backward? |
The Theory and Practice of Agricultural Income Tax in Pakistan and a Viable Solution |
Monetary Expansion and Stock Returns in Pakistan |
The Response of Karachi Stock Exchange to Nuclear Detonation |
The Impact of Tariff Reforms on Income Distribution in Pakistan: A CGE-based Analysis |
Conceptual Framework for Growth Triangles |
The Uruguay Round Agreement: Implications for Pakistan’s Textiles and Clothing Sector |
Dynamics of Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Pakistan |
A Sectoral Analysis of Poverty in Pakistan |
Poverty in Pakistan: Increasing Incidence, Chronic Gender Preponderance, and the Plausibility of Grameen-type Intermediation |
Multisectoral Initiatives, Sectoral Inertia: A Dilemma of Governance for Development Policy-makers |
Motivational Aspect of Good Governance |
Capacity Building in Public Sector Organisations |
Do Private Schools Produce More Productive Workers? |
State, Education, and the Market |
Poverty, Gender, and Primary School Enrolment in Pakistan |
Pakistani Bureaucracy: Crisis of Governance and Prospects of Reform |
Solving Organisational Problems with Intranet Technology |
Y2K Interruption: Can the Doomsday Scenario Be Averted? |
The Impact of Changes in Exchange Rate on Prices: A Case Study of Pakistan |
Fiscal Deficits and Debt Dimensions of Pakistan |
Industrial Sector Input Demand Responsiveness and Policy Interventions |
The Time Profile of the Cost Structure in Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector |
Investment, Hysteresis, and Layers of Techniques: A Case Study of Agricultural Manufacturing Machinery in Multan Division |
Recent Evidence on Farm Size and Land Productivity: Implications for Public Policy |
Rural Institutions and Planned Change in Agriculture: A Comparative Perspective in Two Punjabs |
Rural Development in the 21st Century: Some Issues |
‘Urbanisation of Everybody’, Institutional Imperatives, and Social Transformation in Pakistan |
Social Democratic Reform Proposals and the Future of Capitalism |
Sustaining Economic Development by Reforming Basic Institutions through Community Participation |
Inaugural Address |
A Governance Perspective on Development Issues (The Presidential Address) |
Institutional Reforms for Getting an Agricultural Knowledge System to Play Its Role in Economic Growth (The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Lecture) |
Governance (The Iqbal Memorial Lecture) |
Governing for Results in a Globalised and Localised World (The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture) |
Pakistan’s Debt Problem: Its Changing Nature and Growing Gravity (The Distinguishedl Lecture) |